Newbie user here, I apologize in advance if my question is an obvious
FAQ. I tried to research it myself with no luck. My question is
simple: where can I find the changes feed for an individual wiki page?
I installed XWiki, everything is working fine, including the feed for
all the changes which I access via the little RSS button in the
bottom-right corner, which points to
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebRss?xpage=rdf. So far,
so good. But my individual wiki pages don't seem to have this button.
Am I just missing something obvious?
Thank you,
Yoav Shapira
Are you sure that user name as it appears in user admin page
(Xwiki.XWikiUsers) is exactly the same as in group admin page ??
I don't think names with ':' are suitable name.
For instance in my wiki the names are of this form: 'XWiki.jbousque' in
groups users list.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tchize [mailto:tchize@myrealbox.com]
> Sent: mardi 16 mai 2006 10:55
> To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
> Subject: [xwiki-users] assigning users to groups does not work?
> Hello,
> am trying to assign user to a group.
> I go in the web interface and add a user. I go to
> /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAdminGroup and click on 'edit
> table'. The interface then shows this when i query the group:
> Group members
> Member
> xwiki:delbd
> XWiki.delbd
> xwiki:XWiki.delbd
> delbd
> However, if i log with this user, he doesn't appear to be
> part of the groups, he doesn't have the rights associated
> with the group.
> I did a step by step run of xwiki code in eclipse in
> XWikiRightServiceImpl and i found in line 300 that Collection
> glist = groupService.listGroupsForUser(name, context); return
> an empty list for user 'delbd'
> What is the problem? Did i fail in some way?
am trying to assign user to a group.
I go in the web interface and add a user. I go to
/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAdminGroup and click on 'edit table'. The
interface then shows this when i query the group:
Group members
However, if i log with this user, he doesn't appear to be part of the
groups, he doesn't have the rights associated with the group.
I did a step by step run of xwiki code in eclipse in
XWikiRightServiceImpl and i found in line 300 that
Collection glist = groupService.listGroupsForUser(name, context);
return an empty list for user 'delbd'
What is the problem? Did i fail in some way?
Hello everyone
Is there a possibility of listing all the connected users from a
Velocity script?
I looked in the source code and I did not find any method that can do
something like that from the context or xwiki objects.
I wonder if anyone has used xwiki to publish structured data like a research paper. There are multiple sections and some metadada for each paper. I would like to input these sections and metadata in different fields so that they can be searched by individual section or metadata field later. In addition, I want to save each paper in XML format as well. What are the possible ways to implement these new functions?
I've read some of the archives, and this list looks pretty friendly.
I'd be grateful for some help. I've been running XWiki for about two
weeks and plan to use it for work. The PDF and RSS features are
outstanding! I've also spend a lot of time looking at the xwiki.org
site and the FAQs on xwiki.com, looking for answers and finding some
good ones
Now the list of questions:
I'd really like to change the look of the site. There's an FAQ for
creating skins, but I can only see it in French. Unfortunately, I
don't read French. Is there an English language version?
I did manage to get Google to try to translate the document, but it
wasn't really readable.
Comments preferences
I found the FAQ on reversing comments order. Either I missed something,
or it wasn't clear whether I was supposed to directly edit comments2.vm
in the templates dir, or paste the contents of the file into the
"Comments" area for the default skin. So I did the pasting and modified
the code there with good results. So it appears that if your current
skin object doesn't have anything defined for a particular property, it
defaults to the file in the templates directory. Is this true? Next
question is about preferences. Looking deeper at the code for
comments2.vm, there are calls to $xwiki.getWebPreference to retrieve
values for "showcomments" and "commentsorder". Where and how are these
preference values defined? I search xwiki.org, the FAQ, and Googled,
with no luck.
Email registration verification
Okay, I found the setting for using email verification of registrations
by going to XWiki preference, registration. Do these settings do
anything yet? I tried turning them on, but it doesn't appear to change
anything about the registration process. I'm on 0.9.840.
I have many more questions, but that's probably too many already.
