Hi Devs and Users
Sorry for this question if it seems stupid :)
I have an old version of xwiki platform that have of course an old
wysiwyg editor , and I wanted to replace it with the new editor from the
last version of Xwiki witch is more enhanced then the old one
I this possible? any one want to share his experience about that topic ,
what are impacts on other parts of the framework
We want to create our workinstructions by displaying photo's in the Lightbox
Macro <http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Lightbox+Macro>
. Each photo is one step of the workinstruction. One workinstruction may
have 50 steps, so we need to upload 50 photo's (just for that one
We have dozens of workinstructions, so my users aks me why they have to
select each file one-by-one.
Is there a "multi-select" option to quickly select and upload multiple files
to an XWiki page?
Or can I drag-and-drop files into an XWiki page?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Multi-select-files-to-upload-tp7585505.ht…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
When I create a page in a Space called "MySpace" using Title "a.b.c" , it
created a page call "c" under the space "a.b". (a.b: c)
Is there anyway I can allow users create document with dot on the Title
please? I would expect the document to be called "MySpace: a.b.c"
Many Thanks
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Creating-a-page-with-dot-on-the-Title-tp1112070p111207…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I read the freemind macro and mindmap macros
still there is no clear beginner documentation yet on how to generate a
mindmap of a space, of a wiki or of a page,
Can anybody give assistance in regards of this ?
Hi All,
I just installed a new xwiki on glassfish and postgresql.
I need a tree based navigation, so i installed Space Explorer. But it shows
an error when it tries to load the menu: Server returned TRANSPORT_ERROR
with no error message.
How can I fix this?
Or how can I implement another Tree Navigation?
Hi everybody,
I would like to send a javascript parameter with this jQuery method :
url: "myurl",
dataType: "json",
data: {"myparameter" : "value"},
beforeSend : function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + coded);
Do you know how I could get the parameter "myparameter" back and use
its value in a velocity script ? I don't know if it's possible or not.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Regards, Pierrick