I am trying to integrate with XEclipse with My standalone Eclipse version
I unzipped XEclipse 1.1 to the plugins directory of Eclipse and was able to
see the XWiki entry in File>new >Other.. however when i try to click on New
Connection under XWiki in eclipse new wizard nothing happens.
I tried the same with Eclipse Europa but in it i get an error saying Plug-in
org.xwiki.eclipse was unable to load class
This makes sense as i read …
[View More]in some of the forum posts that Eclipse 3.2 level
is supported.
However i still can't understand as to why i can't create a XWiki connection
with Eclipse 3.1
Thanks and Regards
Rajat bhatnagar
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Unable-to-Create-a-XWiki-Connection-using-XEclipse-pl…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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I'm trying to figure out the XWiki source code...
Can someone "in the know" document on xwiki.org the flow of control through
XWiki from starting up the java server (Jetty, Tomcat, etc) and XWiki, to
the user logging in, to view a document, navigating to another page, to
editing and saving a page (HSQL, MySQL, etc), to logging out, to using a
plugin, to running some embedded code on a page, and finally to shutting
down XWiki? Some diagrams would be useful as well. Even if it were just a
[View More]brief description it would reallyhelp. It would be useful to know where to
start to try and understand the code. Some background on the technologies
used by XWiki would be useful as well.
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Hash: SHA1
now I have registered on myxwiki. My username is matalb.
The proposed server name is: evkirche-rueppurr.myxwiki.org.
Thank you in advance
Matthias Albert
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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could you, please, create a new wiki named "evkirche-rueppurr"?
If the '-' character is a problem, "evrueppurr" is 2nd choice.
I would like to demonstrate a new interactive homepage using xwiki to
the local church committee, before going to a domain and servlet hosting
How can I get administration rights?
Thank you in advance!
Matthias Albert
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with …
[View More]Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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I have got two more questions concerning virtual wikis.
1. Is it possible to add more than one domain for a virtual wiki?
z.B. www.domain.com, domain.com, xwiki.domain.com ???
2. I found that users of the controller wiki are able to log into the
virtual wiki.
Is this default behavior, a coincidence or just a bug?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Virtual-Wikis-II-tp17710103p17710103.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi, I put some code in space.vm to retrieve my data:
#foreach($row in $mydb.executeQuery("select name from mytable"))
When I open Home page or any page but Log in and Register page, it's all ok.
I don't know there's difference between these 2 page and others?
Any tell me how to fix this problem? Thank you.
Ngô Thị Hồng Nga
First of all thank you for that great piece of software; I'm going to
deploy it in my company because I could demo a project management
application that I wrote in a couple hours (starting without much
knowledge of xwiki). That's going to make everyone life's easier.
So, I started to build a prototype based on this tutorial (I believe
this is Velocity)
Now, I'm trying to get a good workflow to go beyond the trivial app.
[View More]m hoping for source code management, be productive while coding, and
an easy way to deploy the app on a different wiki (i.e. build it on my
machine then deploy on production). Later, I may want to keep a dev
version in parallel of the prod version so I can play around without
making executives mad at me for breaking stuff... And deploy the
changes to the prod when it's ready.
So, here we go:
* SCM: I noticed that, being a wiki, there's basically a SCM included.
Even if versions are page based instead of project based, that's
probably enough.
* Text editor: is there a way to use my preferred text editor (that
happens to be VI) rather than my web browser? I remember seeing
Eclipse used in a demo in SF, is it possible with other editors as
* Import/export: I could only find export of the whole wiki. I guess
there's a way to export a selection of pages (or a whole space?) but I
couldn't find it. What about classes? Are classes just a special kind
of page that can be exported along with the rest?
* I think I read somewhere that properties can't be deleted from
classes. Is it still true? If yes, is there a way to get rid of a
property (for example by deleting the class then recreate it) without
loosing all instances?
In general, is it unrealistic to try to get that kind of process with
an app that is just made of custom classes and a set of Velocity
Thank you!
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1) What's the status of change from Apache Commons Net Mail to JavaMail?
It seems MailSenderPlugin.java is more or less ready but XWiki.java
still uses the old code?
2) Are there any plans to allow for SMTP Authentication?
3) Is there a way to enforce some kind of turing test on register?
Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze
hello :)
how to place parameters in a request session/session ? a similar thing to what i want is in java: getSession etc
thank you
Take care ,
Gabriela Radu :)
Hi again,
I have found that my xwiki.cfg is no more read when tomcat and xwiki sevlet
is started.
"Failed to load the file [/WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg] as a resource using the
Servlet Context."
I have found no where a similar problem in the list.
Here is below what's at the end of my web.xml file in the same WEB-INF
[View More]gt;java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
What's wrong in my configuration ?
Thanks again !
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