> You can also use cache macro (see
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Cache+Macro) to choose
> different timing for each contents.
For what i read, it operates at a differente level, i caches the XDOM, not the rendered content. I am pretty sure XDOM uses more space in memory that a simple String, you still have the overhead of rendering operation and you have to manually manage your cache key, which is far mor cumbersome thant saying xwiki "hey, cache this page for 5 minutes, ok?) Moreover, documentation suggest to avoid haveing different timeToLive on different pages, because that's as much threads :s
Hi Everyone,
I am new to Xwiki and I am stuck with a little problem and I was wondering
if any of you lovely people could help?
What I am trying to do is generate a Livetable similar to the documents
macro but only showing a group of selected tags.
Is this possible? and if so how would I go about doing this?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Livetable-problem-tp7582689.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
For one translation www.cdlsworld.org?language=nl we've included an iFrame that links to a 'hidden' website that holds a WOWSLIDER based html page. It is heavily javascripted with jQuery. The use of jQuery instead of Protoptype makes it difficult to use the wow slider javascript from within xwiki
We're experimenting if we could do this from within XWiki (without the iFrame). The reason being that maintaining the wow slider is a single person task and makes the organization vulnerable if this person leaves.
I've noticed you were active developing a carrousel on XWiki. Would it be possible to learn about this and share the approach?
Hi all,
I am usually out of session when editing XWiki page, after about 2 minutes.
I have checked tomcat6's web.xml file:
I also see file web.xml in xwiki/WEB-INF folder. I tried to add above
config to this file but no luck.
Would you please tell me how to fix this?
Viet Hoang
i have a specific wiki page that is quite slow to render because some groovy code and macros in there are quite slow. Fortunately, content does not change often, si i tried to make it faster for user by using cache rendering.
Here is what is inside my xwiki.cfg:
And here is my xwiki.properties
# Default value is 300 (5 min).
# core.renderingcache.duration=300
I have also this inside my page:
//complex content here that has a custom groovy macro and a velocity include
System.out.println("***************************************phone menu not in cache")
And i see in my log that, everytime, the System.out is executed, meaning the render cache is not used. What's my configuration problem? What did i miss?
Note: using xwiki 4.1.2 and the url i try is http://server/xwiki/bin/view/MySpace/MyPage?menu=Test.Menu&xpage=plain
Thank you.
David Delbecq
I'm looking for a receipt to display a local file inside an xwiki page.
The use case is that this is an intranet documentation provided by xwiki.
Every user in the audience has normally some configuration files in a
standardized location.
The content may differ between for each user (or concrete his
workstation). This is also the reason not to expose the files on a
webserver and use the RemoteCode marco.
Current solution is to at a link [[ConfigFile>>file:///etc.....]]
It would be nicer to display the content inside the xwiki page.
Best Regards,
H.-Dirk Schmitt
Signature H.-Dirk Schmitt
H.-Dirk Schmitt <http://www.computer42.org>*
mobile:/+49 177 616 8564/
phone: /+49 2642 99 41 10/
fax: /+49 2642 99 41 15/
Kripper Str. 35, D-53489 Sinzig
pgp: http://www.computer42.org/~dirk/OpenPGP-fingerprint.html
hey guys,
i'm using XEM 4.2 and have some sub-wikis
set up access rights to main and sub-wikis
now when i try to login into my main wiki everything is ok.
also if open my sub-wiki from main.
if i try to open the sub-wiki directly via url i get an error message and i
dont know why :(
You are not allowed to view this document or perform this action."
maybe i forgot to set some rights but i really cant find a solution myself..
any help is appreciated.
tonight some XWikis Sites were attacked with XSS. One of this sites is our
own, which runs 4.2.
A wrote the details to security(a)xwiki.org mailing list, but it's rejected by
security-owner(a)xwiki.org. According to
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/MailingLists : "However,
anyone can write to these lists to report issues (no subscription needed)."
I think I misinterpreted it.
How can I post the details on this attack to a non public space?
Jan-Philip Loos
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XSS-Security-Hole-how-to-post-to-security…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
is it possible to view the raw source (without any html around it) of an
xwiki page? Like the viewer=code parameter, but returning the source in
plain text.