I'm seeing many many folks registering for our wiki, which is great I
guess, but I am a bit concerned.
Our wiki is set up as a public wiki where registrants need to fill out
the captcha and have a valid email. However I am seeing quite a few
registrations each day (profiles being created) and then no activity.
These folks are not vandalizing the site or adding spam/adds/etc. Indeed
they do not seem to be doing anything.
Maybe our site is just boring and lame, and does not inspire any
participation, but it just seems weird.
Should I be concerned? Is there anyway I can send a bulk message to all
users to test the emails or ask folks why they joined?
|| | | |||| || || | |||| ||| | |||
Patrick Masson
General Manager, Director & Secretary to the Board
Open Source Initiative
855 El Camino Real, Ste 13A, #270
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States
Skype: massonpj
sip: masson(a)getonsip.com
Ph: (970) 4MASSON
Em: masson(a)opensource.org <mailto:masson@opensource.org>
Ws: www.opensource.org <http://www.opensource.org>
I'm a big problem when I try to acces at this page :
I have some errors :
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Component
manager has not been initialized before lookup for
[org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReferenceResolver< java.lang.String >]
for hint [currentmixed]
root cause
java.lang.RuntimeException: Component manager has not been initialized
before lookup for [org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReferenceResolver<
java.lang.String >] for hint [currentmixed]
I installed tomcat7.2 and I use Ubuntu OS.
What is the problem ? What sould I do ?
Here are the logs that I could recover :
Here are the catalina.out logs that I could recover :
Thank you in advance for your answers.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Component-manager-has-not-been-initialize…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Has someone lately used the Office Import for PDFs ?
I remember it used to work, but with my current Ubuntu/libreoffice setup it fails.
I am using:
- XWiki 5.4.2
- Ubuntu 12.04
- LibreOffice 3.5 (ubuntu package version 1:3.5.7-0ubuntu5)
- libreoffice-pdfimport (ubunu package version 1.0.5+LibO3.5.7-0ubuntu5)
(After some debugging it looks like the libreoffice-pdfimport package reads the PDF
into in "DRAWING" format and that does not support saving them in HTML format ...)
Before I go and try different kind of openoffice/libreoffice versions I wanted to ask
if someone has a version where it works - it would be kind to tell me as it will save me some wrong turns
I designed my mail archive to use the nice Job module, but seems I just
realized an unexpected side-effect of it ...
The job module queues jobs in a blocking queue. The unexpected, is that
only one job (of any kind) can run at a time in an xwiki instance (unless I
misunderstood something which is always possible).
Currently, the mail archive creates jobs for loading emails, and these jobs
can be long-lived (say, 15min, 30min, or more...). It means that during
this time, you cannot install any extension anymore with EM, and anything
you do with EM (like, compute an extension plan, install an extension, etc)
is blocked until the mail archive job ends.
Do you see any way around this ? (I could shorten the life duration of mail
archive jobs, but I don't think it's a correct workaround).
Seems logical to restrict one job at a time per job type for example, but
jobs of different types may execute concurrently with no harm I think ...
By the way the other side-effect is that my mailarchive jobs (which purpose
are to be scheduled periodically), can "stack" on each other, if
periodicity is shorter than job duration. My intent was to just reject a
job if another is running for the mail archive to avoid this "stack"
effect, but as it's "locked" before getting a chance to execute, it's
Ok, so I want to install the Column Macro, but I am getting this error when
I try to install it by the Extension Manager:
Programming right is required to install extension
[jeromevelociter:column-macro-1.0] on namespace [wiki:xwiki]
So I go to the XWiki Administration --> Rights --> And I grant the Admin
Programming Rights for the XWiki Administation (there's now a green
mark/tick). But I still can't install the macro. If I select the XWiki
space, I can't set any programming rights (that column is only available on
the XWiki Administration).
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Can-t-install-Column-Macro-due-to-lack-of…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I want include some section of page in my current page.
I need to display text between some anchors.
Then my childpage Sandbox » PageParent » Pagefille2 contain:
Contenu de ma page fille 2 avec 3 sections
[[Cliquer ici pour aller à l'ancre "MonAncre3">>||anchor="MonAncre3"]]
[[Cliquer ici pour aller au titre 1 "Section 4">>||anchor="HSection4"]]
= section1 =
Section 1 avec du texte
= section2 avec tableau =
|=titre1|=titre 2|=titre 3
| toto|titi|tutu
{{id name="MonAncre3"/}}
= Section 3 =
Bla bla de section 3
{{id name="MonAncre4"/}}
= Section 4 =
Bla bla de section 4
and My Parent page Sandbox » PageParent contain:
et le contenu de [[Pagefille2 section3>>doc:Pagefille2]]:
Accès direct à la section: [[Pagefille2 section3>>doc:Pagefille2||anchor="MonAncre3"]]
{{include document="Pagefille2" anchor="MonAncre3"/}}
{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="MonAncre3"/}}
{{include reference="Pagefille2" anchor="MonAncre3"/}}
{{include document="Pagefille2" section="MonAncre3"/}}
{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="HSection3"/}}
Only this link working well "{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="HSection3"/}}"Â :-/
The include macro in wysiwyg editor return:
Failed to execute the [include] if we indicate anchor
Include Macra asking "Document" and "reference". Is it the same? I must fill both textbox?
Some documentation indicate anchor instruction, another section...
Thx for your help.
Hi all,
after I managed to write a groovy class with a static method within a
groovy block:
class MyClass {
static myFunction(out) {
out.println "hello world"
I would like to invoke thos static groovy class function from within a
Velocity block:
But unfortunately, this does not work. Nothing will be displayed.
Has anybody an idea for help?
Thanks Matthias
Hi all,
am I right that it is a fixed requirement that the database is called xwiki and the user is called xwiki as well?
To say it differently:
I would like to run a fresh version of xwikiusing a database named "foo" and a user named "bar" - this is not possible, right?