Over in the XWiki Research Department, we've been working on some exciting new developments.
While XWiki provides industry leading flexibility for defining, storing and querying data structures in SQL based stores, we are researching how to bring storage to Cassandra distributed NoSQL data store and give you the power to define and store your own true Java native Objects.
In this demonstration we run 2 integrated XWiki/Cassandra nodes and show changes propagating from one to the other as we edit pages. We show that you can stop one node and the wiki is still fully functional with only one node running. Then we restart the downed node and show the edits which were made while the node was down propagating over from the running node.
XWiki documents and objects are stored in an integrated Cassandra NoSQL Cloud data store allowing for horizontal scalability without any single point of failure. Users can define XClasses using the XWiki class creation interface and those XClasses are compiled into native Java classes which can be loaded and stored in the Cassandra distributed store.
Here is the demonstration video:
While this is still in heavy development, we hope to be bringing up live nodes for you to play with as soon as possible.
I would like to generate a page or a panel that list parents and childs
documents of my space. Could you please tell me if it is possible and how.
Hi all,
I'm just starting to use Xwiki, having been the admin for my company's
JSPwiki installation for a few years now. In that one, we had a very
useful part of the wiki which was an online database schema for our
databases. You see a list of the tables, which you can click on and see
the list of fields in that table, which you can click on and see the
information regarding that field. Our method was to take a DDL and run it
through a script which parsed it out into files that JSPwiki could read.
This way, we could take updated DDL's, run those through the script, and
keep updating the table list and table info pages, while leaving the field
named pages untouched.
Assuming I have described that correctly, does anyone have any solutions
that would be similar to this in Xwiki? Something that doesn't involve
manually updating the table list and table info pages? I was thinking we
could modify the script to spit out something that we could the import into
Xwiki, but I'm not sure if that is the best approach. I was hoping there
was a plugin that let you connect to a database and run real-time queries
and then us a macro to wiki-fy the results, but I didn't find anything like
Thanks in advance for the suggestions!
- Matt L.
i created a page with a few xwiki code inside it. I can display this page without troubles. I also created a side panel that does simply include that pages. The side panel gives me a macro error
org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: You don't have the right to execute this script while the main page display without errors :s
as suggested here
i tried to remove the dropPermissions() but it doesn't work.
What is the solution? Do i have to put my groovy code inside a macros and use the macro in panel instead of including a document containing the code?
David Delbecq
i have a custom object class + a from and "new" button. When i create an object, using the following code
if(request.doCreate == "true"){
// Request for creating a new instance
obj= doc.newObject("Main.NewsClass")
obj.set("titlefr","a test")
the object is created but form properties not saved (please not i hardcoded "a test" and even this property is not saved). Instead i obtain an object with properties all empty. If i remove the calls to set(name,value), the object is saved without properties instead of empty one, so code is somehow partially working?
Does someone have any suggestion?
David Delbecq
Could u please tell me if it is possible when a user registers not to
be redirected on main space webhome but a specific space instead.
thank you
i have a brand new XWiki 4.1 install
I don't have any xwiki 1.0 documents
So i put this configuration:
xwiki.rendering.syntaxes = xwiki/2.1, creole/1.0, html/4.01
When i edit the page,., it offer me those formats PLUS xwiki/1.0
Why ? How can i really disable it ?
I thought that XWiki is largely markup-agniostic...
Is GUI editor really uncapable of creole markup ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/disabling-xwiki-1-0-markup-tp7579990.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi devs and community at large,
Every year XWiki SAS (http://xwiki.com) gathers all its employees for a Seminar and every year we have an internal hackathon.
For example here are the results of last year:
Previously the Hackathon was a 1 day event only. However this year we're changing the format; it'll run for 8 days! :)
Thus we thought it could be a good idea to invite the XWiki Community to join us for a mega distributed Hackathon!
So here's how I think we could organize it:
* Start date: 20th of July. A mail will be posted on this day to announce the start
* End date: 27th of July. A mail will be posted on this day to announce the end
* Gathering results: from 28th to 6th of August. Everyone who participated should reply to the end of hackathon mail with what they did and post their stuff on http://extensions.xwiki.org or elsewhere
* On around the 6th of August we'll have a blog post written on xwiki.org summarizing all that was done by everyone
Those who have participated will also get XWiki T-Shirts.
Anyone interested in joining the fun?
with my XWiki SAS employee hat