I've been looking for premade skins or howto's to edit skins in an
effective way, but the only thing I came up with is:
I decided to try it out, but somehow I dont find where I can edit my
stylesheet document.
Does somebody else have a skin I can use? Or maybe a guide?
Raven Demeyer
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF,
All my base are belong to you.
Sorry if I was posting short questions not datailing the problem and the obstacle that I found.
About my knowledge, I guess the objective of a mail list is to help somebody that don't have so much knowledge. Whatever...
I will not be tedios giving excuses.
So, I ask for apologies for the inconvenience.
I will try to give so much details in my next questions to the xWiki communit.
Sorry again.
Filipe Fumaux
-----Original Message-----
From: Ludovic Dubost [mailto:ludovic@xwiki.com]
Sent: terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2006 20:01
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] [OFF TOPIC] Sadness
To detail more,
The core XWiki team is highly busy in trying to improve the XWiki core
and finding and executing business contracts allowing to grow the
permanent team of people working on XWiki, allowing to improve even more
this software shared with the Open Source community.
Thus the core XWiki team is relying on volunteers to answer most
questions asked in these mailing list. I'd like by the way to thank our
users who find the time to answer them and tell them that it's a great
help. It really allows us to focus on working on the code and still
allow users to get answers about XWiki especially when the documentation
is not up to date.
However as is stating Yoav, people answer when they have the time
knowledge and the inclination. Nobody should expect real-time answers
from these mailing lists (at XWiki.com we do have support contracts for
that -> http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Company/Support+Contracts)
Often the inclination comes from the idea that answering will globally
help the community. Community members do not only answer questions
because they are purely generous (although they are) but also because
they believe it will boomerang back to them positively by growing and
improving the global community knowledge. This is very subjective I know
and I don't want to guess to much what motivates other users to answer
and neither go too much into detail about what motivates me to answer.
However I can list a few reasons why your questions Filipe, are not
highly motivating for people to answer:
- You questions are too short, they don't give enough context. They
don't tell what you have researched on your end and why you did not find
the answer yourself.
- Some questions have been repeated (when will a new build available
following new commits)
and most importantly, your questions don't show how you will bring back
to the community. They feel like somebody only looking for answers and
not necessarly looking to help back. Also they feel like you have not an
in deep knowledge of Java and Tomcat and that therefore there is a good
chance you will keep asking for more questions before starting to help
anybody else.
This brings back to the objective of xwiki-users and xwiki-dev. These
are not support forums. These mailing lists are here to exchange
information and share knowledge about xwiki. Share means both ways.
Support is one way.
I hope my answer was not to rude and will help you understand why maybe
your questions have not been answered. I'm sure you don't mean any harm
and that you are truly excited about XWiki and using it in your company.
We are very happy about that but the community is still growing and
cannot help without feeling it will be something that will accelerate
the project's reach and future. Maybe you can show how you are willing
to help out the community and then I'm sure some members will be happy
to help you out.
> Filipe,
> Don't worry about your English, it's fine ;) Like other open-source
> projects, XWiki relies on volunteers to help answer questions and
> contribute to the community. People answer if/when they have the
> time, the knowledge, and the inclination. It may take a long time...
> Yoav
> On 5/30/06, Filipe <Filipe(a)drive.com.br> wrote:
>> I'm so unhappy because nobody's answering my questions.
>> I ask for excuses for my terrible english, but I'm trying to be
>> better that I can.
>> So, sorry if nobody understand me.
>> I'm so enthusiastic for the xWiki, but I'm having couple doubts about
>> configuration, developing and management. I've some ideas to
>> implement in xwiki but don't know if is import to the all project.
>> Whatever...
>> Sorry, but I'm feeling a little alone to learn about xWIKI and
>> implant in my company.
>> If I'm wrong sorry for this. Is just a relief.
>> Regards to all.
>> Att,
>> Filipe Fumaux
>> --
>> You receive this message as a subscriber of the
>> xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org mailing list.
>> To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
>> For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
>> ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> You receive this message as a subscriber of the xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org mailing list.
> To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
> For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws
Ludovic Dubost
XPertNet: http://www.xpertnet.fr/
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
Yeh I renamed to "Changed subject: moving installation"
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Stone [mailto:Tom.Stone@KLEENEZE.co.uk]
Sent: 31 May 2006 10:48
To: 'xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org'
Subject: [xwiki-users] Apologies
Tom Stone
Network Administrator
Sorry I forgot to change the topic on my first email I sent
Hi Tom,
Here's what I did when I moved servers:
1) Backup xwiki database using the administrator.
2) Install all applications required on new svr - JDK5, tomcat5, mySQL4.
