I wanna ask if it is possible to ask a page to use an image attachment from
another one
to move attachments from one page to another
Best Regards
Good morning
I just discovered how useful can be Include Macro :)
still it only works when the document Dashboard.Webhome is included,
{{include document="Dashboard.WebHome" context="new"/}}
Other documents do not show up when i try.
I am not sure if this is due to the Macro itself or to problems within the
structure like duplicated pages/ spaces or unclear view of parents child
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Is there any way (by default or with an Extension) to add a kind of "vote" on
each XWiki page?
Vote will be opened to signed-in users just like they put a "+1" on Facebook.
Then when reading a page, a user can know if content has been appreciated.
thanks for your answers, regards,
PS : what I need is a simple number on each page. I agree that comments are
already a way to give an opinion on a XWiki page.
i have a problem with the tooltip macro.
Using XWIKI ENTERPRISE 4.5.3 I installed Tooltip Macro V. 1.2.3 and the page
Tooltip appears.
But moving the cursor over the question mark the cursor form changes to an
arrow and nothing else happens.
Over the "Vanilla" the cursor shows an additional question mark but nothoing
else happens, even when I click.
I also tried to implement an {{tooltip}} - section on another page, nothing
happens there too.
Whats wrong about my implementation?
Thanks for help.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Tooltip-macro-tp7585125.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Using Rest, I'd like to be able to retrieve the version summary a user
provides when he edits a page.
I wasn't able to find a way to do so : for example executing a GET on an URL
like "pages/PageName/history/xxx" does not allow me to see the version
summary text.
Is there a way to do this ?
Thanks by advance,
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Rest-Retrieve-the-version-summary-for-a-p…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I logged in using Admin as the account provide by XWiki 5.0.1 installation.
I created a panel has the following XWQL:
#set ($hql = "select doc.fullName, todoObj.Description from Document as doc, doc.object(XWiki.TodoClass) as todoObj where todoObj.Status <> 'Finished' order by doc.date desc")
#set($results = $services.query.xwql($hql).setLimit(5).execute())
It works well in the panel's view mode. It list what I searched for.
Then I drag and drop it to the right of the Panel Wizard page using Panel Wizard and click SAVE THE NEW LAYOUT, my panel still displayed the search result on the right.
Now I go to the XWiki home (http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/), I got an error display on the right of the home page: Full form statements requires programming right. Query statement = [select doc.fullName, todoObj.Description from Document as doc, doc.object(XWiki.TodoClass) as todoObj where todoObj.Status <> 'Finished' order by doc.date desc]
I still logged in as Admin and checked that XWikiAdminGroup, which Admin belongs to, has the Program right. Even if I explicitly give Admin user the Program right on the Right page, this issue still cannot be fixed. Note that my panel works when I worked with the Administration App.
What happened to the home page and How to solve it?
Thanks for your help!
I follow the Todo tutorial (http://www.theserverside.com/news/1363830/XWiki-A-Platform-for-Collaborativ…) on XWiki 5.0.1. By making a little changes and using XWiki Sytanx 2.0. The Todo application runs well on my XWiki instance. But I stuck at My Todo Panel.
Listing 7 in the tutorial shows the following code to list all Todo documents on My Todo Panel assigned to the current logged in user and that are not finished:
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop1,
StringProperty as prop2 where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.TodoClass'
and obj.name<>'XWiki.TodoClassTemplate' and obj.id=prop1.id.id and prop1.id.name='Status'
and prop1.value <> 'Finished' and obj.id=prop2.id.id and prop2.id.name='Assignee'
and prop2.value='$context.user' order by doc.date desc")
#foreach ($todo in $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql, 5, 0))
It has the following description about the above code:
"The hard part in creating this My Todo Panel is in finding out the correct HQL query to write. You have to know that Static List Class properties and User Class properties are stored internally using a StringProperty Object."
For me on XWiki 5.0.1, no document returned by the above code and I do not know where to start from to fix it.
I know tutorial is old (on 1 Dec, 2007), so maybe the object store has been changed late.
Could you give me instructions how to make the above code work?
It is appreciated if you could give some fix to the above code and I like to test the fix.
Thanks for your help.
Dear xwiki community,
I've started using the Ideas application [1], and have some issues with it
(version 1.1.2, XE version 4.5.2) :
- on IE8, only 1 idea is listed (out of 6 we created). It used to display
all of them, but not anymore, for a reason I still did not find.
- on Firefox/Chrome, all ideas are displayed, but when not logged in,
"noavatar.png" pictures are displayed as 160x160 px (that somewhat breaks
the display)
- on Firefox/Chrome, when logged in, all is ok
[1] - http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Ideas