IE browser crash
In a sane world, this would serve as just one more reason not to click
on the blue 'e'. In my world, however, it threatens to scuttle a
project to re-host an enterprise-wide reference web site, so I'm hoping
someone else has seen this. Considering how little I have to go on, I'm
embarassed to share it with the list, but I'm approaching desparation.
The evidence I have is sketchy, so the characterization is a bit thin,
but here goes:
On XWiki 0.9.840, IE occasionally crashes while reloading a document
after saving it. The save succeeds, and reloading the doc again causes
no problems. I don't yet have a handle on the browser's memory use or
anything characterizing the other docs the users have visited, but it
appears to be unrelated to the specific document. At the moment I'm not
aware of crashes at any other times, so I'm grateful for that much,
being the firmest bit of evidence I've got.
Anyone had any similar experiences that might shed light on the subject?