syam_kg wrote:
In the Registartion section of Admin Preferences,there is a field 'Check
Active fields for user authentication'. Could anybody please tell me what is
meant by this. Also please explain what should be put into the fields
'Validation e-Mail Content ','Confirmation e-Mail Content' and
eMail Content' and how xwiki validates the registration.
Selecting "Use email verification" causes a verification email to be
sent to the email address provided by the user at registration. Still,
this doesn't prevent the user from logging in and using his account
until following the validation link in that email.
On the other hand, selecting "Check Active fields for user
authentication" does exactly this: prevent the user from using his
account until following the validation link.
Last night I committed some values for the validation and confirmation
email, which will be part of XWiki Enterprise starting with 1.6M1. Until
1.6 is released, you can put these in your wiki:
Validation email content:
#set($wikiurl = $xwiki.getDocument("Main.WebHome").getExternalURL())
#set($wikiname = $wikiurl.substring($wikiurl.indexOf("//")))
#set($wikiname = $wikiname.substring(2, $wikiname.indexOf("/", 3)))
Subject: Validate your account on $wikiname
Hello $xwiki.getUserName("XWiki.$xwikiname", false),
This email address was used to register a new account on ${wikiname}. If
you did not make the request, please ignore this message.
In order to activate your account, please follow this link:
Confirmation email content:
#set($wikiurl = $xwiki.getDocument("Main.WebHome").getExternalURL())
#set($wikiname = $wikiurl.substring($wikiurl.indexOf("//")))
#set($wikiname = $wikiname.substring(2, $wikiname.indexOf("/", 3)))
Subject: Your account on $wikiname has been activated
Hello $xwiki.getUserName("XWiki.$xwikiname", false),
Your account on $wikiname has been successfully activated. You can now
login at
using your username ($xwiki.getDocument($xwikiname).getName()).
You must also create a wiki page at XWiki/AccountValidation and put this
#if("$!{request.validkey}" != "" &&
"$!{request.xwikiname}" != "")
#if($xwiki.validateUser(true) == 0)
#set($loginURL = $xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogin', 'login'))
#info("Your account has been activated. You can now <a
#warning("There was a problem validating your account. Please
contact an administrator.")
Sergiu Dumitriu