If we grant rights to a group of users to view a page, we would like to grant
that right also to all the (sub)children of that page.
Right now, we have to set the rights on every childpage.
Is this possible?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Apply-rights-automaticly-to-child-pages-t…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
when i try to access a space page index, i always get an empty table with "The environment prevents the table from loading data." What should i do to solve it? Searching google is of no help as this message appear in all pages of documentation when google indexed them :(
David Delbecq
The Curriki team is happy to announce that Curriki-1.11 is released in source trees and deployed on www.curriki.org. It is made of:
- XCLAMS branch curriki-1.11 (maven version 1.11.1)
- CurrikiSolr, 1.2 (maven version 1.2.1)
- a set of Apache rewrite rules and xwiki configurations
We are particularly proud of this release because it updates us to XWiki 3.5 which brings access to new useful features for our platform such as attachments delivered from files and a much stronger monitoring.
Supplementary to these, this release bring us:
- an enriched registration with the required user-location
- a considerable performance boost for the content-tree-view (views of collections when you add or organize)
More information about XCLAMS, the XWiki Collaborative Learning Assets Management System is at
More information about the Curriki platform is at
The detailed issue-based release notes is here:
Hi everyone,
I'm about to submit some talk proposals related to XWiki for Devoxx Belgium (http://www.devoxx.com/display/DV12/Home).
I was thinking it might be good to ask you what you think should be best that I present related to XWiki. What would you like to hear yourself at a general conference like Devoxx?
The tracks they have this year:
* Java Standard Edition (JDK 8++)
* Java Enterprise Edition (focus on Java EE 7 and beyond)
* Web (includes HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and RIA technologies)
* Mobile (includes Android, Hybrid and mobile web)
* Methodology
* Other languages on the JVM
* Architecture, Cloud and Security
* Future<Devoxx> is a brand new Devoxx track. Here we'll embracing the world where software meets hardware and schedule talks on walking objects (think NAO's, lots of NAO's), interactive objects like Arduino, but also intelligent flying and real-time rolling devices! Basically anything that feels happy in the Future<Devoxx> :o)
The formats they have available:
* Conference (60 mn)
* University (University talks are in depth presentations of 2 x 60 minutes with a 15 minute break in between. )
* Tools in Action (Tools in Action are 30 minute presentations demonstrating a programming tool.)
* BOF (BOF sessions are 60 minutes long, scheduled in the evening and are informal.)
* Quickie (Short 15 minute presentations during Lunch breaks)
* Hands-on Labs (3 hour hands-on sessions. )
Some ideas I have (from talks I've done in the past or new ideas):
* XWiki: A web development runtime platform
(example: http://www.slideshare.net/xwiki/xwiki-a-web-development-runtime-platform-92…)
Track: java, javaEE, web
* XWiki: The Long tail of applications
Explain how XWiki addresses the long tail of application
(see http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SecondGenerationWiki)
Show lots of nice implementations of XWiki done for various use cases + present architecture and main concepts
Track: java, javaEE, web
* Hands on: Create a Conference web site live (1 hour or up to 3 hours if we do it as a Hands on lab)
See http://massol.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Breizhcamp2012XWiki
Track: java, javaEE, web
* Quickie: Application Within Minutes
Create a real useful web application in 15 minutes
Need to find a use case: bike shop, holiday request app, expense report, etc
Track: java, javaEE, web
* Creating your own project's quality dashboard (1 to 3 hours)
Uses XWiki to create a website for your development project with the following features:
* Documentation for your project
* Display JIRA issues
* Display Sonar metrics
* Display Jenkins statuses
* Display Git statistics of your project
* Application to perform releases (checklist, release notes)
* Send alerts (mail, IRC, etc) when thresholds are reached
Example: http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/XWikiOrgProposal2#…
Track: Methodology, java, javaEE, web
* Bridging Open source and Business
A model for professional open source based on the example of the XWiki open source project
Provides a solution for having a real community-based open source while having one or several companies funding the project
Track: Methodology
* A quick history of wikis (Quickie: 15 mn)
Shows evolution of wikis since their creation and where wikis are heading in the future
Let me know if you have new ideas, if you like some of those, how you would modify them to better fit Devoxx, etc.
Thanks a lot
More about my previous talks: http://massol.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/VincentMassol
PS: Let me know if you plan to be in Devoxx this year! :)
I'm using XWIKI ENTERPRISE 3.3 and I need the wiki to have a closed registration process, i.e., it must not allow any user to register and validate their own account. Either the administrator will have to include them, or the user could register but the admin would have to approve the registration.
Currently, I changed the Registration options so the validation code is NOT sent to the user. But I can't find a way for an administrator to activate a user (or deactivate, for that matter).
I appreciate any directions you can give me.
Over in the XWiki Research Department, we've been working on some exciting new developments.
While XWiki provides industry leading flexibility for defining, storing and querying data structures in SQL based stores, we are researching how to bring storage to Cassandra distributed NoSQL data store and give you the power to define and store your own true Java native Objects.
In this demonstration we run 2 integrated XWiki/Cassandra nodes and show changes propagating from one to the other as we edit pages. We show that you can stop one node and the wiki is still fully functional with only one node running. Then we restart the downed node and show the edits which were made while the node was down propagating over from the running node.
Here is the demonstration video:
While this is still in heavy development, we hope to be bringing up live nodes for you to play with as soon as possible.
are those folders names "by design" ?
they look like non-resolved internal variables!
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/temp-file-names-tp7580131.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
from xwiki properties
#-# If the openoffice server should be started / connected upon XE start.
#-# Default value is false
# openoffice.autoStart=false
Am i right that the choice is between never running OOo, until admin runs it
explicitly, or always-running OOo ?
Maybe it is wishfull thinking but without description by property name alone
i'd tend to read it "auto start when needed"
I don't want OOo always running on loaded server.
Can it be set up, that XWiki runs OOo if needs it functionality and shuts it
down if unused for, say, 10 minutes ?
What if OOo crashed ? Would XWiki restart it ?
On Linux there is XInetd, so potentially i could set sentry on :8100 port
and lie XWiki that server is always running.
I don't know of such functionality in Windows and i'd better keep OOo
managed by XWiki
Trying XWiki 4.1.1 / HSQLDB / Jetty / Win7 x64 / JRE 1.7b05 x64 / Apache
OpenOffice 3.4
i cannot use OfficeServer - I do manual start, it runs, but on import
attempt when creating new page i get
2012-06-28 19:11:15,197 WARN
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils:createActionForm:175 - No FormBeanConfig
found under 'upload'
2012-06-28 19:11:15,207 WARN
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils:createActionForm:175 - No FormBeanConfig
found under 'login'
2012-06-28 19:11:15,285
WARN o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine - Deprecated usage of method
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseMessage] in /templates/login.vm@29,33
2012-06-28 19:11:15,460
WARN o.x.w.s.i.w.DefaultWikiService - Failed to get attachment: [Обзор
библиотеки AdmClient.docx] not found.
File can be attached to already existing page but not imported...
This also can have something with Opera 12, for i see some strange cookie
I did import via MSIE 9 and i see all russian letters in DOCX got corrupt.
When i directly open file in AOO, it renders perfectly.
So i think somewhere between AOO server and XWiki there is misunderstanding
about which charset to use.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/OpenOffice-auto-start-tp7579979.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.