Hi All,
Does anyone use Active Directory for authentication? I can't seem to get it to work on my my new xwiki installation. I installed using Tomcat 6 and MySQL 5 and the xwiki 1.0 war.
It works fine with the regular forms authentication, but when I try to enable AD with LDAP, it never works. I also can't seem to get any useful debugging information.
I can authentication fine with the AD server using LDAP in Coldfusion. such as like this:
<cfldap action="query" name="GetEntries"
start="dc=<domain1>, dc=<domain2>, dc=<domain3>" scope="subtree"
attributes="dn,sn,cn,sAMAccountName,givenName" sort="sn" server="sulsfp1"
username="<domain1>\<username>" password="<password>">
My xwiki.cfg, and xwiki.log are included below.
No matter what settings I put in for LDAP, I still get the same error message, about invalid credentials (even if the server name is wrong). I put a log4j.properties (also below) file in WEB-INF/lib, but I don't get any additional debug messages.
If anyone has any thoughts, they would be much appreciated.
Joseph P. McEttrick
Web Services
Suffolk University Law School
jpmcettrick at suffolk dot edu
## Jcr Store configuration
# List of active plugins.
# This parameter allows XWiki to operate in Hosting mode
# allowing to create multiple wikis having their own database
# and responding to different URLs
# This parameter will activate the exo integration
# Stats configuration allows to globally activate/deactivate stats module
# it is also possible to choose a different stats service to record
# statistics separately from XWiki.
# Note: Statistics are disabled by default for improved performances.
# GraphViz plugin configuration. The GraphViz plugin is not configured by default.
# To enable it, add "com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.graphviz.GraphVizPlugin" to the list of plugins
# in the xwiki.plugins property.
# Uncomment and set the locations of the Dot and Neato executables
#xwiki.plugin.graphviz.dotpath=c:/Program Files/ATT/GraphViz/bin/dot.exe
#xwiki.plugin.graphviz.neatopath=c:/Program Files/ATT/GraphViz/bin/neato.exe
xwiki.plugin.laszlo.path=c:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.0/webapps/openlaszlo/xwiki/
## Personal config
# Enable to allow superadmin. It is disabled by default as this could be a security breach if
# it were set and you forgot about it.
# This parameter will activate the sectional editing
# Editor config
10:43:23,500 [http-8888-1] ERROR LDAP.LDAPAuthServiceImpl - LDAP Bind failed with Exception Invalid Credentials
### Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %t %X{url} %c{1}:%M:%L - %m%n
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %-5p %-30.30c{2} %x - %m %n
### By default everything that is of warning or severity WARN, ERROR or FATAL is logged both to
### the console and to the xwiki.log file.
#log4j.rootLogger=warn, stdout, file
log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout, file
### Hibernate logging options
### XWiki logging configuration
### Deactive Radeox warnings
### Deactive Struts warnings
### Deactivate JGroups warnings
#turn on debug messages for LDAP
Hi, all XWiki users,
I know this is a tough question....
Anyone has experience in using TWiki and willing to point out why would anyone choose XWiki over TWiki?
I know both are pretty good, both are open source, both have many supporters, both can do almost the same things, but for someone new, what are the reasons to consider to choose XWiki?
For it is written in JAVA? for the user group? for the future direction? for the access control?
ps. Anyone plan to attend Wikimania in Taiwan this summer? to learn from the MediaWiki or WikiMedia? (I know Vincent is, right?)
Hello All,
I use the dodo skin in a wiki installation.
When you edit a page or section, there appears a small link at the end of the page :
Help on the XWiki Syntax
If you click on it, a window opens a popup, where the help info should appear.
Unfortunately it doesn't.
Is it possible to change the help location?
And then: why do different set of cheat sheets appear depending on whether i use
the wisiwig or wiki editor in dodo. I'd expect the entire cheat sheet to appear
in wiki edit mode, but only half of it appears there. Intentionally??
