Hi everyone,
myxwiki.org has been upgraded to XE 5.0.1. If you own a wiki hosted
there you should have a look at the release notes for this version at:
We also strongly recommend an upgrade to the latest wiki version. This
time you will get your own Distribution Wizard to help you when you
access your wiki.
Note that if you did not upgraded recently you will need to to
indicate what is the version of the xar you upgraded last time (it's
OK if it's a bit older when you are not absolutely sure). If you
really don't have any idea you can choose "I don't know" that will
produce quite a lot of "conflicts" (for every difference between your
version and the new version) that you will have to confirm one by one
(be careful to keep current version of configuration pages, see the
list on [1]) but next time you will have full 3 ways merge.
If you still want to upgrade it the old way you can cancel the DW,
download the official XWiki Enterprise 5.0.1 xar on
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download and follow the
upgrade guide [1].
To be notified of the myxwiki.org server upgrade you can follow
myxwiki on twitter:
[1]: http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Upgrade#HUpgradingwikid…
-XWiki Community
Can anyone clarify this to me?
It's a known fact that deleting attachments can be a PITA.
At work we have several pages with LARGE attachments which can't be deleted.
So I find a code snippet in the Extensions: Forcefully delete a document
with many attachments
but the code snippet doesn't work on the LARGE attachments.
Now I see on that same Extension page that this bug is supposed to be fixed
in 5.0, but the link to the bug <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8910>
states that this bug is "Re-opened", affects "5.0" and is "Unresolved"
So...what's going on???
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Can-t-delete-attachments-BUG-tp7585023.ht…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am looking for documentation//example//tutorials on full macro list and
I can not find it
and description is sometimes not enough, those are the macros i am seeking:
Activity Attachment Selector Cache Chart Code Comment Container Context
Dashboard Display Documents Error Message Footnote Formula Gallery Groovy
HTML Id Include Message Sender Office Document Viewer Put Footnote Python
RSS Script Space Index Spaces Success Message Tag Cloud User Avatar Velocity
Thank you,
Best Regards,
I am new to Xwiki and i am trying free wiki SAS Wiki Cloud offer,
But i would like to get more info on possibility of creating a wiki on the
as i am a member of an NGO committee and looking for free wiki solution for
our guidelines and knowledge sharing,
Mainly what is the difference between that and Wiki Cloud Offer,
And if it would be a suitable solution as a wiki for the NGO i am part of
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 5.0.
This is the first version of the new development cycle 5. This release
comes with virtual mode enabled and uses the new security
authorization module for rights checking. It also brings improvements
to the Extension Manager, Distribution Wizard and the WYSIWYG editor.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Beloved XWiki users,
The XWiki Development Team has decided to stop maintaining XWiki Office and XWiki Eclipse. The truth is that these 2 projects have been dormant for a long time now since there were no active developers on them. Thus we decided to move them to XWiki Contrib where any contributor can participate (you just need to ask to get access there), in the hope that someone will continue working on them.
For more details on what XWiki Contrib is check http://contrib.xwiki.org
The two projects can now be found at:
* http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/XWiki+Eclipse
* http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/XWiki+Office
I personally think that both XEclipse and XOffice are great integrations of XWiki in third party tools. The XWiki Dev Team is just lacking resources and is spread too thin to continue to work on them in a quality manner.
On the upside, this means we're now continuing our focus on XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager and very soon we even hope to drop the XWiki Enterprise Manager distribution in order to have only XWiki Enterprise and everything else will just be extensions (http://extensions.xwiki.org) that can be installed in it (including Workspaces which is the basis for the current XWiki Enterprise Manager distribution).
If you have any questions feel free to ask here!
-Vincent Massol on behalf of the XWiki Development Team
Still running XWIKI ENTERPRISE 2.4.30451 on Tomcat 5.
We have a XWiki doc holding a some 11 attachments. Most of them has 2-3 releases, but one, IDIS.publications.xlsx, has 35...
IDIS.authors.xlsx 1.2 2013-01-23 11:34:53.0
IDIS.clinicalTrials.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:20:23.0
IDIS.contracts.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:20:23.0
IDIS.magazines.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:21:45.0
IDIS.patents.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:20:23.0
IDIS.projects.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:20:23.0
IDIS.publications.xlsx 1.35 2013-04-30 14:46:49.0
IDIS.seminars.xlsx 1.1 2013-02-05 13:32:11.0
IDIS.team.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:21:45.0
IDIS.thesis.xlsx 1.3 2013-01-31 14:17:22.0
IDIS.workplace.xlsx 1.2 2012-07-14 23:20:23.0
We can easily get releases 1.1 to 1.15 and 1.35 of IDIS.publications.xlsx using downloadrev action. But rev 1.16 to 1.34 (or any in between being 1.34 the previous to the current one) fail to download. No error message is recorded in xwiki.log and the entered URL is changed to the one allowing to download the current one.
I've no clue by browsing around users list and Jira issues, nor by looking at viewattachrev.vm or xwiki.cfg.
Please, could you help us with this issues? Is it no possible to retrieve releases over 1.15?
Thank you so much for your help,
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Technical Secretariat
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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I more or less understand how URLs to missing/wrong/moved XWiki pages work involving docdoesnotexist.vm, but I'm still not able to modify this behavior by reading/taking into account values of request/responses exchanges between client and server.
For instance: I would like to redirect a number of "short" URLs like this...
to a set of given XWiki pages. Currently I can, and I did, a redirection of all of them to a single page by modifying Main.DocumentDoesNotExist this way...
But I'm not able to find the way of using request's name and status in Velocity #if(). Please, see attached file. I found a number of what I consider related information dealing with $response, $request, URL resolution, URL mappings and so on, so forth, but I 'm afraid this is too much for me to digest!
Please, could anybody point me in the right direction? Am I completely lost?
Thanks for your help!!!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Technical Secretariat
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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