I am out of the office until 11/07/2012.
I will have no Internet access. If this is an emergency, please contact my
manager, Kathy Kennedy, and she will find someone on my team to help you.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "users Digest, Vol 64,
Issue 5" sent on 11/06/2012 7:00:03.
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As we are currently migrating our XWiki server to 64bit platform I believe I have freedom to consider switching DB.
We are currently using 32bit MySQLv5.0.77 (innodb engine, 500M of attachments stored in-db) so the options are
· Upgrade to MySQLv5.6.x
· Migrate to PostgreSQL 8.1 (via XWiki export/import as xar backup feature)
The question is: which of those databases is more supported? (mostly used for development, supported by admin application, etc)
Hi there,
Although it sounds really easy, I haven't managed to define a Link that,
when pressed, will stay on the same page but change from VIEW mode
to the EDIT mode.
I tried this
[[My Link Text>>$doc.getURL('edit', 'editor=inline')]]
And I tried to switch the $context object with set LinksAction() etc.
That all does not work as expected. I am currently testing with the
admin account to make sure that it is not a rights problem.
My solution is based on the FAQ example, i.e. XYZClass, XYZSheet and
XYZTemplate. It works nice but Iwant to give the user the ability to switch
easily frpm VIEW mode to EDIT mode while viewing an object. I added the
above line to XYZSheet. The Link has a questionmark behind it.
If I click the Link it shows "edit" in the URL but an empty xwiki edior is
opened instead of the form in EDIT mode.
The work around is currently to access in VIEW mode first and to
replace "view" by "edit" in the Browser URL field - that works but
is of course no durable solution.
Any help would be great.
Thanks a lot
p.s. I am using Xwiki enterprise 3.5.1 under Linux with MySQL
Hi Marius,
Thanks for your response, it works when I use display macro to include the
testpage into the other page, but I need also to include (display) the page
with inline mode inside the other page, since user can click the edit
pencil button on the right corner of the testpage to edit it, right now the
edit button will lead to the testpage in inline mode but the testpage is
not inside the other page which originally include(display) the testpage.
So how to include or display a page with inline mode into another page?
Thanks for your help.
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:06 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea <
mariusdumitru.florea(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Geo Du <dddu88(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I want to include one page into another page in terms of content instead
> of
> > velocity code, for example, the Blog.WebHome is a page without velocity
> > code if you choose Edit->Wiki, but it has Blog.BlogClass if you select
> > Edit->Objects, from Blog.WebHome page, I can create a new post with tile
> > testpage, now the Blog.testpage is the new page created that I need to
> > include into another page, this testpage has no velocity code from
> > Edit_>Wiki. so how to include that page into a different page?
> >
> > I tried: include Macro, includeInContext Macro, includeTopic Macro, none
> of
> > them displays the testpage for me, any idea?
> "display" is the key. You want to display not to include. See
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Display+Macro .
> Hope this helps,
> Marius
> >
> > Thanks very much for your help.
> >
> > David
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> devs mailing list
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Hi All,
I want to include one page into another page in terms of content instead of
velocity code, for example, the Blog.WebHome is a page without velocity
code if you choose Edit->Wiki, but it has Blog.BlogClass if you select
Edit->Objects, from Blog.WebHome page, I can create a new post with tile
testpage, now the Blog.testpage is the new page created that I need to
include into another page, this testpage has no velocity code from
Edit_>Wiki. so how to include that page into a different page?
I tried: include Macro, includeInContext Macro, includeTopic Macro, none of
them displays the testpage for me, any idea?
Thanks very much for your help.