Thanks in advance,
Chris Rigsby
Systems Architect, Enterprise Application Systems
University of Minnesota
rigsb007(a)umn.edu * 612/624-5334
Has anyone got a method for searching PDF attachments (and/or other
attachment types) that have been stored alongside documents?
I have the following search SQL:
#set($sql= ", XWikiAttachment attach, XWikiAttachmentContent as attachc
where doc.web = 'KB.AnalystDocs' and doc.id = attach.docId and attach.id =
attachc.id and attachc.content like '%$text%' order by doc.name")
in my WebSearch page. Unfortunately, that doesn't decode the content, which
I would like to do.
Any pointers on how to do this would be gratefully received.
(Perhaps altering the upload code that that when it stores it, it tries to
do a to text translation using plug-in types?)
Adrian Hall
Sr. Product Line Manager, Administration and Identity Management
e. ahall(a)mirapoint.com; t. +1 (408) 720-3856; c. +1 (408) 667-4977
Thanks for the suggestions guys - most likely I'll stick to hibernate as
this gives me central control over how my users are represented and
Currently there are not too many people registered on our server, but
we're looking at rollout in large numbers once we're past the test
stages - so I'll need to figure out how Hibernate works with this type
of query in the long run.
Thanks again!
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Koeninger [mailto:jkoenin@jjcc.com]
Sent: 11 May 2006 16:13
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Joining two fields;
I'm no HQL expert, but I'm guessing you can do something like this:
firstname.value || ' ' || lastname.value from
BaseObject obj,
StringProperty firstname,
StringProperty lastname
obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers' and
firstname.id=obj.id and
firstname.name = 'first_name' and
lastname.id = obj.id and
lastname.name = 'last_name'
Untested so you may have to play around with it to get it to work.
Hopefully I'm not too far off the mark.
Also, depending on how your database's query optimizer works, a join
might perform better. Of course, that also depends on how Hibernate
translates the HQL to SQL. Hibernate *may* be smart enough to convert
this to a join in which case it's a non-issue.
Best Regards,
Jason Koeninger
J&J Computer Consulting
Mark Robinson wrote:
> Hi Brandon.
> No doubt there is a simple and elegant answer to your problem that
> someone will suggest soon. I worked around a similar problem that I
> needed to fix quickly by making the select straight html with a
> Velocity loop over the the option tags.
> That way you can still have your names and values as described.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On 11 May 2006, at 5:50 PM, Esbach, Brandon wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I guess this is more a hibernate query than an Xwiki one, but here is
>> what I'm trying to do:
>> We use a simple project management class currently to keep track of
>> projects/engineer assignments/etc - currently managers type in
>> freeform names... as you could imagine this is a bit of a problem
>> adding some more active content relating to the user (we're adding a
>> 'workdesk' feature on login so that engineers/managers can see what
>> projects/tasks/etc are assigned to them, without having to browse
>> around and search).
>> What I thought of doing was adding a dropdown with the user details -
>> allowing me to create a solid link between user and project.
>> Now here's the problem...
>> I need to associate the firstname+lastname in the query - so that the
>> manager/etc will pick a name they recognise immediately, instead of
>> relying on them to know login names.
>> Initially, I had thought to use a Map or List to request multiple
>> fields - but this does not seem to be understood by the renderer when
>> it creates a list dropdown - I get immediate errors
>> Getting first name, no problem:
>> select prop.value from BaseObject obj, StringProperty prop where
>> obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers' and prop.id.id=obj.id and
>> prop.name='first_name'
>> EG output in the list:
>> 'Brandon'
>> 'UserXFirstName'
>> Getting Last name, also no problem:
>> select prop.value from BaseObject obj, StringProperty prop where
>> obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers' and prop.id.id=obj.id and
>> prop.name='last_name'
>> EG output:
>> 'Esbach'
>> 'UserXLastName'
>> Now it gets sticky. Join the two fields with a space between them,
>> so that instead of 'Brandon' or 'Esbach' I get 'Brandon Esbach'..
