Beloved XWiki users,
The XWiki Development Team has decided to stop maintaining XWiki Office and XWiki Eclipse. The truth is that these 2 projects have been dormant for a long time now since there were no active developers on them. Thus we decided to move them to XWiki Contrib where any contributor can participate (you just need to ask to get access there), in the hope that someone will continue working on them.
For more details on what XWiki Contrib is check
The two projects can now be found at:
I personally think that both XEclipse and XOffice are great integrations of XWiki in third party tools. The XWiki Dev Team is just lacking resources and is spread too thin to continue to work on them in a quality manner.
On the upside, this means we're now continuing our focus on XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager and very soon we even hope to drop the XWiki Enterprise Manager distribution in order to have only XWiki Enterprise and everything else will just be extensions ( that can be installed in it (including Workspaces which is the basis for the current XWiki Enterprise Manager distribution).
If you have any questions feel free to ask here!
-Vincent Massol on behalf of the XWiki Development Team
+1 for proposal 3.
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> Following this thread it
> seems clear that we need to introduce a better syntax for links and images
> in XWiki Syntax 2.2 (in order to cope with use cases such as
> The need is to be able to plug new reference type handlers without
> breaking backward compatibility in XWiki Syntax 2.2 (since right now with
> XWiki Syntax 2.0 and 2.1 adding a new type reference handler would break
> backward compatibility).
> So here are various proposals to that effect for XWiki Syntax 2.2 (I've
> only kept the interesting proposals from the previous thread). Please vote
> for the one you prefer or add new solutions if you have other better ideas.
> Proposal 1
> =========
> Force XWiki Syntax 2.2 to *ALWAYS* use the full form when creating a link
> or image, i.e. all links would need to be written: [[label>>type:reference]]
> Examples:
> * [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>path:/some/path]]
> * [[label>>url:]]
> * [[label>>user:evalica]]
> * [[]]
> * [[image:icon:someicon.png]]
> * Harder to write links to documents which is the main use case
> Proposal 2
> =========
> Same as with XWiki Syntax 2.1 but for links or images to subwikis force
> the user to use the "doc:" notation
> Examples:
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>>path:/some/path]]
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>>url:]]
> * [[label>>user:evalica]]
> * [[]]
> * [[image:icon:someicon.png]]
> PRO:
> * Still easy to reference docs and images in the current wiki
> * Close to current XWiki Syntax 2.1
> * Harder to write links to documents in subwikis (for workspaces users for
> example, see example of
> Proposal 3
> =========
> Always define the type as a link or image parameter, i.e. separate subwiki
> notation from type.
> Examples:
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>||type="doc"]]
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>||type="doc"]]
> * [[label>>>/some/path||type="path"]]
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>>||type="url"]]
> * [[label>>evalica||type="user"]]
> * [[]] or [[
> ||type="doc"]]
> * [[image:someicon.png||type="icon"]]
> PRO:
> * Still easy to reference docs
> * Clear separation between subwiki and types
> * Harder to write typed links
> * Harder to write references in non xwiki/2.x syntax that would not
> support link parameters
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> _______________________________________________
> devs mailing list
> devs(a)
Forwarding to users list since it's interesting to know what users think about this for the new XWiki Syntax 2.2 too.
Please give your opinion.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)>
> Subject: [VOTE] New Link and Image syntax for XWiki Syntax 2.2
> Date: April 30, 2013 11:02:43 AM GMT+02:00
> To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)>
> Hi devs,
> Following this thread it seems clear that we need to introduce a better syntax for links and images in XWiki Syntax 2.2 (in order to cope with use cases such as
> The need is to be able to plug new reference type handlers without breaking backward compatibility in XWiki Syntax 2.2 (since right now with XWiki Syntax 2.0 and 2.1 adding a new type reference handler would break backward compatibility).
> So here are various proposals to that effect for XWiki Syntax 2.2 (I've only kept the interesting proposals from the previous thread). Please vote for the one you prefer or add new solutions if you have other better ideas.
