I read in display macro documentation that you can display a section?
But how do you specify a section in a document?
I would like to understand this using the wysywig editor and using wiki editor?
And what velocity code would give me a section header and a section body (without the header)?
The only thing I can think of is the heading levels in the wysywig editor, but a document that has a header (level 2) and some text below the header does not seem to have sections if i call
#set($menuSections = $menu1Document.getSections())
I've installed the query helper:
But it looks like the jquery.jquery is empty, contains no object of class javascriptextension?
Why would I need to load the jquerry into such a page, could I not just get it from:
links to the CDN-hosted copies of jQuery?
If this is possible; how do I do this?
If $xwiki.jsx.use('jQuery.jQuery', {'defer': false}) is used the script is always in the header of the html page?
But If I would like to load a script somewhere in the body, how do I do that, not use $xwiki.jsx.use?
Would I need to write it inside a html macro?
Does anyone know if it is possible to set parameters to li elements using
the (%%) syntax?
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax#HParameters and
the examples do not mention li**, only ul/ol parametrization.
I tried this:
(% class="dir-tree" %)
> * ##/tmp##
> (% class="file" %)** ##file1.tmp##
> (% class="file" %)** ##file2.tmp##
It renders as a ul with the .dir-tree class, but the li are not
In fact they are not rendered as li, but as a <strong><span class="file">...
Is it a bug, or the expected result?
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 4.3.
This release brings several improvements in Workspaces, Extension Manager, Distribution Wizard, the REST API, new field pickers (Date, User and Groups), improved translation registration and new experimental Solr search.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
I've created something similar to FAQ application: a simple class,
sheet, template and pages created from template.
The pages are including the sheet, also have an object of the class.
I don't understand why the default edit mode is 'inline form', i.e. when
I create a livetable with 'actions' column, than 'edit' button goes to
'inline form' edit mode.
If a wiki user does not have 'advanced mode' enabled - he can only edit
the form, not the page itself.
How to make 'wiki' or 'wysiwyg' edit mode as default for such pages?
I am proposing to use XWiki to provide context sensitive help for a cloud
It is likely that our channel partners will require their own branding of
the product and supporting wiki,
Therefore, my question is: does Xwiki have the functionality to use
variables in the text?
e.g. Company Name: [ACME | HAL | DEA]
Thank You
*John Murphy **|* Technical Writer *|* Mobile: 0415324479 *|*
|Telephone: 02 8999 3170 *|*john.murphy(a)ipscape.com.au*|*
I have my xwiki on xwiki farm and have 2 problems:
1. It is very complicated to administrate my xwiki without statistics
application. What can I do to get the ability to have this app?
2. The cyrillic names of applications are not supported and I can't to
create any application to use. I know that this problem is related with data
base encoding method! Is it a bug? Can I repair it?
Thank You!
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Cyrillic-font-at-myXwiki-tp7582521.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have my xwiki on xwiki farm and have 2 problems:
1. It is very complicated to administrate my xwiki without statistics
application. What can I do to get the ability to have this app?
2. The cyrillic names of applications are not supported and I can't to
create any application to use. I know that this problem is related with data
base encoding method! Is it a bug? Can I repair it?
Thank You!
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Cyrillic-font-at-myXwiki-tp7582520.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.