The Source (from Browser):
<script type="text/javascript">
function openHelp() {
win = open( "http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/XWikiSyntax?xpage=plain",
"syntax", "titlebar=0,width=750,height=480,resizable,scrollbars");
if( win ) {
// -->
Help on the <a href="" onclick="openHelp(); return false;">XWiki Syntax</a>
Thomas Krämer
Krämer&Okpue GbR
Kurfürstenstr. 66
53115 Bonn
Fon +49 228 - 180 99 737
Fax +49 228 - 242 78 60
Email tk(a)ontopica.de
Thomas Krämer
Krämer&Okpue GbR
Kurfürstenstr. 66
53115 Bonn
Fon +49 228 - 180 99 737
Fax +49 228 - 242 78 60
Email tk(a)ontopica.de
It appears that attachments are viewable and downloadable even when page that they are associated with is not viewable due to page access rights.
Is this the expected behavior? Is there a way to set attachment access rights?
XWiki was chosen over TWiki for many reasons, each decision was based on factors of different priorities to different decision makers. Here are the 5 major reasons:
1. XWiki was written to provide an eXtended - wiki (hence X - Wiki) that would include the best features out there and based on what XWiki creator Ludovic, who was a TWiki user, thought was missing and need improvements in TWiki.
2. XWiki was written with the aim of making it a modular and flexible platform. It is one of the few wikis to offer the easy application building capabilities and do so natively.
3. XWiki is written in JAVA. XWiki is closer to large Enterprise needs than TWiki because the Java platform is chosen by lots of large companies.
4. XWiki has a great user support group which is critical to any open source software.
5. XWiki has a tough and convenient access control system which is crucial to many applications.
For an up-to-date detail comparison between XWiki and TWiki, see this page http://www.wikimatrix.org/compare/TWiki+XWiki
For a list of applications built on XWiki platform, see this page
For a view of what is coming about bug fixes and upgrades in XWiki commuity, see this page
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> On Jun 21, 2007, at 1:16 PM, Pavel wrote:
> > My personal choice of XWiki was driven by the following considerations
> >
> > 1. I know only java, thus can maintain wiki in java only.
> > 2. I can't afford Confluence license for just a personal wiki. If
> > only they
> > had appropriate license for this niche...
> > 3. From the remaining alternatives (not numerous unfortunately)
> > XWiki looks
> > like the most appropriate one.
> That doesn't sound very encouraging as you're basically saying you've
> picked XWiki not because it was good but because there were no other
> good solution... ;)
> That said, it's very good that you'd have picked Confluence as this
> is a good way for us to find out what needs to be improved in XWiki
> so that you'd pick it if money wasn't an issue, from your POV. Would
> you mind listing things you don't like in XWiki or things that are
> missing?
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: wangwh(a)att.net [mailto:wangwh@att.net]
> > Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 5:01 AM
> > To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
> > Subject: [xwiki-users] xwiki vs twiki
> >
> > Hi, all XWiki users,
> >
> > I know this is a tough question....
> >
> > Anyone has experience in using TWiki and willing to point out why
> > would
> > anyone choose XWiki over TWiki?
> >
> > I know both are pretty good, both are open source, both have many
> > supporters, both can do almost the same things, but for someone
> > new, what
> > are the reasons to consider to choose XWiki?
> >
> > For it is written in JAVA? for the user group? for the future
> > direction? for
> > the access control?
> >
> > Wei-hsing
> >
> > ps. Anyone plan to attend Wikimania in Taiwan this summer? to learn
> > from the
> > MediaWiki or WikiMedia? (I know Vincent is, right?)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > You receive this message as a subscriber of the xwiki-
> > users(a)objectweb.org mailing list.
> > To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
> > For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> > ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/
> > wws
XWiki was chosen over TWiki for many reasons, each decision was based on factors of different priorities to different decision makers. Here are the 5 major reasons:
1. XWiki was written to provide an eXtended - wiki (hence X - Wiki) that would include the best features out there and based on what XWiki creator Ludovic, who was a TWiki user, thought was missing and need improvements in TWiki.
2. XWiki was written with the aim of making it a modular and flexible platform. It is one of the few wikis to offer the easy application building capabilities and do so natively.
3. XWiki is written in JAVA. XWiki is closer to large Enterprise needs than TWiki because the Java platform is chosen by lots of large companies.
4. XWiki has a great user support group which is critical to any open source software.
5. XWiki has a tough and convenient access control system which is crucial to many applications.
For an up-to-date detail comparison between XWiki and TWiki, see this page http://www.wikimatrix.org/compare/TWiki+XWiki
For a list of applications built on XWiki platform, see this page
For a view of what is coming about bug fixes and upgrades in XWiki commuity, see this page
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> On Jun 21, 2007, at 1:16 PM, Pavel wrote:
> > My personal choice of XWiki was driven by the following considerations
> >
> > 1. I know only java, thus can maintain wiki in java only.
