From: Evelina Slatineanu []
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 5:05 PM
To: 'XWiki Developers'
Subject: Lightbox proposals
Hello all,
Due to the fact that we want to make the lightbox a standard feature for
xwiki and the current lightbox used for Users & Groups management is not
quite complete (and the code needs to be cleaned a little bit), I was
thinking that we need a "multi-purpose" lightbox that could support Ajax but
still work fine without it (which is not the case of the current one), that
could load media files (for instance .swf, quicktime movies etc), .pdf,
pages containing frames, inline content (no Ajax) etc. Therefore we would
need a nicer lightbox.
So, there are 2 proposals from me:
1. To spend some time improving the current lightbox to support all
the above (which will mean practically re-writing it FROM SCRATCH and will
take some time - one, two weeks or more, depending of my time, as my
priority now is Chronopolys)
2. Use one of the existing lightboxes that I found on the Internet
(customized for xwiki), like:
- LightWindow (using prototype and scriptaculous), which is quite
complete and MIT - licenced
- A lightbox based on yui library (which is already in the
albatross and probably will quite a nice library imo), like the
one below, which has the nice feature of being "movable":
- ModalBox, another lightbox using prototype + scriptaculous, which
looks nice but I am not sure about the licence
and there are more out there on the web :P
Personaly, I think the one with most features is LightWindow, but that would
mean to keep scriptaculous framework .
So, I would like your opinions on this matter (ideas, suggestions, maybe
some other lightbox features you would like to have as standard in xwiki