The transformatin is based on regular expressions declared in
Michael Dietrich wrote:
Dear XWiki'ers,
currently we are working on the development of a Curikki based platform
and want to allow the insertion of applets and flash movies into
Therefore I tried to extend the wikieditor theme to allow
the addition of applets (and later flash movies) to resources.
Here I am basing on the "Insert image" functionality and created
something similar for applets, but my applet HTML is not inserted into
I think there is some code transformation happening, because
when I add an image in tinyMCE the inserted html-code is transformed
to the image macro code.
And this transformation propably removes my applet HTML code.
Where is this transformation happening?
(I've gone through the JS code until I reached the following instruction
this.getDoc().execCommand("inserthtml", false, value)
which is doing the insertion I guess, but I have not found the source
code for inserthtml)
Another question I have is: Where is the postprocessing of the tinymce
content done?
I mean if I add an image to the resource and click the submit button,
the image files is copied
from the temporary asset directory to its final destination directory
which means that
the src attribute needs to be modified, too.
Could anyone tell me which classes are used to do this modification?
Thank you very much for your help.
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Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
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