Hi Gilles,
On Apr 27, 2007, at 10:41 AM, Gilles Serasset wrote:
Hi Vincent, Hi all,
mmm, sorry, I just tried to figfure out the problems from the doc.
There is a problem already here:
First, the getXXX method do not return the same kind of info:
getServletPath() - decoded
getPathInfo() - decoded
getRequestURI() - remain encoded
getContextPath() - remain encoded
getPathTranslated() - remain decoded
You are using getServletPath which returns a decoded string when
getRequestURI gives you a encoded string. Hence, if a non ascii
char is used in the ServletPath, the length of the servletPath will
be shorter than its encoded conterpart.
Yes this is a limitation and I assumed (probably wrongly) that
servlet path wouldn't contain non ascii chars. If we have a better
solution I'm all for it...
Second, you don't have to fix the encoding anymore
as it is not
(incorrectly) decoded by the container. However, you have to decode
it correctly using the java.net.URLDecoder class (and passing it
you wiki encoding).
I don't understand what you're saying here. All I can say is that the
existing code wasn't working at all and it now works in all cases
I've tried except when the user enters non ascii chars directly in
the URL. Creating pages/links using XWiki works fine.
We discussed this with Sergiu and we'd like to modify xwiki so that:
- we assume that all URLs we get are URL encodings of UTF8 chars always
- when we generate URLs we UTF8 encode them (and then URL encode them)
Third, in the case where you call getPathInfo, you
should put:
path = fixDecodedURI(request, request.getPathInfo());
This is what you had before but it wasn't working... That's what I
fixed :)
Sorry, I'm teaching all day, so can't tell you
more now...
Regards, Gilles,
On 25 avr. 07, at 16:01, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Gilles (and everyone interested),
I have modified today the XWiki.getDocumentName() method. I've
seen that you had modified it in the past to add the call to
fixDecodedURI(). I think it's no longer required but I'd like to
have your opinion on that.
Here's the modified version:
public String getDocumentName(XWikiRequest request, XWikiContext
else {
// TODO: Introduce a XWikiURL class in charge of
getting the information relevant
// to XWiki from a request URL (action, space,
document name, file, etc)
// Important: We cannot use getPathInfo() as the
container encodes it and different
// containers encode it differently, depending on
their internal behavior and how
// they are configured. Thus to make this container-
proof we use the
// getRequestURI() which isn't modified by the
container and is thus only
// URL-encoded.
// Note: Ideally we should modify the
getDocumentNameFromPath method but in order
// not to introduce any new bug right now we're
reconstructing a path info that we
// pass to it using the following algorithm:
// path info = requestURI - (contextPath +
String path;
if (!request.getRequestURI().startsWith(
request.getContextPath() + request.getServletPath()))
log.warn("Request URI [" + request.getRequestURI()
+ "] should have matched "
+ "context path [" + request.getContextPath()
+ "] and servlet path ["
+ request.getServletPath() + "]");
// Even though this branch shouldn't get executed
we never know what containers
// will return and thus in order to be safe we
fall back to the previous
// behavior which was to use getPathInfo() for
getting the path (with the
// potential issue with i18n encoding as stated
path = request.getPathInfo();
} else {
path = request.getRequestURI().substring(
request.getContextPath().length() +
// TODO: I think it's safe to remove the fixDecodedURI
now that we're not using
// getPathInfo() and thus the container doesn't encode
anything but I don't want
// to break anything at this late stage (we're
releasing 1.0 RC2). Remove it when
// we start working on 1.1.
docname =
path), context);
return docname;
Thanks a lot
Gilles Sérasset
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