Hi devs,
I've put on
http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Roadmap coarse dates for
the 3.x releases. I've followed our past rules and rhythm, which is about 2.5 months
for each release and a total of about 1 year for a Cycle.
This gives:
* 3.0: March 2011
* 3.1: May 2011
* 3.2: July 2011
* 3.3: September 2011
* 3.4: November 2011
* 3.5: January 2012
The reason why I thought it would be good to be visible on our Roadmap page is to provide
additional visibility to our users so that they can plan ahead their
installations/upgrades of XE.
* Definition of Release Cycle:
Let me know if this doesn't correspond to your idea.