hi all,
I have couple of classes they are similar, most of them are the same, but
some small parts are different. So that I want to use a arch that there is
a common class holds all the common properties, and the real classes are
inherited from the common.
But how to achieve that?
On monday I make the upgrade on our linux server from Xwiki 5.1 to Xwiki
We are using Debian + POstgresql + Tomcat 7.
The migration was OK, after the debian step I went to the admin migration
tool inside Xwiki.
I think I answer to all the conflict questions.
And finally like said in the documentation I delete on the server the
/var/lib/xwiki/data/solr directory.
But something is not ok with solr.
On the Admin page of "Recherche", on the SOlr research result page , on
the …
[View More]top of the page I got this message :
"#if ($searchEngine != $searchExtension.id) "
At the bottom :
" <label
It sounds like some translations are not there.
But the real problem is there the research is very limited.
I ask Solr to recreate all indexes, reboot the server after a will, but
nothing change.
I know some very used words in our organisation, in pages or inside
attached documents, but Solr show a few of them.
Any idea ?
Stéphane Lassire
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I put a new field in the user page to see the last login of each for
statistics purposes.
On november and december last year it rans perfectly.
But on january, the month is only on 1 letter !
The macro :
#set($date_ll = $datetool.getYear()+ '/' + $datetool.getMonth() + '/' +
#set($name = $xcontext.getLocalUser())
#set($myDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($name))
#set($obj = $myDoc.getObject('XWiki.XWikiUsers'))
#set($discard = $obj.set("last_login", "$…
[View More]date_ll"))
#set($discard = $myDoc.save())
Result for today :
Last month I got 2014/12/06 for example.
is there some strange behaviour withe the getMonth() function ?
Stéphane Lassire
Chargé de l'informatique et de la communication
Tél direct : 01 42 85 81 87
Courriel : slassire(a)cesap.asso.fr
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