Hi devs,
I want to develop a way to make xwiki retrieve data from rss feeds
or an api and make pages out of them (actually I want it to magically
appear, but don't think that is likely to happen ; ).
I also want to explore getting xwiki to check these feeds for changes
to the entries already imported and adjust (or synchronise) the
imported content when changes are present.
This will be (in most part) replicating the functionality of a
WordPress plugin called feedwordpress:
The data I want to import is from bibsonomy
who have just released an api, but who have very flexible rss feeds
available through which most of the information I want to import is
made available.
I found a very helpful post on this list which was heading in my
direction, with xml, http get/post and javascript implementations to
get a dynamically generated page in xwiki to be saved as a static page:
I am new to xwiki and wanted to get these ideas checked out before
committing time to implementing them. So I'd appreciate any thoughts,
comments, code, relevant to the above.
with thanks, dajabo