> > 2. I can't afford Confluence license for just a personal wiki. If
> > only they
> > had appropriate license for this niche...
> > 3. From the remaining alternatives (not numerous unfortunately)
> > XWiki looks
> > like the most appropriate one.
> That doesn't sound very encouraging as you're basically saying you've
> picked XWiki not because it was good but because there were no other
> good solution... ;)
> That said, it's very good that you'd have picked Confluence as this
> is a good way for us to find out what needs to be improved in XWiki
> so that you'd pick it if money wasn't an issue, from your POV. Would
> you mind listing things you don't like in XWiki or things that are
> missing?
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: wangwh(a)att.net [mailto:wangwh@att.net]
> > Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 5:01 AM
> > To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
> > Subject: [xwiki-users] xwiki vs twiki
> >
> > Hi, all XWiki users,
> >
> > I know this is a tough question....
> >
> > Anyone has experience in using TWiki and willing to point out why
> > would
> > anyone choose XWiki over TWiki?
> >
> > I know both are pretty good, both are open source, both have many
> > supporters, both can do almost the same things, but for someone
> > new, what
> > are the reasons to consider to choose XWiki?
> >
> > For it is written in JAVA? for the user group? for the future
> > direction? for
> > the access control?
> >
> > Wei-hsing
> >
> > ps. Anyone plan to attend Wikimania in Taiwan this summer? to learn
> > from the
> > MediaWiki or WikiMedia? (I know Vincent is, right?)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > You receive this message as a subscriber of the xwiki-
> > users(a)objectweb.org mailing list.
> > To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-users-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
> > For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> > ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/
> > wws
I´m part of a development team that is trying to get XWIKI working as a
jsr168 portlet, to integrate it in a commercial portal. We have been
able to run it on Jetspeed-2 without major problems, except for URLs. It
seems that Portlet URLs are generated and then filtered that causes some
major bugs in urls within the portlet since a url ending with 2
underscores ( ..../...__/ ). Has this problem been submitted before?
I´ve looked in Jira but didn´t found nothing related to it. Is there any
information on where to start digging or changes adviced, without
changing the normal flow of xwiki?
What should/must be done, if possible, to integrate the xwiki to that
commercial portal, according to your requirements?
Another issue is that any changes to XWiki Core must be delivered to the
project according to the License, is that valid also for skins developed?
Thanks in advance
Ricardo Esquito.
ps -> sorry for the bad english :-s
Can I integrate X-Wiki with another application? I have my own web application and am interested to know if I can get X-Wiki�s source-code to study and then integrate it in my web application as my own Wiki.
I'm beating Vincent by announcing XWiki Watch 1.0M1 before he announces
XWiki 1.1M2 (which is needed for XWiki Watch 1.0M1).
XWiki Watch 1.0M1 is the first official release and is a functional beta.
XWiki Watch is:
- A collaborative RSS/Atom Feed aggregator
- Feeds, Groups and Keywords configuration using an AJAX interface.
Configuration are managed by spaces.
- Storing of articles themselves in XWiki pages using the FeedPlugin's
- AJAX UI to navigate articles, open the content
- Collaborative tagging, commenting and flagging of articles, store a
'read' status
- Filtering UI to see only articles from a group, a feed, only flagged
articles, matching a keyword, etc..
- TagCloud of tags applied to articles
- Text analysis feature on the content of articles matching a filter
- Press Review feature allowing to generate an HTML, RSS or PDF page
listing articles and comments matching a filter
- Look and Feel adapted to the Albatross skin by Laurent Lunati !
- Packaged as an XWiki Application (xar) that can run on XWiki 1.1M2 or
- French and English User Interface
This release needs some developer skills to be installed. If you are
interested in beta-testing XWiki Watch but don't feel that you can
install XWiki and tweak configuration files, you can send us an email at
marketing(a)xwiki.com to get access to our online beta.
Don't hesitate to send us your feedback with bugs and suggestions. We
manage bugs and new feature requests on JIRA at
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
I have a site on XWiki.com farm, when I edit a page, the XWiki syntax list shift from the right to the left and overlap on the edit window. This is new to me, just happened today. Anyone else have seen this?