I am in the process of working towards development of an opensource CRM
It might sound as usual CRM project which are already there in market. But
I am trying my way out to make a difference with all the CRM 2.0 concepts.
Currently I am working on specs, mock ups and deciding on technology stack.
Technlogy used would be mostly : Java, hibernate, Spring , JBoss, Flex
Hero, BlazeDs.
I need a place to keep all my documents and track progress etc. And in
search of the same I landed on Xwiki.
I have registered on XWiki with username "mayurbais". And I would like sever
name to be "Lines" (which is the code name ffor my Product or now , which is
also an english translation for my mother's name).
Please let me know if I can have a wiki hosted here.
Thanks and Regards
Did I do this right? I am requesting a non-profit wiki. The event is to
funds for ecological education materials in rural Guatemala.
I would like to use the wiki to create an online volunteer signup sheet for
jobs and commissions for a benefit music festival
(www.festivalatitlan.com). I
want to display tasks involved for each job/commission, and have a space
for my users to sign up and enter their contact information, and to be able
to see
who else has signed up in that section (though not necessarily the contact
My username is VioletaForegger, and the server name could be
Violeta Foregger Velasquez
myhosting.com - Premium Microsoft® Windows® and Linux web and application
hosting - http://link.myhosting.com/myhosting
We would like to ask you to set up an xwiki for us.
We are students form the university of Passau (germany) and we are about to
found a law review from and for students. We initiated this project in the
summer 2010 and we are planing to publish the first edition next summer. All
members of the project are volunteers and the project is listed as an German
non-profit association. Our motivation for the project is to provide a
possibility for students to participate in the academic dialog before they
are a professor or something like. We currently try to find a system for our
internal communication and coordination and would like to use xwiki for this
I hope we meet your requirements and we can use a xwiki hosted by you.
Thank you and best wishes
felix speidel
we have a homepage, which is (at the moment) only available in German
Hello, I would like to know whether is possible refresh table data when I
change column for sorting.
Now, when I click to sort by some column, table is sorted with actual table
data, not with all data. I expect that is needed to add "order by" to sql
query, but what else should I add?
If this is not possible could I use livetable with data from sql query?
Thank you
Here is my code:
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/table/tablefilterNsort.js", true)
#set($paginationParameters = {
'totalItems' : $pocetMistnosti,
'defaultItemsPerPage' : 15,
'url' : $doc.getURL('view', $queryParams)
<table id="searchResults" class="grid sortable doOddEven">
<tr class="sortHeader">
<th>Zodpovědná osoba</th>
<th class="unsortable">Operace</th>
#foreach($row in $dbc.executeQuery("select id_room, mistnost, prijmeni,
jmeno from room, osoby where room.id_os = osoby.id_os limit
$paginationParameters.firstItem, $paginationParameters.itemsPerPage"))
<td> $row.getString("mistnost") </td>
<td> $row.getString("prijmeni") $row.getString("jmeno")</td>
#set($discard = $paginationParameters.put('position', 'bottom'))
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Pagination-macro-with-sortable-table-tp57…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi everyone,
I'd like to compare XWiki to other solutions out there in order to better understand where XWiki would need to be polished. I'd then propose to work on listing these areas, proposing them on the list for future roadmaps and I'm also willing to work on investigating these features, then i will start discussion thread on them so that we reach a consensus on how we would view these features developed in XWiki Enterprise.
If you know of them, could you please list solutions that I could compare XWiki with, by providing URLs to them and explain why you think they could be compared to XWiki. Note that the solutions you list can be either open source or not.
Lotus Notes
Lotus notes has easy apps abilities close to XWiki abilities in term of App creation within a page. On some RFP XWiki is a challenger of Lotus Notes.
Thank you.
| skype : chronopolys
| profile : http://fr.linkedin.com/in/gregorygueneau
Would be very nice to have a development wiki in order to get things going
on the new XWiki.org proposal:
Maybe Vincent can help with this? :)
Since the redesign is quite big and lots of spaces|panels|styles need to be
changed, morphing the current xwiki.org on the go would be quite difficult.
So, having the development wiki would be much easier to work decentralized
on different parts of it when people have time.
There are lot of areas of the proposal that are not covered and would be
really great to receive proposals and help from other members of the
Also the implementation needs volunteers :) so any help is appreciated. We
will also use the new xwiki.org logo proposed by the community, so having
all this ideas come together and be put into action is very exciting.
