Hi Everyone, Hi Marius,
Maybe the last three of unclickable mail html is generated before and saved
in the page. I will farther look into this. Thank you.
Here is the last email that I sent:
Here is the code that I embeded in the Xwiki page, I just only include
just once:
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/mail/mail.nocache.js", true)
<div id="DR_TreeView"></div>
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/mail/mail.nocache.js", true)
<div id="DR_TreeView"></div>
This will result at the top of the page that have the clickable Mail example
functioning well, at the bottom it follows two unclickable Mail example,
just like html displayed. And follows 6 xwe.onInjectionDone('xwe') sep . It
seems although I used $xwiki.jsfx.use, the JavaScript code still parsed as
wiki syntax and display as text. So what should I do?
Marius, you said "to include the JavaScript code so that it ends up in your
HTML page's head not body". Could you explain a little what do you mean by
page's body and head?" by head do you mean on the top of the page.
Thank you.
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