Hi all,
I have started implementing tagging in my environment using the instructions :
Unfortunatly when I am creating the TagMacro page I get the error message:
"Your request has been blocked. If you feel this is an error, please contact us at webmaster at xwiki dot com. Thanks."
I wanted to start from scratch again because I was not sure I created the Tag Class correctly, but I found that it was not possible to get rid off a class.
What can I do?
When creating a new template, class based page (e.g. the FAQs), I
occasionally (maybe 1 in 40-50 times) get a blank document after
filling out the form and clicking save. I have seen this both on
xwiki.org/xwiki.com and 2 personal 0.9.840 installations. Several
other users of these installations have seen this issue too.
Here's an example:
I created that document from the "create a new FAQ entry" form on
http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/WebHome . I was presented
with the FAQ form, which I filled out. But when I pressed Save,
frustratingly it just saved a blank document. My form content was
gone. No object is associated with the doc - it's as if the template
was completely ignored.
Has anyone else has seen this before?
Any ideas re what could be causing it?
Hi, sorry the repost.
I follow the instructions for creating a class, like
How can i delete this class?
Also, anybody knows why this documents are not indexed by the lucene
plugin ?
Please, thanks.
A.U.S. Enrique Ferreyra
Centro de Cómputos
Red Megatone - Red Confina
I have XWiki 0.9.840 running in a local intranet and have a big problem
with some documents. These documents contain several objects with a
specific set of properties. One of the property is a DBStringListClass.
For a few days I changed the behaviour from single to multiple
After that everything seems fine until I restarted xwiki.
Now some of the documents throw the following exceptions:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'parseContent' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception class java.lang.NullPointerException : null
Error number 3202 in 3: Exception while reading document LFS.FontconfigInstall
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3212 in 3: Exception while loading object LFS.FontconfigInstall
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3212 in 3: Exception while saving property component of object LFS.FontconfigInstall
Wrapped Exception: No row with the given identifier exists: [com.xpn.xwiki.objects.DBStringListProperty#
The page isn't displayed. For this I cannot repair the documents.
As I understand it right the problem is an incorrect relation between a specific
set of datas for the object on the document.
Is it possible to get the documents back to work?
Dipl. Inform. Frank Häfemeier <frank(a)haefemeier.net>
On other wikis I know there is a way to find how many references there
are to a page, and also a way to see a list of all the pages with links
that lead to a page (i.e. backlinks). I googled for this for xwiki, and
found a couple of posts, but didn't have any luck figuring it out.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get xwiki to do this? I'm just
getting a free site, I'm not running my own server. My wiki is:
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi Jérémi,
Not quite - the problem I'm having seems to stem from getDocument usage to collect objects. I've done a bit of testing
I guess to illustrate, here is a snippet of the code I currently use (where the problem seems to be at least):
#set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.SampleBookTest001Class' and obj.name<>'XWiki.SampleBookTest001ClassTemplate' order by obj.name asc")
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
#set($oDocObject= $xwiki.getDocument($item))
#set($bentryobj = $oDocObject.getObject("XWiki.SampleBookTest001Class"))
#set($initialReqDate = $oDocObject.display("dtInitialReq","view", $bentryobj))
<tr title="Initial Request Date: ${initialReqDate}">
<td valign="top" width="30%">
[$oDocObject.display("SampleReference","view", $bentryobj)>$oDocObject.name]
<td colspan="2" width="50%">
<table border-left="1" width="98%">
#set($objects= $oDocObject.getObjects("XWiki.SamplePartEntryClass"))
#foreach($object in $objects)
<td width="50%">$oDocObject.display("PartNum","rendered",$object)</td>
<td width="50%">$oDocObject.display("DeliveryRequest","rendered",$object)</td>
<td valign="top" width="20%">$oDocObject.display("MVSEngineer","view", $bentryobj)</td>
What I'm finding is that the $xwiki.getDocument() call is making the time-to-run for these details extremely long (removing the getDocument makes this call exremely fast for 130 documents, whereas normally it takes up to and over two minutes, keeping tomcat at 50% during the collection). You can imagine what happens when more than one person gets a listing (tried convincing powers-that-be about pagination, not an option they're willing to allow for this).
