Hello, after playing around with the live table results macro, I found
that if a user does not have full wiki admin access, but only is an
admin of a Space, the links in the Actions column are not displayed.
I was hoping to create a Live Table page for a space so users could
see a space index with easy to use links for actions to perform on
each document in that space. (ie: links to: copy, delete, rename,
rights )
This is contrary to what I'd expect to happen. If I give the user
admin access to the entire wiki, then it displays correctly.
To reproduce:
1) Create a space index page with the following velocity code (replace
__SPACENAME__ with the name of the space):
#set($collist = ["doc.name", "doc.space","doc.date", "doc.author", "_actions"])
#set($colprops = {
"doc.name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 30,
"link" : "view"},
"doc.space" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "space",
"filterable" : "false" },
"doc.date" : { "type" : "date" },
"doc.author" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "author"},
"_actions" : {"actions": ["copy","delete","rename","rights"]}
#set($options = { "topFilters":'<input type="hidden" title="Filter On
Space" size="${colprop.size}" name="doc.space"
id="xwiki-livetable-allsoftwaredocs-filter-5" value="__SPACENAME__"
"translationPrefix" : "xe.index.",
"rowCount": 15 })
#livetable("allsoftwaredocs" $collist $colprops $options)
2) Give a normal user Admin priveleges in that space
3) View page as the Wiki Admin user to see the links displayed in the
"Actions" column
4) View page as the user you just gave Admin within the space to see
the column show up, but no links in it!
- James Cuzella
Tables - Copying and pasting from excel into Xwiki
I tried to copy a table in excel and paste it(from the clipboard) into a
document in Xwiki which was open in WYSIWYG mode. The table looked fine but
when i looked at the document in WIKI mode it came up in the following
(% border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:
collapse; width: 144pt;" width="192" %)
(% height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;" %)|(% height="17" style="height:
12.75pt; width: 48pt;" width="64" %)Value1|(% style="width: 48pt;"
width="64" %)Value2|(% style="width: 48pt;" width="64" %)Value3
(% height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;" %)|(% height="17" style="height:
12.75pt;" %)NextValue2|NextValue3|NextValue4
I thought the table would come up looking like this (In Wiki mode)
What exactly is that format that appeared when i copied and pasted the table
from excel? it looks like cascading style sheet but not quite exactly
cascading style sheet.
How can i understand it?
And also sometimes i see reference to definitions of styles within the table
(i.e. class="xl25", class="x122") etc. Where would this classes be defined
and if i upgrade the xwiki installation would these style
(% height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;" %)|(% class="xl22" height="17"
str="- 2.8.17 [Ref #15] Check for message displayed. " style="height:
12.75pt;" %)- 2.8.17 [Ref #15] Check for message displayed. |(% class="xl22"
style="border-left: medium none;" %)
(% height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;" %)|(% class="xl22" height="17"
str="- 2.8.17 [Ref #16] Check for message reversion. " style="height:
12.75pt;" %)- 2.8.17 [Ref #16] Check for message reversion. |(% class="xl22"
style="border-left: medium none;" %)
Hi Caty, all,
It took me some time and thinking to figure out how the UI works and what the yellow highlight means. I'm not sure we reduced complexity, which was one of the objective of the UI redesign. If this is basic, I imagine the advanced UI will be pretty scary :)
Once you understand it, the UI makes sense. The visual clue that specifiying a right to evalica forbid the same right for all group and guest is very good.
Note: I have not followed the thread about this UI redesign (my look at it is "fresh", for what it worth).
----- "Ecaterina Valica" <valicac(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> For a while we've been discussing how the new Rights Management UI is
> gonna
> look like. After 5 prototype versions, we may have reached a
> conclusion.
> Please take a look at:
> *Prototype*
> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/Rights51Space
> *Explanations*
> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/RightsProposal
> Please cast your vote if this is gonna be the final Rights
> representation,
> so that we may start the implementation.
> my +1
> Any feedback is welcomed and we can still added improvements to this
> version.
> The current version is a collaborative work done by me, Denis
> Gervalle,
> Raluca Stavro, Alex Busenius, Roman Muntyanu and many others
> (Guillaume,
> Sergiu, Vincent, Thomas). Thanks everyone for participating in the
> process.
