I'm trying to upgrade our 5.1 xwiki to 5.3 and I get a lot of warning
messages (5.1 to 5.2.2 upgrade has the same result):
WARN o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine - Deprecated usage of getter
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.DeprecatedContext.getMacro] in
WARN o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine - Deprecated usage of getter
pi.DeprecatedContext.getDatabase] in xwiki:XWiki.XWikiUserSheet@81,22
I tried different solutions (I'm using standalone version):
- replace war
- copy database and conf file on a fresh install
- export/import
What could I do to remove all these messages?
What is the less painfull way to migrate a wiki (I read the doc
I really think that there's should be a simpler way to upgrade xwiki for
standalone version. Each of the above solution has its drawbacks.
We are using XWiki 5.2.1. One problem is, that every unregistered user
can view the profile pages of all registered useres.
I tried the following: In the XWiki space, I managed to prevent
unregistered users to view any page of the XWiki space. This removed the
mentioned problem.
But then two other problems occured: unregistered users cannot see the
logo in the top-left corner, and they cannot see the tag-cloud macro
contents, which is signalled by an red-coloured error message.
Are there any solve theses problems?
Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,
I’d like to wish you some very good Christmas holidays and a happy new year since I’m going on holidays tonight for 1 week.
Several committers are already on holidays and next week there’ll be very few of us active so it’ll be a quite week :)
We’re charging up our batteries for the new XWiki 6.x development cycle next year!
If you wish to help please fill the quick survey about what you’d like to see in XWiki 6.x:
Thanks a lot to all
Merry Christmas
-Vincent Massol
On http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/L10N/
the livetable "Latest Translations" do not display accurate info anymore.
When I do some transalation I'm used to check them thru the livetable but
yet only "old" (ie older than 10/15 minutes) translations are displayed.
Before it was "realtime".
Is there any explaination for this new delay?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/LiveTable-with-Latest-Translation-on-l10n…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
When accessing: view/Main/AllDocs?view=deletedDocs
I receive error: This document requires programming rights and needs to be
saved by an administrator of this Wiki.
How to correct this and allow me to definitivly remove old pages?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Unable-top-empty-Recycle-Bin-on-myxwiki-o…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.