Paul Libbrecht <paul@...> writes:
One first small critique I have is that you say you
implement copy-and-
paste but you actually only do this internally...
External copy&paste needs
TeX, MathML etc. serialization/de-serialization to be
useful, that's why it is not implemented yet.
The claim for computability is bold, be very careful
there: it would
mean you can serialize to MathML content or OpenMath
Computability is our main goal
- we can not do without it in our main project.
So we'll have it that way or another. :)
Features ordered by a priority for us:
Editing usability.
Good API.
Platform independence and flexibility.
Formula checking and analysing layers (we are going to adapt existing
other features.
We can shift our priorities a little if there's someone eager to participate in
implementing a particular feature (e.g serialization, external copy&paste,
static image rendering etc.).
but, at least now, you allow a++b which has no
Many editors offer both modes: with computability and without.
I think, that
we'll also provide both. We've divided this into several layers.
The editing layer provides user with tools to specify what exactly he means when
typing in a formula (the hard part).
And then come several checking layers, that will be implemented separately.
There we're going to check for brackets, operators and even types (e.g grams vs
newtons). Those layers are heavily dependent on the computation engine that is
used in a particular project.
Editing layer will show hints and marks provided by checking layers.
Best wishes,