Hi Florin,
Florin Ciubotaru wrote:
XWiki has evolved a lot in the past year and new client apps were created.
Our current Xml-Rpc API is aligned to the Confluence 1.0 API
specification and hasn't been really enriched in a long time.
Since we have some distinct features like 'polyglot wiki' I propose to
create a new "xwiki2" method set to handle XWiki 2.0 method calls.
The new handler will be added to the Apache Xml-Rpc servlet properties file.
Proposed new xml-rpc methods(mostly needed for XEclipse, XOffice and XOO):
- parseFromHtml(String html, String syntax) : String
- render(String source, String syntaxId) : String
I'm not sure about the name of these methods. "parseFromHtml" does parse
the input HTML into XDOM but also renders the XDOM into the specified
syntax. "render" uses the (X)HTML renderer but also needs a syntax
specific parser. Moreover why are you restricting the API to HTML? Some
clients might know other syntaxes. I think it's better to have a generic
convert(text, fromSyntax, toSyntax) method.
- cleanHtml(String dirtyHtml) : String
- add class (
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3499 )
- getConfiguredSyntaxes
- getVirtualWikisNames
- getMacros, etc.
Proposed Xml-Rpc model extensions:
- Page
- syntaxId;
- ServerInfo/Wiki:
- isMultiWiki
- defaultSyntax
- encoding
Sounds good overall, +1
Florin Ciubotaru
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