My thinking (maybe incorrect) was, remove the getDocument() call and replace with a plain data query, so that I don't need to gather the actual document object - though maybe that's the wrong way round?
-----Original Message-----
From: jeremi joslin [mailto:jeremi23@gmail.com]
Sent: 21 April 2006 02:36
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] HQL Queries - multiple objects
i'm not sure if it's what you want.
the code below search every page which contains a class "XWiki.CandidatClass" except the page "XWiki.CandidatClassTemplate"
and have a property status=$status.
#macro (showCandidat $status)
#set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.CandidatClass' and obj.name<>'XWiki.CandidatClassTemplate' and obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='status' and prop.value='$status' order by prop.value
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql)) #set($bentrydoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item)) #set($bentryobj = $bentrydoc.getObject("XWiki.CandidatClass"))
1.1.1 [$bentrydoc.display("name","view", $bentryobj)>$bentrydoc.FullName] #end #end
Is it what you mean?
On 4/20/06, Esbach, Brandon <Esbachb(a)tycoelectronics.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering, is it possible to use a single query to get document
> details and specified linked objects using one query (specific fields
> of those objects would be even better)?
> For example,
> A document is created using a class template.
> Inside the document are used two other classes, which are used
> multiple times.
> One of those classes is used for critical information that needs to be
> shown in the document listing.
> Currently what I do is to return a query based on the class for
> documents, then loop through those results for document names. Inside
> each loop I'm performing a second loop for the class with critical
> information (shown in the listing). This eventually results in some
> fairly heavy traffic (as you could imagine), which I'd like to resolve.
> Not sure if this description is clear enough, but any suggestions or
> idea's would be welcome!
> Brandon Esbach
> Software Engineer
> M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
> LoughMahon Technology Park,
> Skehard Road,
> Blackrock,
> Cork, Ireland
> Tel +353 21 4808305
> --
> You receive this message as a subscriber of the
> xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org mailing list.
> To unsubscribe:
> mailto:xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
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Blog: http://www.jeremi.info
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1437724
Project Manager XWiki: http://www.xwiki.org
skype: jeremi23 -- msn et gtalk : jeremi23(a)gmail.com
Hi all,
I was wondering, is it possible to use a single query to get document
details and specified linked objects using one query (specific fields of
those objects would be even better)?
For example,
A document is created using a class template.
Inside the document are used two other classes, which are used multiple
One of those classes is used for critical information that needs to be
shown in the document listing.
Currently what I do is to return a query based on the class for
documents, then loop through those results for document names. Inside
each loop I'm performing a second loop for the class with critical
information (shown in the listing). This eventually results in some
fairly heavy traffic (as you could imagine), which I'd like to resolve.
Not sure if this description is clear enough, but any suggestions or
idea's would be welcome!
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305
Hi, i made a FAQ Class like the guide says
The thing is, now im searching some text that is in the FAQ with the
Lucene Search Plugin and it is not founded.
There is a problem ? should be founded? somebody understans why it
should be founded /not founded ?
A.U.S. Enrique Ferreyra
Centro de Cómputos
Red Megatone - Red Confina
Hi, i try to follow the FAQs Class tutorial, but something i did was wrong..
How i delete the whole thing, i mean the class and forms
<http://ntecno/xwiki/bin/view/GuiaErroresSI4gl/GuiaErroresSI4glClass>) ?
A.U.S. Enrique Ferreyra
Centro de Cómputos
Red Megatone - Red Confina
How can I move the search bar on the wiki page to the left hand side of the
page? I moved every other thing from the right to the left side of the page
but the search bar simply got duplicated, one on the right and the other on
the left. How can I get rid of the one on the right side becase it basically
serves the same purpose as the other one.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/move-search-bar-t1475162.html#a3990389
Sent from the XWiki- Users forum at Nabble.com.