Thanks for the support,
- Original Proposal mail: http://markmail.org/message/4erqdhwuzvmtts6p
- Logo Challenge mail: http://markmail.org/thread/bze35tdm4iojnafa
Greetings XWiki Users,
We are a small company of 3 people. For internal use and portal, I've
rolled out Trac... Then Redmine... then back to Trac. I have fond
memories of my Trac install and usage 3-4 years at "the big company" but
now that the 3 of us are on our own it doesn't seem to be that helpful.
Interconnecting Wiki, Issues/Tickets, and SCM Change Sets has great
powers in Trac. But we don't seem to be taking advantage of that now.
A year ago, I rolled out Plone for our external web. I managed to tweak
an attractive Skin/Theme. I added necessary content. Now it sits --
getting old and tired.
I'm starting to evaluate XWiki. So many options on a page is a bit
overwhelming, but other than that it looks very usable. My idea is to
merge our external web and internal portal -- so there isn't such a
distinct line drawn between our knowledge base and our customer facing
pages. I think we can manage (Trac) Issues/Tickets less formally on a
wiki page. The SCM integration was nice, but a simple Source Repository
Viewer might be all we need.
We are all familiar with Java and normally use Linux. The WebDav "fs"
features look nice.
I'm concerned about vitality. Maybe half of the "references" for XWiki
are stale -- site being dead or running something else now.
I'm concerned about security.
I'm concerned about resource footprint. (I imagine it's just App Server
+ a little, but migrating to a VPS would costly.)
Maybe I need some encouragement as I go along. :) And ideas about how
to make pages look less busy.
Hi XWikiers,
in the spirit of Christmas and because I have some free time right now, I
have updated the FAQ Application tutorial with 2 additions:
- Explanation of how to add a template provider -> makes it easier for
users to create FAQ entries
- Explanation of how to use a livetable as the homepage of the
application -> gives users more filtering options
I know the FAQ application was the first one I ever wrote in XWiki a couple
years back and it's still followed by many XWiki newcomers so I thought
those would be 2 useful additions, since they make XWiki applications much
smoother to use.
Enjoy: http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FAQTutorial
Merry Christmas (too late) and Happy New Year (too early) to everyone!
AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro failed to evaluate Script (or Groovy) Macro
when importing package of attached jar.
My configuration:
- XWiki 2.7
- Tomcat 6.0.28
- MySql 5.1.49
- Java SUN 6.22
- Ubuntu 10.10
The flowing works well
{{groovy jars="attach:plantuml.jar"}}
def version = Class.forName("net.sourceforge.plantuml.version.Version",
false, this.getClass().getClassLoader()).getConstructor().newInstance()
print version.version()
But this one fails
{{groovy jars="attach:plantuml.jar"}}
import net.sourceforge.plantuml
org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Failed to evaluate
Script Macro for content [import net.sourceforge.plantuml] at
at org.xwiki.rendering.macro.script.AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.evaluateBlock(AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.java:52)
at org.xwiki.rendering.macro.script.AbstractScriptMacro.execute(AbstractScriptMacro.java:190)
at org.xwiki.rendering.macro.script.AbstractScriptMacro.execute(AbstractScriptMacro.java:57)
at org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.macro.MacroTransformation.transformOnce(MacroTransformation.java:184)
at org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.macro.MacroTransformation.transform(MacroTransformation.java:129)
at org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.DefaultTransformationManager.performTransformations(DefaultTransformationManager.java:72)
at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.performSyntaxConversion(XWikiDocument.java:7471)
at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.performSyntaxConversion(XWikiDocument.java:7420)
at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.getRenderedContent(XWikiDocument.java:835)
at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.getRenderedContent(XWikiDocument.java:783)
at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.getRenderedContent(XWikiDocument.java:878)
at com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getRenderedContent(Document.java:537) at
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor321.invoke(Unknown Source) at
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616) at
at org.apache.velocity.util.introspection.UberspectImpl$VelMethodImpl.invoke(UberspectImpl.java:378)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTMethod.execute(ASTMethod.java:270)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.execute(ASTReference.java:252)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.value(ASTReference.java:493)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTExpression.value(ASTExpression.java:71)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTSetDirective.render(ASTSetDirective.java:142)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTBlock.render(ASTBlock.java:72)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.SimpleNode.render(SimpleNode.java:336)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTIfStatement.render(ASTIfStatement.java:106)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.SimpleNode.render(SimpleNode.java:336)
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:196)
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:161)
at com.xpn.xwiki.render.XWikiVelocityRenderer.evaluate(XWikiVelocityRenderer.java:116)
at com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki.evaluateTemplate(XWiki.java:1895) at
com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki.parseTemplate(XWiki.java:1833) at
com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseTemplate(XWiki.java:860) at
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor159.invoke(Unknown Source) at
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616) at
