When I'm logged in as the Administrator I see a toolbar in the source editor (not the full WYSIWYG).
However, my users don't see this toolbar, Is this a permissions issue? My WIKI is fairly locked down.
Mark Gardner
KC Research Automation
(816) 881-2957
I have the request that the current "blank page" of a certain space of our
wiki needs to become a "dashboard".
Which steps do I need to take to change the "WebHome" of a Space into a
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Change-Space-Blank-Page-into-Dashboard-tp…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
i am looking for integration of RSS reader with xwiki where i can subscribe
to RSS feed to some external site( for example :-stackoverflow ) and get
the updates.
Any pointers in the direction will be great help?
Hi all,
I've only been using XWiki for a day so please be gentle with me - I've done
a bunch of searches but can't seem to find my problem listed.
The details.
Running MySQL 5.5.31 on Ubuntu 12.04
XWiki latest version
I've been trying to upload images but get this
My example is using this image file from Google
There's something in there about "Failed to initialise XWiki context".
Can anyone suggest where I've done something wrong, maybe in the
installation process or a MySQL perms thing?
The general functionality seems to work - I have the thing up and running
and can create pages and spaces etc.
Any help very welcome.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Error-in-inserting-image-and-creating-lin…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hey all,
I inherited an xwiki 3.5 installation that used hsqldb. I want to move to
5.0.1 and mysql. The new instance is up and running and I was able to
export a XAR file from the old system. However the XAR file is 184MB in
size so the regular import says it is too big.
I tried the script here:
But it seems the syntax has changed. I tried to replace the <% with
{{groovy}} and %> with {{/groovy}} but then get a bunch of errors.
Can some one point me to an upgraded version? Is there a better way to do
i just tried the container Macro with Columns option
{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}
(((first column)))
(((second column)))
it definitely cut the page in two, but i am having difficulties to find out
how to implement content in the first column and how to go to second column
i have an adjacent problem with XWIKI 4.4 on Tomcat 6 and want to
connect with Apache from frontend:
The xwiki.war was moved to ROOT-context of Tomcat.
With direct connection to Tomcat XWIKI is working fine.
If i want to go over Apache with https://domain.xyz/ i receive well the
startpage of XWIKI with dashboard.
But if want to login i receive an URL
and the messsage
401 Unauthorized.
Does somebody have a clue ?
The problem is the same with xwiki.war/with ROOT-context and http
instead of https.
Mit besten Grüßen
Ingo Oellers
Ingo Oellers
Entwickler E-Commerce - Innovations, Technologies & Products
Tel.: 02404 / 980 188
Fax: 02404 / 980 73 188
3Pagen Versand und Handelsges. mbH
St. Jöris Strasse 16-28
52477 Alsdorf
Reg.Gericht: Aachen HRB 999
Geschäftsführung: Eric Faintreny, Franz Hermanns
www.3suisses.de - www.3suisses.at - www.3-suisses.chwww.3pagen.de - www.3pagen.at
>>> Andrew Havens 20.02.13 1.30 Uhr >>>
Now that I've got XWiki up and running, how can I configure Tomcat or
whatever so that it's available at the root on port 80 instead of
users mailing list
For some quality reasons I assigned to myself, I use the following
translations for my app:
MailArchiveCode.LoadingSessionClass_maxMailsNb=Max number of mails to load
in a session
The first one has the name expected for XClass fields mapping, the second
has the name I expect for a form field translation key. But as their
content must be the same in my case, I refer the one from the second.
But when trying to display that in a page, I use:
... and it shows:
Is there a way around ? I tried to add "{{velocity}}" around the second
translation value, but of course it complains about nested scripts...
I would like to discuss a little on writing of Selenium2 tests, as
described in test strategy [1], ie use Selenium 2 and apply Page Objects
My particular use-case is that I'm on a mission : write some functional
tests for my mail archive application.
I also think these would be the best tests for my app, as it greatly relies
on 2 external interfaces (xwiki for persistence/conf, javamail and mail
accounts on another side). There are some good unit tests to write of
course, but the main logic of the app has more meaning to be tested in
"real life", or close to that.
To do that, I decided to try and plug myself in xwiki test framework, in
order to avoid redeveloping everything (such as deploying / launching an
xwiki instance from the tests).
I added 2 modules in my project:
- xwiki-contrib-mailarchive-test-pageobjects
- xwiki-contrib-mailarchive-test-ui
Both inherit from org.xwiki.enterprise:xwiki-enterprise-test pom, and are
greatly inspired from poms of xwiki-enterprise-test-pageobjects and
xwiki-enterprise-test-ui poms.
It's unfinished and untested, but I believe I'll be able to have xwiki
instance installed, launched, and tests run automatically.
My main question, is how should I do in order to also deploy my app in this
wiki instance prior to run the tests ?
For now I have several possible solutions that come to my mind, but I don't
know what would be the best... :
- grab xwiki-standalone zip version x.y.z, unzip it, launch it
- make EM install my application (call some REST API ? GET some page with
proper parameters ?)
- run the tests
- grab xwiki-standalone zip version x.y.z, unzip it
- "patch" it in some way with my application binaries, (ie, add things
directly under permanent directory / extension / repository ?)
- launch it and run the tests
I personnally prefer A-, but it supposes also that the xwiki instance knows
any of my "dev" maven repositories (either my local repository .m2, or my
local instance of Nexus), so it would mean an additional step would be to
"patch" the standalone wiki xwiki.properties to add my personal repo.
Or maybe I can add such repo programmatically in the wiki instance from
java by looking up and using the right component ?
Maybe this point has already been solved by anyone, so if you have any
samples it would be good enough. I did not search exhaustively, but I don't
remember having seen such use-cases on existing extensions on github.
Also, I think it might be interesting to extract from all this some kind of
maven archetype for functional testing of UI extension ? So contributors
could just call the archetype and get everything properly prepared, and
just have to add page objects and tests for their app ...