Hi XWiki users,
We’re trying to create a user map of all XWiki users. There are 2 nice effects from this:
1) Increase the feeling of a community
2) Find out other XWiki users close to where you are. The next step will be to organize some XWiki User Group in places where there’s a cluster of xwiki users!
Please join the xwiki community by adding yourself to:
Thanks a lot
-Vincent Massol
Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble setting up Xwiki behind my Reverse Proxy.
As a reverse proxy I have to use IIS. With ARR and URL Rewrite. The rewrite
rules are on the default web site and rwrite to http://localhost:port/xwiki
(this will later be changed to https)
Now if I log into my Xwki with a user or an admin, if I click on any link
the account isn't logged in anymore.
I don't have this problem with several other applications (for instance
YouTrack or Nexus), nor does it occur if I bypass the proxy.
Any ideas would be welcomed.
Have a nice day,
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/User-Session-not-sticky-behind-IIS8-Rever…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Could be interesting for XWiki users too :)
On 6 Feb 2014 at 10:54:25, vincent(a)massol.net (vincent(a)massol.net) wrote:
Hi devs,
FYI I’ve updated the 5.x cycle jira dashboard:
FTR here’s the 4.x one (that I’ve updated to include latest bug fix releases):
For 5.x:
- 988 issues so far (vs 1269 for 4.x but we still have 5.4.1 to go and possibly some 5.4.2, etc later on. But in the end it’ll be slightly less than for 4.x)
- 20 source contributors (vs 15 for the 4.x cycle)
It would be great to start an aggregated release notes of the top features of the 5.x cycle as we did in the past. Any volunteer? :)
I don't understand how to access a Database List property - I have the
following case:
A class "OurCars.Cars" which contains a Database List property "Setups".
In the "Setups" property I use XWiki Class Name "OurCars.Setup" and Id Field
Name "doc.fullName" and Value Field Name "SetupID" which is known by the
users and is unique.
The class "OurCars.Setup" contains the unique "SetupID" String property and
several properties like "BrakingBalance", "TirePressure", "RearWingAngle"
and others - but that's not important for my case.
What is the HQL Query to access the Database List field by passing the
SetupID to it from the "OurCars.Setup" class sheet?
I want to display the values from OurCars.Cars.
I take care that only one Setup per Car can be chosen.
Thank you very much in advance!
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Accessing-Database-List-property-tp758897…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 5.4.
This is an improvement and stability release for things started during
the 5.x cycle and will be the last major version of this cycle.
The highlights of this release are Solr, WikiStream, Distribution
Wizard and Activity Stream improvements.
In numbers its 96 bug fixed, 49 improvements and 6 new features.
You can download it here:
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download (please allow a few
hours for the binaries to propagate to the download servers if the
download doesn't work yet)
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
please create new wiki instance for me.
Data as requested on http://www.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome:
Personal use for knowledge management. Examples for usage are writing down
about interesting locations in a particular visited city, visited places in
order to find these places later easier, read books (author, description),
memos about used programming solutions and tools, cooking recipes... You
see, using wiki like a notebook. Other aspekt is to become familiar with
all available functionalities offered by XWiki.
User name in mywiki.org: rosmi
Wanted prefix before .myxwiki.org: rosmi
I try to use the workflow extension http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/XWiki+Publication+Work… on xwiki 5.3.
I installed the extension 1.02 version with the extension manager but I obtaint this message when I use it:
"workflow doc ref: workflow:EspaceBrouillon.WebHome
Action : start
The documentation is too light and probably something miss me.
If you tried this extension can you tell me if it is work on xwiki 5.3?
If yes, have you some documentation (or help) to use it?
Thxs by advance.
Pascal B.
I cannot find information how to use the datepicker in velocity for my custom
wiki page.
I found extensions but there is always the info displayed : "Starting with
XWiki 4.3 the Date Picker is included by default."
But what is the velocity command to integrate it into my page?
Thanks a lot.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Datepicker-with-velocity-in-custom-form-t…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.