We use the standard Colibri Skin with usually a Left and Side pane for
Most of our panels are for navigation only. (80%)
So the question is:
Can I make the default behavior of a panel be that it is collapsed,
I want that after a click (and new content is loaded) that the panel is
automatically collapsing again (Like a drop down menu)
You click on the collapsed panel
It opens and shows the navigation links
The user selects one.
The webpage is loaded and if the panel is also on that page it is
automatically collapsed again
I do not want cookies (or something else) that remembers the state and
keeps the panel open.
So a simple piece of code that I can add to the panel to get the behavior?
A better version would be to link it to the default user attribute: User
So if user-type is simple automatically collapse
if user type is advanced; keep the panels open for faster navigation.
A even better would be to link it to the panel attribute Type and category
something like: If Panel-type is View and Panel-category is navigation.
Then automatically collapse without state memory)
Our goal is to dramatically reduce screen clutter.
For the roadmap of XWiki i would ask if it is possible to add something
about collapsing behavior in either the panel definition or in the
preferences of Site and/or space to define the desired behavior of panels?
Hi All, I want to display Blog of specific category on the main page. I want
to keep the existing content (an image and mostly text) and also include a
section for blog roll tagged as 'News'. Is there a way to display/include
the latest blog entry tagged to a certain category? Thanks in advance for
your time.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Display-Blog-of-specific-Category-on-Main…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have a class called TaskManager with a property called Reporter that is of a "List of Users" type. What I am trying to do is assign the current user to the Reporter property when a new document is created so that the user does not have to select himself from the user list control, but I would like this field to also remain as read-only so the user cannot change it to someone else.
Using the following code in the TaskManagerSheet, the property gets populated on new, however when it is saved it disappears (not saved into the property). I have narrowed it down to the problem being the 'view' parameter in the $doc.display() function which makes it readonly, however because of this it is not being saved. Is there a way to set a value on new but retain a read-only status
Here is the code that I am using:
#set ($discard = $doc.use('TaskManager.TaskManagerClass'))
: $doc.display('reporter', view)
Hello everyone,
I'm working with a XWiki Enterprise 2.3 on tomcat and Oracle 10;
Since 2 or 3 days, when we upload a new file to a page , the file is
available during 1 min then the file size change to 0kb ;
Any idea?
Thanks for help
Hi everybody,
I deleted Administration Application in my Xwiki (version 5.1.2) and I
want now to reinstall it. I downloaded the xar at
but I have an error message when I try to import it (see attachment).
Any help please ?
Good morning to all XWiki Users,
i am installing a new xwiki instance (migration from an older instance) and
want to export/import user preferences like the watchlists, how can I do
Thanks in advance
and best Regards
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/How-to-Export-user-preferences-tp7588624.…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I looked around a bit, but is there a way to list pages/attachments
users have deleted?
|| | | |||| || || | |||| ||| | |||
Patrick Masson
General Manager, Director & Secretary to the Board
Open Source Initiative
855 El Camino Real, Ste 13A, #270
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States
Skype: massonpj
sip: OSI-Masson(a)ekiga.net
Ph: (970) 4MASSON
Em: massson(a)opensource.org <mailto:masson@opensource.org>
Ws: www.opensource.org <http://www.opensource.org>
Hi everybody !
I'm using XWiki 5.2.1 and I have a problem with search function in the
Blog space. When I type something in the search bar, only recent pages
are returned so I can't find old articles.
I suppose I have to reindex every pages but I don't know how.
Help please.
Thanks !
I'm working with a fresh install of xwiki 5.3 (centos6 + openjdk 1.6 +
tomcat6 + mysql).
I have create a new subwiki (as a template) but whenever I try to create a
new subwiki using this template, i only get a blank wiki, just the standard
I have followed these instructions with no luck:
Just after the subwiki creation (from a template) I get a progress bar
indicating that the system is provisioning the wiki. When I click on
"Finalize", I'm automatically redirected to the "Distribution Wizard" page
telling me that I have to install "XWiki Enterprise UI - Wiki". If I skip
the wizard, the wiki is shown as it didn't have any UI.
Looking at catalina.out I don't see anything strange. I have also found out
that the first created wiki template doesn't show in the "Wiki Template"
admin panel. If I create a new template, this new one is shown in "xwiki
index" and "xwiki template". If I try to create a new subwiki using this
second template the error persist.
Anyone with this issue?