Why does the top menubar go away when in edit mode? Is this by design?
Shouldn't there be an option within the "Show" menu to return to the
original article? I realize you can just click on the last leaf in the
parentage tree (or whatever it's called, sorry), but that seems less
intuitive. When I click into the 'Show->Wiki code' or 'Show->History'
or when linking to it directly, it's a bit awkward to return to the
formatted article.
Paul D. Grodt
TECORE Wireless Systems
I'm interested in adding support for rudimentary highlighting of C++
within the code macro. Should this be a separate issue from
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-864 ({code} macro should support
highlighting for radeox and velocity), or should this issue be extended
to include it?
Should I investigate adding this directly to the Radeox project instead?
I really don't know much about Radeox yet, but from the documentation
for the code macro, it sounds as though all the existing highlighting
code comes out-of-box from Radeox
Paul D. Grodt
TECORE Wireless Systems
I search and read through the upgrade info from this link below.
It said that the general strategy for upgrade is to download the WAR Distribution and to replace your current installed WAR.
Since I did an initial xwiki install using the standalone xwiki enterprise window 1.1.2 installer, how can I upgrade to 1.1.2 milestone 2 without losing any current data? To be more specific, which file should I download and use?
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I'd like to give some feedback on our installation of XWiki
Entreprise. We used Tomcat 5.5 and Oracle 10g.
The connection with the database works fine, although we had a little
fear because we didn't restart the whole Tomcat after adding the
driver, so we had lots of errors.
There is one thing that doesn't work properly though: the database
username specified in the configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml is not
recognized by the system. It uses the username "xwiki" as if it was
hardcoded. We have a naming policy for or DB users, so this is a
problem for us. It might be troublesome if we start mounting a
wikifarm but I'm not sure about that, you tell me. Should I file an
issue on this?
We are now making tests in a production environment and it seems that
everything works fine.
Thanks for the good job on XWiki. We'll keep you updated with the good
and bad news.
William Lesguillier
Consultor gestión de las tecnologías de la información
Junta de Andalucía
Consejería de Economía y Hacienda
Dirección General de Sistemas Económico Financieros
Servicio de Producción
I'm new xwiki user and recently just setup xwiki running on a Window server by downloaded the latest xwiki enterprise window installer. The problem I having here is getting the Backlinks Snippet working.
I follow the instruction using BacklinksSnippet feature link below.
Basically, I have a wiki page with three sections. The first two sections have the links and I created the third section "What Links Here" and insert the code provided above. However, it doesn't shows any wiki links leading to this page but message "No back links for this page!"
I checked the default installation directory and verified that the xwiki.cfg under C:\Program Files\XWiki Enterprise\webapps\xwiki\WEB-INF already have the following line below enabled by default.
Did I miss something here? Any advise to resolve this newbie problem is greatly appreciated.
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Hi All,
i want use database list class as property in my class. I tried hibernate
query to fill in values of property. After this, the select box was empty.
I think there is no problem in query (Select doc from XWikiDocument as doc)
and I filled in value (doc.name) and id (doc.id) and also i filled in which
class should hibernate use. (XWikiDocument). I dont know, what I am doing
wrong. Is there some tutorial for this?
There is values which i filled in
Display type : select
Relational Storage: yes
Use Picker: yes
Size : 1
Sort: value
Hibernate Query:select doc from XWikiDocument as doc
XWiki Class Name: XWikiDocument
Id Field Name: doc.name
Value Field Name: doc.name
Thank you.
I tried reading the documentation, though could not locate any help in
regards to a forgot password feature. Does XWiki currently provide such a
feature where if a user forgot their password they have it emailed to them?
We are trying out XWiki, TWiki, DokuWiki and MediaWiki, to see which will
fit best in our organization as a general collaboration and information
tool, for both ever changing project work and documentation, and for more
static information.
One thing I need to find out, is if it is possible to disable the
ever-present "Comments" and "Attachment" fields on the bottom of every page.
Can they be enabled/disabled on a per page basis, or do they have to be
removed globally (if at all possible)?
I'd appreciate if other XWiki users can mail me some trips, tricks and
traps: What should I look for specifically to experience XWiki's strengths
over the others, and what do I need to be aware of to avoid its pitfalls (if
there are any)?
Best regards,
Robert Hercz / Teletopia
How can I improve XWiki's spanish translation? The contributing page
doesn't give any information on this.
I can have someone working on it but I have no clue how to proceed...
William Lesguillier
Consultor gestión de las tecnologías de la información
If I search when I log in (as Admin), when I search I receive results back.
However, if I log out and repeat the exact same search, the results page is
empty. What can I configure to allow people who have not registered to still
perform searches? I tried setting the space rights to "view" for
"XWikiGuest" for the space "XWiki", though this doesn't appear to work.