>> This I cannot seem to figure out using Hibernate, so any
>> hints/tips/suggestions would be appreciated.
>> *Problem number 2:*
>> Another small catch I have is mapping this entry so that I can query
>> on it. Normally with data representation one would have a 'display'
>> value and a 'link' value - kind of like the 'pretty name' and 'real
>> name' facility of class objects; only the 'pretty name' gets shown
>> when using automatic rendering - but the field is updated based on
>> 'real name'. Erm. Hope that makes sense.
>> eg if my Xwiki name is braesb, firstname Brandon, lastname Esbach I
>> could have a list looking like this:
>> 'Brandon Esbach'
>> 'UserXFirstName UserXLastName'
>> Selecting 'Brandon Esbach' would then look to my 'link' value of
>> Xwiki.braesb, and store this with the record. Querying on this then
>> becomes no problem - but can this be done in Xwiki?
>> /Brandon Esbach/
>> /Software Engineer/
>> /M/A-Com Eurotec Operations/
>> /LoughMahon Technology Park,/
>> /Skehard Road,/
>> /Blackrock,/
>> /Cork, Ireland/
>> /Tel +353 21 4808305/
>> --
>> You receive this message as a subscriber of the
>> xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org <mailto:xwiki-users@objectweb.org> mailing
>> To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
>> For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
>> ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page:
>> http://www.objectweb.org/wws
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> --
> You receive this message as a subscriber of the
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> For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
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Hi all,
I guess this is more a hibernate query than an Xwiki one, but here is
what I'm trying to do:
We use a simple project management class currently to keep track of
projects/engineer assignments/etc - currently managers type in freeform
names... as you could imagine this is a bit of a problem with adding
some more active content relating to the user (we're adding a 'workdesk'
feature on login so that engineers/managers can see what
projects/tasks/etc are assigned to them, without having to browse around
and search).
What I thought of doing was adding a dropdown with the user details -
allowing me to create a solid link between user and project.
Now here's the problem...
I need to associate the firstname+lastname in the query - so that the
manager/etc will pick a name they recognise immediately, instead of
relying on them to know login names.
Initially, I had thought to use a Map or List to request multiple fields
- but this does not seem to be understood by the renderer when it
creates a list dropdown - I get immediate errors
Getting first name, no problem:
select prop.value from BaseObject obj, StringProperty prop where
obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers' and prop.id.id=obj.id and
EG output in the list:
Getting Last name, also no problem:
select prop.value from BaseObject obj, StringProperty prop where
obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers' and prop.id.id=obj.id and
EG output:
Now it gets sticky. Join the two fields with a space between them, so
that instead of 'Brandon' or 'Esbach' I get 'Brandon Esbach'.. This I
cannot seem to figure out using Hibernate, so any hints/tips/suggestions
would be appreciated.
Problem number 2:
Another small catch I have is mapping this entry so that I can query on
it. Normally with data representation one would have a 'display' value
and a 'link' value - kind of like the 'pretty name' and 'real name'
facility of class objects; only the 'pretty name' gets shown when using
automatic rendering - but the field is updated based on 'real name'.
Erm. Hope that makes sense.
eg if my Xwiki name is braesb, firstname Brandon, lastname Esbach I
could have a list looking like this:
'Brandon Esbach'
'UserXFirstName UserXLastName'
Selecting 'Brandon Esbach' would then look to my 'link' value of
Xwiki.braesb, and store this with the record. Querying on this then
becomes no problem - but can this be done in Xwiki?
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305
When I am viewing pages (as opposed to editing pages), I wish to display a
two-pane view (the left hand nav and the main content area) and remove the
right hand piece.
When I am editing a page, I want to have the right hand explanatory text on
xwiki notation.
How can I do this?
I'm using 0.9.840 on Jboss if it matters.
Adrian Hall
Sr. Product Line Manager, Administration and Identity Management
e. ahall(a)mirapoint.com; t. +1 (408) 720-3856; c. +1 (408) 667-4977