at org.apache.velocity.util.introspection.UberspectImpl$VelMethodImpl.invoke(UberspectImpl.java:378)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTMethod.execute(ASTMethod.java:270)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.execute(ASTReference.java:252)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.render(ASTReference.java:332)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTBlock.render(ASTBlock.java:72)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.VelocimacroProxy.render(VelocimacroProxy.java:212)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.RuntimeMacro.render(RuntimeMacro.java:247)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTDirective.render(ASTDirective.java:175)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTBlock.render(ASTBlock.java:72)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTIfStatement.render(ASTIfStatement.java:87)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTBlock.render(ASTBlock.java:72)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.SimpleNode.render(SimpleNode.java:336)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTIfStatement.render(ASTIfStatement.java:106)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.SimpleNode.render(SimpleNode.java:336)
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:196)
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:161)
at com.xpn.xwiki.render.XWikiVelocityRenderer.evaluate(XWikiVelocityRenderer.java:116)
at com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki.parseTemplate(XWiki.java:1943) at
com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki.evaluateTemplate(XWiki.java:1865) at
com.xpn.xwiki.web.Utils.parseTemplate(Utils.java:154) at
com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiAction.execute(XWikiAction.java:226) at
com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiAction.execute(XWikiAction.java:117) at
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:236)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1196)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:414)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:617) at
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717) at
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at com.xpn.xwiki.web.ActionFilter.doFilter(ActionFilter.java:129) at
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at com.xpn.xwiki.wysiwyg.server.filter.ConversionFilter.doFilter(ConversionFilter.java:152)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:235)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.webdav.XWikiDavFilter.doFilter(XWikiDavFilter.java:68)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:235)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at org.xwiki.container.servlet.filters.internal.SavedRequestRestorerFilter.doFilter(SavedRequestRestorerFilter.java:218)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:235)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at org.xwiki.container.servlet.filters.internal.SetCharacterEncodingFilter.doFilter(SetCharacterEncodingFilter.java:112)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:235)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:233)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:191)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:127)
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:102)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:109)
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:298)
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:857)
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(Http11Protocol.java:588)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$Worker.run(JIoEndpoint.java:489)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:636) Caused by:
startup failed: Script44.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class
net.sourceforge.plantuml @ line 1, column 1. import
net.sourceforge.plantuml ^ 1 error at
at org.xwiki.rendering.macro.script.AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.eval(AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.java:277)
at org.xwiki.rendering.macro.script.AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.evaluateBlock(AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.java:209)
at org.xwiki.rendering.macro.script.AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.evaluateBlock(AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro.java:169)
... 91 more Caused by:
startup failed: Script44.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class
net.sourceforge.plantuml @ line 1, column 1. import
net.sourceforge.plantuml ^ 1 error at
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToSourceUnits(CompilationUnit.java:829)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(CompilationUnit.java:511)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations(CompilationUnit.java:487)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(CompilationUnit.java:464)
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.doParseClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:306)
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:287)
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:267)
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:214)
at org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.getScriptClass(GroovyScriptEngineImpl.java:337)
at org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.eval(GroovyScriptEngineImpl.java:109)
... 94 more
I don't want to write all my code with refection.
I found two threads with similar subject:
http://www.mail-archive.com/users@xwiki.org/msg12843.html and
But none help me.
Does anyone have an Idea?
Hello Xwiki,
i am trying to get the extention "MeetingManager" to work, using xwiki 2.5.1.
Import and Installation worked without error, when selecting a meeting the following line appears beneath the line "Meeting Information": #isManager($doc, $isManager) #isParticipant($doc, $isParticipant) #isCyclic($doc, $isCyclic). It looks the same as in the incubator (http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Meetings/Test). Participants, Meeting notes and tasks do not allow to be saved.
Is a workaround regarding those issues available or a new version working with 2.5 and up planned?
Thanks in advance,
Sebastian Fix
Westfälische Str. 85
57462 Olpe
Mobil: 0151/18312622
email: s_fix(a)gmx.net
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