Hello all,
I have trouble to use this new extension module
when I search on multi-page export page, it always give me back
I tried the page on xwki.org and it is the same results
I have trouble with installation for templates.
what should I exactly do in order to add printmulti.vm and pdfmulti.vm to
my wiki
thank you for your help
Good morning,
This snippet is awesome
I am asking if there is a way to make it show only the 10 first results
(alphabetic for example or just any limited set)
and add a link "show full list" that would redirect you to another page
with the classic snippet with complete list
Does that make any sense ?
Best Regards,
I'm trying to use XWQL query language to select count of authors and would
like to order this by descending order of this count.
I ended up having this work fine :
"select count(myobject.author), myobject.author from Document as doc,
doc.object(Space.MyClass) as myobject group by myobject.author"
But adding " order by count(myobject.author) desc" leads to an error for
translating the query ...
Adding "AS" in the select expression does not seem to work either.
Is this possible in XWQL and how ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XWQL-order-by-count-tp6904819p6904819.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
How do i get all pages without any Tags?
Tried this without luck:
#set($tagFilter = " and NOT IN elements(prop.list)")
#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, DBStringListProperty as prop where
obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='tags'
${tagFilter} order by doc.fullName asc")
##set ($list = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
#foreach($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/all-pages-without-any-Tags-tp7586883.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
since a while I try to check out the possibilities of Xwiki.
First I installed a 5.1 over the standard Debian packages. My most problems
started when I try to install multiple wikis or subwikis.
As I wrote 5.2 will have it I decided not to wast to much time to try it
with 5.1
Now 5.2 is finally released I set up again a Debian7.1 machine and install
XWiki over the standard debian package xwiki-enterprise-tomcat7-mysql.
After I while I found out that I need to create templates first. So I click
on the link under Wiki that brings me to the template install.
As soon as I click on install template I get the following two error
Error installing wiki template. Error number 50035 in 5: Exception in plugin
[com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.WikiManagerPlugin]: Wiki
[workspacetemplate] database update failed
Wiki template features can not be installed without the wiki base template
being installed first.
I try to find something on google but the only result I found is that it is
a right problem on MySQL.
Last time I run the following command I crashed my complete xwiki so I'm not
how to proceed...
grant all on *.* to 'xwiki'@'' identified by 'xwiki';
grant all on *.* to 'xwiki'@'localhost' identified by 'xwiki';
Best regards
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XWiki-5-2-Subwikis-Wiki-Template-Error-nu…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am trying to include a FavIcon in my wiki and I've found this
information, but it doesn't help me...
Sylvain Desbureaux wrote:
>* Hi,*>* I don't manage to put a favicon for xwiki. Any clues ?*>* *
Well, a favicon is usually placed in the root of the URL, like
Doing that in a java webapp container usually involves adding that file
not to the xwiki webapp, but to the ROOT webapp. In tomcat, there is a
ROOT directory inside webapps.
Another solution is to put something like this in
<link rel="icon" href="$xwiki.getSkinFile("favicon.png")" type="image/png"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$xwiki.getSkinFile("favicon.png")"
and put a favicon.png (you can change the name, if you want) in
If you're not using the albatross skin, change the path accordingly.
I would like to show a FontAwesome icon in the header of a panel.
I have tried this:
#panelheader('{{icon name=list size=2x/}}')
#panelheader($services.localization.render("{{icon name=list size=2x/}}"))
Can't get this to work...help!
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Use-FontAwesome-in-Panel-header-tp7587514…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi XWiki Devs/Community,
We're planning a deploy of XE on our Enterprise (a brazilian government
agency) as the main intranet tool, for about 400 heavy users (in thesis,
they'll generate a lot of content). We're sure that XE can handle it
smoothly and it will bring a LOT of help on the day-to-day work of our
We're doing some optimizations and fine tunning for the deploy in
production. Meanwhile, we're facing some troubles with our
workstations's antivirus tools, which brings me some concerns about the
attachment files on the filesystems. Trying to address a potential
problem (users using attached files to spread infected files to other
users and, worst, other government agencies, which have also critical
mission like ours), I would like to use the same approach we use on our
other systems we've built at home: calling an AV engine (such as our
cluster of ClamAV servers) from the webapp (we already use some java API
for this, on our web apps) to scan every file being uploaded and before
being attached to the wiki, and show some message to the user, in case
of some trouble.
I've searched for some plugin or initiative about this, but couldn't
find any. Is there any going on? If not, from where can I start and what
should I put under consideration, in order to
guide our dev staff to plug it in xwiki's core as a plugin/extension?
Forgive myself in advance if this information is located somewhere on
the documentation and I couldn't find it.
Best Regards,
Ramon Gomes Brandão
I'm just curious about brandname such as XWiki versus "generic" forename
such as Xwiki.
For example in languages I know (Latvian, English, Russian) any forename
(given name for person or dog, city or ship name, etc.) starts with
capital and then, if not all characters are capital, it follows with
small letters.
There are brandnames (mostly intentionally, to differ from "generic"
name) this rule is not followed: XWiki, iOS, PiTiVi, etc.
So, when I write about Xwiki:
1. I don't know it is spelled XWiki,
2. I'm too lazy to bother,
3. I intentionally spell it Xwiki, to not add disclaimer, that iOS or
XWiki or ... is a registered trademark (if is),
4. something else...
What do you think?