Hello All,
I am trying to use the batchimport application to import some data in my
XWiki 6.1.
I created a class with appwithinminutes, and the import for the class
fields and title is working perfectly. However when I try to map some data
to doc.tags, not happens... And the extension does not return any errors as
is there a way to turn a detailed log? or anyone could make this kind of
import in other versions of XWiki below the 6.1?
Danilo Amaral de Oliveira
Engenheiro de Computação
celular (32) 9111 - 6867
I have "some" difficulty with my groovy/velocity code:
I manage to pass some parameter between my scheduler/groovy script to my velocity code of my page but I need to check in my velocity code if my parameter exist (or not).
By exemple, this code doesn't work:
#if ( $xcontext.get("DoCleanup")!=$null)
"DoCleanup" parameter doesn't exist
DoCleanup parameter from groovy code is $xcontext.get("DoCleanup")
http://maven.xwiki.org/site/docs/xwiki-javadoc-4.1.x/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Cont… return null if user have PR :-(
In fact, in my velocity code I need to detect who's launch the velocity script: groovy code of scheduler or manually launch by the page containing velocity code.
Any idea how can I do?
Pascal B.
We did some usability testing sessions and found out that one of the
biggest problems users are facing is that they don't understand the Home -
Wiki - Space - Page concepts.
Because of this confusion:
- they are creating a wiki instead of a space or a page,
- they don't know where they are located when looking at a page (in the
main wiki or in a subwiki),
- they don't know how to navigate to the pages they've created,
- very confused that we have a Main space in every wiki,
- they are having a hard time making a difference between a space and an
- hard to understand everything is a page,
- etc.
We could do many things in order to improve our navigation, but one thing I
want us to focus in this mail thread is the explanation of Wiki - Space -
Page concepts on the Main.WebHome.
Currently the content of the Welcome Block is:
= Welcome to your wiki =
> It's an easy-to-edit website that will help you work better together. This
> Wiki is made of //pages// sorted by //spaces//. You're currently in the
> **Main** space, looking at its home page (**WebHome**).
> Learn how to use XWiki with the [[Getting Started Guide]]
> You can then use the [[Sandbox space]] to try out your wiki's features.
I would like to replace this message with an introductory text that explain
the concepts (there were also some ideas that maybe we need some images to
represent the hierarchy, etc.) and I need your opinion on this subject.
So, how would you pitch the Wiki - Space - Page concepts to newcomers?
I am having issues with configuring an LDAP connection to Active Directory.
I have installed the LDAP Admin Extension and followed the instructions as per:
Settings are as follows:
Ldap: Yes
Ldap server address:
Ldap server port: 389
Ldap login matching: CN={0},CN=Users,DC=city,DC=com
Ldap password matching: {1}
Ldap base dn: DC=city,DC=com
Ldap UID attribute name: samaccountname
Try local login: yes
Update user from LDAP after login: no
The rest are blank or default. I've tried modifying the xwiki.cfg file manually and still no luck.
I have tried monitoring the logs with the following set:
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.ldap - Trace
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.ldap.XWikiLDAPConfig - Trace
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.ldap.XWikiLDAPConnection - Trace
com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.LDAP - Trace
com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.LDAP.XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl - Trace
As well as Error and Debug but can't find anything meaningful in the two log files I can locate:
Any suggestions?
I have some questions (today :-) )
- I wondered where is stored local users password? More precisely in which table? I see that users are in xwikidoc table: http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/DatabaseSchema (but not the password)
Note, I don't want reinitialize password (I know how to do it with superuser)
- If I use LDAP authentication, a copy of user ldap password is stored in the database?
- With ldap authentication, I filter members by ldap statics groups
#-# Only members of the following group can authenticate.
_agents_ contain a static list of memberUID with name.surname
I active log for ldap and I saw that for the first connexion by a ldap user, cache creation take 1mn
Apparently xwiki try to retrieve the dn for each member of the static group for generate his cache (~5 queries by member)
Of course, I increased xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration value
Are there a way to refresh the ldap cache by cron or scheduled script?
Pascal B
I'd like to use XWiki as the front-end to an application that uses a database and file-store separate to XWiki's. I have been very successful wrapping up the database interactions with groovy and velocity scripts. However, I also need to allow users to upload large (>300Mb) files. These files would not be attachments into XWiki, but would go directly into the separate filesystem. Is there support to handle uploading large files in this way?
I see that XWiki includes a file upload widget (http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/HTML5Upload), which looks very close to what I need, but this seems to be for XWiki attachments only.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,