-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Massol [mailto:vincent@massol.net]
Sent: lundi 13 novembre 2006 16:46
To: 'xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org'
Subject: RE: Contributors.txt and @author in license headers
-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Massol [mailto:vincent@massol.net]
Sent: lundi 13 novembre 2006 16:43
To: 'xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org'
Subject: Contributors.txt and @author in license headers
Our license headers say: " * Copyright 2006, XpertNet SARL, and
individual contributors as indicated by the contributors.txt."
There are 3 problems with this that I can see:
1) It's not really English in that it's either missing a "file" at
end or we should remove the "the"
before "contributors" ;-)
2) I cannot find the contributors.txt file!
3) I don't think we should explicitely mention the file name as we'll
always risk having to rename all headers if we decide to put this
somewhere else/name it differently.
4) In several of our license headers there are @authors. For example:
* Copyright 2006, XpertNet SARL, and individual contributors as
* by the contributors.txt.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
* @author ravenees
* @author jeremi
I thought the authors were supposed to be indicated in the
contributors.txt file! :-)
Personally I don't like @author tags and especially not in license
headers (actually it's the first time I ever see them put there, they
are usually put in the class javadoc). The reason I don't like these
tags is because:
* they are always not up to date and there are usually mane more
authors than the ones listed
* we never know what the author has worked on in the file and to what
extent. For example someone could have simply added a missing dot in
* this information is better defined in the SCM which contains the
history and what everyone has exactly contributed
So I'd be in favor of implementing the contributors.txt file and
removing all @authors tags from the license headers.
FWIW in cargo, we store contributions in SVN and they're also available
on the web site at
http://cargo.codehaus.org/Credits. It's never
completely up to date but it's a good first approach. This is the
equivalent of the contributors.txt file.
Ah last point, Maven2's pom.xml has a tag to define both committers and
contributors too. So we could also use that instead of a contributors.txt
file. The advantage is that there's no place to define what the contributors
have contributed too which means it's not going to be obsolete. To see what
contributors have done, people could see fisheye, jira, svn. Actually
fisheye would be the best tool for that, especially as it integrates with
Thus WDYT about using the pom.xml file to indicate committers and
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