I have a question when copying an object from a page onto another page according to (abbreviated) method below.
BaseObject sourceResultaatObject = getObject(sourceResultaattype, RESULTAATTYPECLASSREFERENCE);
// gets a BaseObject from a page based on the two DocumentReferences for the source and the class (custom method)
BaseObject destinationResultaatObject = sourceResultaatObject.duplicate();
List<String> sourceResultaattypeLeidtTotBesluittype = sourceResultaatObject.getListValue(LEIDTTOTBESLUITTYPE)
// contents = [“BST_ER5MLpodilPv6”,"BST_622yQb1ktyvV6"];
destinationResultaatObject.setDBStringListValue(LEIDTTOTBESLUITTYPE, sourceResultaattypeLeidtTotBesluittype);
XWikiDocument XWikiDoc = createPage(destinationResultaattype);
// destinationResultaattype is a newly created DocumentReference
// a custom method to save the XWikiPage.
sourceResultaatObject = getObject(sourceResultaattype, RESULTAATTYPECLASSREFERENCE);
End result I expect to be:
SourceObject: property LEIDTTOTBESLUITTYPE = [“BST_ER5MLpodilPv6”,"BST_622yQb1ktyvV6"];
DestinationObject: property LEIDTTOTBESLUITTYPE = [“BST_ER5MLpodilPv6”,"BST_622yQb1ktyvV6"];
When I display the old Object immediately after the savePage (toXMLString), the result is, that the DBList field is also showing both items. However: When I display the page showing the object (using a sheet), the data is gone and the DBList is empty. And it looks like it takes a few seconds for this to show up this way.
The only solution I have come up with is to fill the List<String> using a for loop. In that case, it is working fine.
Maybe I’m missing an essential Java item here but it looks like, when I am assigning the DBList values to the List<String> variable, it does not copy the data but creates an object link. When assigning it to the new object DBList the old link is removed. What I do not understand is, that it takes some time before Wiki (or is it?) realizes that it has to remove the DBList values from the sourceObject.
Can anyone explain what is happening here? It would be much appreciated.
After upgrading XWiki from 5 to 7.1 version, international characters in
watchlist email notification message are corrupted (different charset).
I tried send XWiki page using "Share by Email" and international characters
are OK.
Is there any way how to solve this problem?
I tried switch XWiki.WatchListMessage language to SK, but nothing was
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Hello XWiki experts,
I see that the Confluence syntax is supported and seems to be working
well. That is cool.
Is there a more global advice about migrating from Confluence?
I see here and there mentions of big XMLs which would be exports from
Confluence but nothing that looks like a recipe.
Thanks for hints.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 7.1.2.
This is a stabilization release that fixes important bugs discovered
in the previous 7.1.1 version.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
The following people have contributed code to this release:
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
Eduard Moraru
Guillaume Delhumeau
Thomas Mortagne
Vincent Massol
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
I'm experimenting with including some jQuery UI elements into some wiki pages using XWiki 7.1. As a test, I've been trying to get the spinner example from http://api.jqueryui.com/spinner/ to work:
I have constructed a minimal page, with content body:
<input id="spinner">
And for the page I've added an objects of type XWiki.JavaScriptExtension containing code:
require(['jquery'], function($) {
$( "#spinner" ).spinner();
However, viewing the page yields an error
TypeError: a(...).spinner is not a function
So it looks as though the spinner UI code is missing, so I'm guessing I need to include the jQuery UI library somehow. I'm a little confused because there is a jquery-ui-1.11.1.jar file in /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/ which led me to believe that it was already bundled with XWiki.
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FrontendResources says "Prototype is the only JavaScript library that is systematically shipped with any wiki page in XWiki." But it's a bit old.
Any pointers?
I have little problem with xWiki LOGO for unregistered users.
Could you tell me, if the unregistered user should have an access to home
page to see logo, which I set?
Warm wishes to you,
Hi Vincent, Eduard,
Thanks for the answers. They look ridiculously simple since it’s absolutely in line with the XWQL and HQL format - something that I could have guessed. Very very helpful. Sorry to bother you but it’s a great help!
With kind regards,
I have been looking into the Solr search to identify which wiki links ([>>doc:] in TEXTAREA’s within Objects on a page) are being used for a certain document. I want to use this from my Java packages. I have not been able to identify an (easy?) way of incorporating Solr search into this. If I’m not mistaken, it even discouraged to use. It works like a charm in velocity but that’s not where I want to use it.
Now, I’m not an expert in Java so maybe I do not have the right knowledge to understand how this works but can you please enlighten me a bit on this topic?
With kind regards,
After I completed an `apt-get upgrade` on my Ubuntu 14.04 server and then
restarted I noticed that tomcat would not load XWiki up anymore (as in it
wouldn't even try to load it, catalina.out didn't show any attempts to
load). After scratching my head for a little bit I decided to do a
reinstall of the tomcat portion by running the following:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xwiki-enterprise-tomcat7-common
After running this command I was able to access XWiki and perform the rest
of the upgrade process. I hope this helps someone else that may run into
this issue.
*Josh Patten*
*IT Manager*
*Westpark Communications, L.P*.
20475 State Highway 249, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77070