Hi XWiki users and developers !
It's voting time again.. You have helped me get through to the semi
final a few month ago, and this week is the voting period for the
semi-final. What's less fun is that this time we cannot not the current
voting result in real time so we have to push as much as we can.
You can vote here (in french too but that should not be too difficult ! Make
sure you select the second person at the top !):
This can give a nice additional boost to XWiki !
Thanks to all of you for you continuous support of XWiki and
participation to the lists.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
devs mailing list
Having a lot of trouble getting this skin to work right in IE (v6 is
standard on all our desktops).
Note that the below does not happen for firefox, only for IE:
- "Editor" and "Document Information" panels in edit mode appear in the
wrong place (offscreen to the bottom left instead of onscreen to the top-ish
- Requires that the server be in "Trusted" domain to use the sort-filter
tables, and a few other less essential features.
- Tables that worked on 1.1 are now "scrunched up". By that I mean, if
they were setup to span the screen using % values (setting one of them to a
pixel value to avoid the ie table bug), in 1.4.1 toucan they take up one
word's worth of space per column. We have probably a few hundred area's
that this affects (listings, document content, edit content, etc).
Sure they're mainly cosmetic, but they end up being show-stoppers for my
users. Anyone out there got some advice on getting toucan working on IE?
I installed XWiki 1.4.1 with tomcat and mysql. I followed http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Plugins/LucenePlugin to change the index directory. For example,
xwiki.plugins.lucene.indexdir=D:/lucene . I changee the dir, saved xwiki.cfg and restarted xwiki. But the index still in the tomcat/work/lucene. Then I tried first deleted the existing index folder and files in tomcat/work. Restarted again, XWiki created new lucene folder and index files in tomcat/work.
I tried several different dirs, but all the results were same. Anyone could tell me why, am I missing something?
Windows Live Photo gallery 数码相机的超级伴侣,轻松管理和编辑照片,还能制作全景美图!
The "domain name" can create for the domain abc.com multiple wikis on the schema :
My problem is that I already have a sub-domain name, and it is not easy for me to obtain new ones.
Is it possible to use domain names to create wikis on the schema :
If that is supported, that will be perfect for me, but my first tests doesn't works, so...
1) I've been expecting problems with Lucene search in XWiki 1.4. To
be more precise, it doesn't work at all :(. Seems that searching or
either returning results function is broken.
2) In version 1.3 it worked, but somehow strange. For example, Lucene
returned results, when search criteria was Mihails, and nothing, if
search criteria was Mihail.
Ar cieņu, Mihails
Using XWiki 1.4, I've tried to search something with latvian symbols,
e.g. š ā ķ ļ ē ņ, but the Search just screws all those
symbols as a result getting "latvieÅ¡u vÄrds" and
search failure (nothing found).
The charset I'm using is UTF-8, and in preferences defined languages
are: en lv. I can create pages with name and content using latvian
symbols, and works fine.
P.S. In version 1.3, I couldn't even save the page, when writing
something in latvian, getting an exception error.
Ar cieņu, Mihails
Thanks for all your work on xwiki.
I had 1.2 on the air, with good results.
Migration to 1.4.1 => OK
A few things to update LDAP (AD) configuration, but it works now.
Only thing, I have on Tomcat startup these lines into stdout.log and
xwiki.log (for information, I use java 6u3, tomcat 6.0.14, Oracle :
2008-06-11 13:55:23,953 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.Oracle9Dialect - The
Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect
or Oracle10gDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:23,968 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.OracleDialect - The
OracleDialect dialect has been deprecated; use Oracle8iDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:25,031 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.Oracle9Dialect - The
Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect
or Oracle10gDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:25,031 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.OracleDialect - The
OracleDialect dialect has been deprecated; use Oracle8iDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:27,031 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] INFO .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - No storage
migration required since current version is [7351]
2008-06-11 13:55:28,328 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.Oracle9Dialect - The
Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect
or Oracle10gDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:28,328 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.OracleDialect - The
OracleDialect dialect has been deprecated; use Oracle8iDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:28,484 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.Oracle9Dialect - The
Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect
or Oracle10gDialect instead
2008-06-11 13:55:28,484 [https://sid-sicap.aphp.fr/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
[TP-Processor3] WARN dialect.OracleDialect - The
OracleDialect dialect has been deprecated; use Oracle8iDialect instead
Is there anything wrong ?
Chargé de mission
Centre Antipoison - Hôpital Fernand WIDAL
200, rue du faubourg St Denis
75475 PARIS Cedex 10
Tél: 01 40 05 49 63 / Fax: 01 40 05 48 56
Hi again,
I'm trying to add manager application to my XE 1.4.1 with the procedure
described here:
I did the 3 first points.
My main wiki domain name doesn't start with "www", so I "need to create
a wiki server descriptor for it: add an XWiki.XWikiServerClass object to
XWiki.XWikiServerXWiki page."
but I don't really understand what I have to do ? How can I find
XWiki.XWikiServerXWiki page ? I didn't find it.
Can anyone help me ?
Chargé de mission
Centre Antipoison - Hôpital Fernand WIDAL
200, rue du faubourg St Denis
75475 PARIS Cedex 10
Tél: 01 40 05 49 63 / Fax: 01 40 05 48 56
i've followed the instructions for a new installation :
1. install and configuration of mysql
2. unzip xwiki-enterprise-manager-mysql-1.1.1.zip
3. sudo start_xwiki.sh
i have 2 problems (i'm logged as Admin and i access to the administration
XWiki Enterprise Manager installation failed (null
A. first problem
when i try to import
xwiki-enterprise-manager-wiki-administrator-1.2-rc-1.xar, this message
appears :
5 files with errors
* 192 Document(s) installed
* 0 Document(s) skipped
* 5 Document(s) with error
these 5 files are: import_listoferrorsfiles
* XemManager.Install
* Photos.NewAlbum
* Main.LuceneSearch
* Panels.SyntaxHelp
* XWiki.XWikiSyntax
B. second problem
when i want to Create default XE wiki template in
it says : XWiki Enterprise Manager installation failed (null).
the trace of execution of start_xwiki.sh tells :
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 2 in 0: The wiki templatexe does
not exist
2008-06-12 08:11:19,663
[http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/XemManager/Install?confirm=1] [P1-19]
ERROR kimanager.WikiManagerPluginApi - Wiki
[XWiki.XWikiServerTemplatexe,templatexe.template.local,XWiki.Admin] creation
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.WikiManagerException: Error number 50040 in
5: com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.WikiManagerPlugin: Fail to install
package [template-xe.xar]
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/pb-with-installation-of-XEM-tp17793892p17793892.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
It's quite good when the login form appears to set the automatic
focus on the username field. Maybe this feature could be included in
XWiki as a standart.
All you need is to paste this script after the login form:
Ar cieтu, Mihails