You must set the Max Packet Size to a large number to accommodate the
import at step4.
3) Install the Xwiki as new on the next system; BUT stop when you get
the the .sql import (last step for me usually on installation).
4) Now use the backup file created at step1 instead of the .sql file
downloaded from the Xwiki site.
You should be able to start the xwiki and login practically immediately.
Permissions needed: Tomcat will require one of the files to be given
permission to all users, iirc - not too sure on that sorry. Win2k3 was
a nightmare to do in this regard, but patience got me thru
I've done the move twice, once from my own pc to a temp server, and once
from the temp server to a new server - both times I managed to get the
xwiki up in around 30 minutes or so as I just moved the xwiki files
straight to the new server (don't think you can do this with Linux?).
I have not moved from windows to Linux YET (next move), but I would
assume since the mySQL is common source, there should be no problem
using a windows mySQL backup.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Stone [mailto:Tom.Stone@KLEENEZE.co.uk]
Sent: 31 May 2006 10:35
To: 'xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org'
Subject: RE: [xwiki-users] [OFF TOPIC] Sadness
I have been running an XWiki server on my PC for about 3 weeks and have
been entering a lot of useful information about our companies IT
This is currently on a Windows XP machine running Tomcat and MySQL.
I am in the process of setting up a Dell server running either aLinux or
Debian Linux to act as a permanent home for the XWiki.
If I follow the installation instructions on setting up a new XWiki -
can I then just copy the XWiki database over from the Windows PC and set
access rights to the XWiki user or is it more complicated than that (if
so can anyone point me in the direction of any documentation)
Tom Stone
Network Administrator
I'm so unhappy because nobody's answering my questions.
I ask for excuses for my terrible english, but I'm trying to be better that I can.
So, sorry if nobody understand me.
I'm so enthusiastic for the xWiki, but I'm having couple doubts about configuration, developing and management. I've some ideas to implement in xwiki but don't know if is import to the all project.
Sorry, but I'm feeling a little alone to learn about xWIKI and implant in my company.
If I'm wrong sorry for this. Is just a relief.
Regards to all.
Filipe Fumaux
I have downloaded the latest XWiki as eXo war and tried to deploy it. I was
able to add it as portlet in the portlet administration. (Click on "import
portlet" works fine). But when I try to actually add it to a container
(Click on "add portlet") I can see xwiki in the list and also select it but
then I get exceptions. (See the two screenshots I attached to this mail)
Here is what I have done:
1. Install J2SDK and set JAVA_HOME
2. Install the latest eXo-tomcat (Version 1.1.1 or so)
3. Install MySQL (the latest MySQL 4.1.x)
4. Create a user xwiki/xwiki in it
5. Dump the XWiki SQL script into it
6. Grant all privileges of user xwiki to that database
7. Rename the eXo download thing to xwiki.war
8. Throw that into /exo-tomcat/webapps
9. Download the MySQL driver version 3.1 (or so) and throw the jar into the
common/lib directory of tomcat
10. Start exo-tomcat
11. Log in as exoadmin and import new portlets -> the folder xwiki with item
xwiki appears
12. Log in as exo and try to add the xwiki to a container
That is the moment where I get the exceptions as shown in the screenshots.
Any ideas?
Ever since our XWiki Systems Admin upgraded our installation to 0.1, the
following error is displayed over the top menu that runs horizontally across
every page:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Main.pageNameGrid
Wrapped Exception: Encountered "style" at line 13, column 38. Was expecting
one of: "," ... ")" ... Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity
page Main.pageNameGrid
Wrapped Exception: Encountered "style" at line 13, column 38.
Was expecting one of:
"," ...
")" ...
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Thank you,
On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to
get there! http://lifeevents.msn.com/category.aspx?cid=Retirement
(Apologies to those who got clobbered by my out of date Digital ID - I will
not sign messages to the group any more - re-post)
Does anyone have a more extensive Wiki plug-in example?
I'm needing to do an LDAP directory application, and I'm lazy, so I don't
want to do the whole UI. So I figure I can create an LDAP search plug-in
that does:
$results =
Foreach ($result in $results)
$record = $xwiki.ldapsearch.get($result)
. or something like that - anyhow. The idea is to create a list of names,
phone numbers, etc. that match the search criteria.
Unfortunately, the example "hello world" plug-in does not show off a
collection, so if anyone has any pointers, I'd like to hear them.
Of course, if anyone has already done this, I'd definitely like to hear that
Adrian Hall
Sr. Product Line Manager
Technology Partnerships
Ph: (408) 667-4977
MSN: ahall(a)mirapoint.com
Skype: adrianhall