> Proposal 1
> =========
> Force XWiki Syntax 2.2 to *ALWAYS* use the full form when creating a link or image, i.e. all links would need to be written: [[label>>type:reference]]
> Examples:
> * [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>path:/some/path]]
> * [[label>>url:]]
> * [[label>>user:evalica]]
> * [[]]
> * [[image:icon:someicon.png]]
> * Harder to write links to documents which is the main use case
> Proposal 2
> =========
> Same as with XWiki Syntax 2.1 but for links or images to subwikis force the user to use the "doc:" notation
> Examples:
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>]]
> * [[label>>>path:/some/path]]
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>>url:]]
> * [[label>>user:evalica]]
> * [[]]
> * [[image:icon:someicon.png]]
> PRO:
> * Still easy to reference docs and images in the current wiki
> * Close to current XWiki Syntax 2.1
> * Harder to write links to documents in subwikis (for workspaces users for example, see example of
> Proposal 3
> =========
> Always define the type as a link or image parameter, i.e. separate subwiki notation from type.
> Examples:
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>||type="doc"]]
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>||type="doc"]]
> * [[label>>>/some/path||type="path"]]
> * [[label>>]] or [[label>>>||type="url"]]
> * [[label>>evalica||type="user"]]
> * [[]] or [[||type="doc"]]
> * [[image:someicon.png||type="icon"]]
> PRO:
> * Still easy to reference docs
> * Clear separation between subwiki and types
> * Harder to write typed links
> * Harder to write references in non xwiki/2.x syntax that would not support link parameters
> Thanks
> -Vincent
I'm writing custom listener to send e-mail after document updates
according to: and:…
Although adding attachment is working in Velocity as described in:
Similar approach in Groovy raises exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachment cannot
be cast to com.xpn.xwiki.api.Attachment
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPlugin.createMimeMultipart( ~[xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPlugin.createMimeMessage( ~[xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPlugin.sendMails( ~[xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPlugin.sendMail( ~[xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPlugin.sendMail( ~[xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPluginApi.sendMail( [xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPluginApi.sendTextMessage( [xwiki-platform-mailsender-4.5.jar:na]
at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSender
$ Source)
at EmailSenderListener.onEvent(Script22.groovy:34) [script:na]
and line is: def attachments = source.getAttachmentList()
What should I do?
We have a XWiki 5.0m1 wiki farm, relatively recently upgraded from 3.5
Having created a new subwiki for a new project, and spent a couple of days
creating content in it, I noticed that the profile pics from the global
users were not showing up
I tried to create a local user with the same name (we had only global users
until this point), but this did not work and I therefore deleted the local
user page
Unfortunately XWiki presented a confirmation dialog (for the delete) which I
did not process mentally until after I had pressed confirm
This dialog said that since this was the only page in the XWiki space, it
would delete all the documents in the XWiki space !
Sure enough the XWiki space seems now to have been deleted in the sub wiki
(Seems that this is rather a serious bug - as this was clearly not the only
page in the XWiki space)
Good news the photos for the global users now displays properly, bad news
the admin application and presumably everything else in the XWiki space in
the subwiki (e.g. macros) are now gone
Since there is no admin application in the sub wiki I cannot re-import the
XWiki pages from the XAR
I can equally neither export the pages in the new sub wiki to reimport in a
backed up version, without the new sub wiki
Can you recommend any course of action which will enable me to export my
content pages from the new wiki or import a XAR of the administration
application, without the administration application already being installed
in the sub wiki
(PS the main wiki is intact)
Thanks for your help
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Hi all,
I want to use "Navigation Menu Wiki Macro"…
to make vertical and horizontal menus in all wiki.
But I could not use the panel with this content:
* [[Main>>Main.WebHome]]
* [[Sandbox>>Sandbox.WebHome]]
** [[Sandbox.TestPage1]]
** [[Sandbox.TestPage2]]
** [[Sandbox.TestPage3]]
* [[Blog>>Blog.WebHome]]
How could I define a new panel for this purpose?
*Viet Hoang*
I'm creating pages using the Restful API.
I'd like to provide a comment (summary) to describe the modification so that
it is displayed in the history.
Any hint on how to do this ?
Stephane Thibaudeau
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