Hello everyone,
First of all, thank you for all your localization contributions. We need
your help for some missing translations, for German and Spanish languages
for XWiki 5.4.2 version.
Some aspects about translations:
1. In the last week I verified which translations for XWiki are missing and
I've made some reports, because we can not find all the keys on l10n and in
these reports I attached some screenshots for more easily identifying the
a) For French:
b) For German:
c) For Spanish:
2. Translations for French were finished, so now we just need some
translations for Spanish and German.
3. I tested the translations on XWiki 5.4.2, so, I will recommend you (if
you can help us) to use the same version.
A few questions about the translations:
1. Do you prefer I continue making these kinds reports (with screenshots),
or do you simply want a list of l10n keys?
2. In case you prefer a list of keys for l10n, for the missing keys should
I create a mini-report with screenshots attached?
Thank you wall and I wait your feedback,
Andreea Popescu
Hi XWiki users,
It would really help if you could add yourself to the xwiki users google map:
There are currently only 40 or so persons added, that doesn’t represent the xwiki community! The XWiki project has about 30K downloads every month and there are probably about 10K active instances of XWiki in the world, so come on, don’t be shy and help the xwiki project feel like a true user community by adding yourself to this map :) This will allow to organize user meetups in the future for example so it’s important you add yourself.Â
Display XWiki Users, Groups & Staff on a larger map
Thanks a lot
I am interested in getting in touch with Sergiu Dumitriu. I see that
you are also in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Please email me directly. Email below.
Paul Pinkerton
KnowledgeNow Project Lead
Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario
416-847-1418 or 1-866-965-1416x 5177
I'm new to xwiki and having a lot of trouble doing something that feels like it should be simple. All i'm wanting is to be able to display the {{toc}} macro of the current page on a side panel. Everything I find online seems to be from previous xwiki syntaxes and therefore out dated and not working. In fact it seems like most of the responses I see just say that such a thing is in development, but those were all posts from 2009. We would really like a setup like this that way users don't have to go through the trouble of creating a {{toc}} on every page, since one for the current page will always be shown in the panel. It seems like it would make a lot of sense if syntax like {{toc source=currentPage}} existed and was usable from a panel. It would open up a lot of possibilities.
If anyone has any advice or recommendations I would greatly appreciate it. I've been digging through velocity code for the past week so I'm starting to get the hang of it but still a complete noob in that area. Thanks for the time!
I installed xwiki 5.4.2 from scractch (because the upgrade from 5.4.1 didn't work well)
I use the .WAR on tomcat server and postgres database.
The Wizard to install the UI extension aren't launch on first boot. Are there a way to manuelly launch?
And worst the Admin/admin account doesn't work! (Invalid credentials)
Am I alone?
Pascal B