First of all, thank you for such a good opportunity.
We are forming a non profit organization and we want to create organization
documents with wiki team collaboration and also for knowledge base
Email: admin(a)114hareketi.org
Server name:114.myxwiki.org
Thank you
Kurtuluş Öksüztepe
Hi all,
always when I add an user(which works fine) I have to scroll down over a blank screen until I finally reach the add user dialog.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? It's only cosmetics but nevertheless confusing if you click on "add User" and a blank screen appears...
I've created an application using the app within minutes feature and I've been trying to get the data from the app using REST. However I can't see the objects in the xml/json unless I'm authenticated as the admin. Is there a way to allow anonymous users to see the objects?
I just installed version 5.3 on CentOS. Most everything is working except the following items.
1. When the default editor is set to "Wysiwyg", the editor never appears when I edit a page. I just get the spinner forever in the field. Setting the preference to "Text" brings up the "Text" editor which is how I'm leaving it for now.
2. I installed the Diagram extension which works as expected except most of the object icons are blank.
Thanks in advance.
Bill Vlahos
I have a Subwiki where I have created a Live Table called Active Tasks and I have been trying to filter the results based on two properties status and assignee. As defined in the TaskManagerClass, status is a database list and assignee is a list of users (local subwiki users). I have defined the live table like so:
#set ($columnsProperties = {
'number': {"type":"number","size":10},
'doc.title': {"type":"text","size":20,"link":"view"},
'project': {"type":"list","size":10},
'status': {"type":"list","size":10},
'severity': {"type":"list","size":10},
'reporter': {"type":"text","size":10,"html":true},
'assignee': {"type":"text","size":10,"html":true},
'duedate': {"type":"text","size":10},
'_actions': {"sortable":false,"filterable":false,"html":true,"actions":["edit","delete"]}
#set ($options = {
'className': 'TaskManager.TaskManagerClass',
'resultPage': 'TaskManagerCode.MyActiveTasksLiveTableResults',
'translationPrefix': 'taskmanager.livetable.',
'tagCloud': true,
'rowCount': 15,
'maxPages': 10,
'selectedColumn': 'number',
'defaultOrder': 'asc'
#set ($columns = ['number', 'doc.title', 'project', 'status', 'severity', 'reporter', 'assignee', 'duedate', '_actions'])
#livetable('myActiveTasks' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
In the resultPage I have the following code:
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}
{{velocity wiki="false"}}
#gridresultwithfilter("$!request.classname" $request.collist.split(",")", StringProperty as statusprop ", " and obj.id=statusprop.id.id and statusprop.id.name='status' and statusprop.value not in ('Done')" )
This successfully displays the live table and filters it showing all tasks that have a status other than "Done". I cannot however successfully get the results to also filter based on the currently logged in user. In the TaskManagerClass sheet I have set the assignee property automatically using $context.user when a new entry is made. I have tried to filter the table at the definition using the extraparams option like so:
' extraParams' : '&assignee=$context.User ',
however when this is added the table does not display any entries. Upon further investigation I found that when I display what is in the $context.user, it shows as " XWiki.test " (test being the name of the user I created for testing). The strange thing is that when I change the extraParams option to be ' extraParams' : '&assignee=test ' then it works. This means that when I set the default property in the List of Users with the same function ($context.user), that it set it as test as opposed to XWiki.test. I also tried using $context.localUser in the extraParams however that also displays as XWiki.test.
Does this have to do with how the "List of Users" control on the class form is storing the value from $context.user? How can I filter this live table on the currently logged in user. I have tried to add another object to my where clause in the gridreslutwithfilter() call, however I was unsuccessful. If anyone can help me out with that query or with using the extraParams I would greatly appreciate it.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 5.2.3.
This is a bugfix release fixing a security issue allowing unregistered users some access under some circumstances. We recommend anyone using XWiki 5.0+ to upgrade to it, especially if your wiki is a public wiki.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
I’m experiencing custom class and object creation. I’ve read xwiki developer’s documentation to create a class and a sheet, with default content. Now I create some Test document and an attached object (of type the class I created) . The document content corresponds to the sheet content.
Now if I add some content to Test page using the wysiwyg editor, this content is not displayed. Only the sheet content is displayed. Is there a may to mix, on page, the content of the class sheet applied to object, and the Page content ?
When I'm not logged in, I can go to the Document Index and see a list of all the pages. However when I'm logged in as a normal user, I can still visit the Document index of the same space, but I can't see any of the pages?
I'm not sure what's going on. I've checked the permissions but they all seem OK.
I'm working on upgrade of our wiki 2.8 to 5.3 and at the same time , moving
it to a new server with Tomcat and Oracle.
The goal is to have 3 instances of wiki 5.3 on the same container (wikidgt,
wikioat and wikidir) .
I've configured the environment.permanentDirectory in xwiki.proprties with
3 differents values :
but when I deploy the first instance (wikidgt), the log shows that the Solr
home directory is :
2014-01-21 15:37:00,420 17788 [http-8180-9] INFO
o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Starting embedded Solr server...
2014-01-21 15:37:00,447 17815 [http-8180-9] INFO
o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Using Solr home directory:
2014-01-21 15:37:12,536 29904 [http-8180-9] WARN
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore - New index directory detected: old=null
2014-01-21 15:37:21,863 39231 [http-8180-9] INFO
o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Started embedded Solr server.
2014-01-21 15:37:56,883 74251 [http-8180-9] INFO
or if I understand the configuration of Solr in xwiki. properties , it
shoud be /opt/c/xwiki/data/wikidgt/solr
I tried to add this in the WEB-INF/web.xml file of each XWiki instance,
right after the root <web-app> element:
but got this error (seems it did'nt change the solr home directory but the
solr CoreContainer directory :
2014-01-21 14:55:23,631 34465 [http-8180-9] INFO
o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Starting embedded Solr server...
2014-01-21 14:55:23,655 34489 [http-8180-9] INFO
o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Using Solr home directory:
2014-01-21 14:55:26,230 37064 [http-8180-9] ERROR
org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer - Unable to create core: collection1
java.io.IOException: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or
and if I deploy the second instance , i got an "OverlappingFileLockException*"
*because the solr directory is the same for both instances.
However, other files (e.g., "extension" and "jobs"
directories) are being placed in the correct permanent direcrory. i.e., it
is only
SOLR that appears to be picking up an incorrect setting for
Thanks for help