> Thanks,
> Caty
> p.s: former discussion about mocking process can be seen at
> [Proposal]
> Rights Management UI http://markmail.org/thread/zgzufskvhe6xt6ey
> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
I have some html-pages as attachment of a wiki-page.
The html-page are using UTF-8 encoding.
However, while the xwiki page is delivered as utf-8, attached html-pages will delivered as iso-8859-1
Is there a way to configure the attachment encoding?
Stefan Bachert
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 09:01, Denis Gervalle <dgl(a)softec.lu> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 17:00, Ecaterina Valica <valicac(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > > It will if it display the inheritance source in a column. For right set
> > at
> > > current level this column could even precise what inheritance has been
> > > overwritten, both in terms of allowance and origin.
> > >
> > > Denis.
> >
> >
> > Hi Denis,
> >
> > "Something" like this:
> > http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/Rights51Space
> Yes, "something" like that. I would have expected a "back to basic" button
> in place of "advanced, and the removal of the basic interface to avoid
> duplicating basic rights. Maybe the menu should be horizontal in the
> advanced interface, I do not know. Also add some hyperlinks to upper level
> in the column explaining inheritance. And put the highlight of changes over
> the rest of the row (includes name and inheritance)
> I would have expected a "back to basic" button
> in place of "advanced, and the removal of the basic interface to avoid
> duplicating basic rights
This removal of the basic interface will be set from the user profile's
variables (if it has advanced type)? I mean if the user is advanced, all the
rows will be presented in advances?
I'm asking because I think the collapsed view is great to see changes up in
the table, where you don't care the advanced status of those rights.
> WDYT ? Is this interesting ?
it's nice :P I would love to see some other opinions.
I'm trying to create a live table similar to the "All Docs" one in
Main, but filtered for a specific space (in this case, named
i've used the Live table snippet for the table page itself:
#set($collist = ["doc.name", "doc.space","doc.date", "doc.author", "_actions"])
#set($colprops = {
"doc.name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 30,
"link" : "view"},
"doc.space" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "space"},
"doc.date" : { "type" : "date" },
"doc.author" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "author"},
"_actions" : {"actions": ["copy","delete","rename","rights"]}
#set($options = { "resultPage":"XWiki.SofwareTableresults",
"translationPrefix" : "xe.index.",
"rowCount": 15 })
#livetable("allsoftwaredocs" $collist $colprops $options)
And here's the Software table results page:
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}
#set($extra = "")
#if("$!request.space" != "") #set($extra = "${extra} and doc.space =
'$request.space'") #end
#if("$!request.orphaned" == "1") #set($extra = "${extra} and
doc.parent='' and doc.name<>'WebHome'") #end
$request.collist.split(","), "doc.space = 'Software' ", "${extra}")
As soon as I added the ""doc.space = 'Software' " parameter to the
gridresultfilter(), it broke the page and gives: "Failed to execute
macro: velocity"
What is the correct way to filter the query?
- James Cuzella
I'd like to start a wiki for practitioners of Hapkido, a Korean martial art.
We (a group of students of Hapkido) will use the wiki to store and share
learned techniques.
myxwiki username: jmorfit3
desired wiki server name: hapkido.myxwiki.org
alternate wiki server name: omaahkd.myxwiki.org
/John Morfit
Hi xwiki-users,
I seem to be having trouble including JARs in my Groovy classpath. I'm
trying the following:
{{groovy jars="attach:test-1.0.jar"}}
try {
def x = Class.forName("com.test.TestMe")
catch(e) {
out.println("FAILURE: " + e)
This ends up with the text "FAILURE: ClassNotFoundException", but if I
change the first line to:
Class.forName("com.test.TestMe", false, this.getClass().getClassLoader())
it seems to work. But, when I try this instead:
{{groovy jars="attach:wiki:Sandbox.Test"}}
try {
def x = Class.forName("com.test.TestMe", false,
catch(e) {
out.println("FAILURE: " + e)
it "red-boxes" me with a NullPointerException at the end (at
And, same issue if I try it without the ClassLoader.
Ultimately, I'm trying to wrap this in a WikiMacro, but none of these
options work if I put the code in a WikiMacro object. Anyone have luck with
JAR attachments? Thanks in advance!
I try to configure annotations on cop-1.myxwiki.org without success
The annotation menu doesn't appear on that wiki
Can you help please. I've read somewhere in the forum that it is related to developer right on a space but I don't know how I can deal with that.
Kind regards
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