Hi all,
I am trying to get a mock-up with XWiki workspaces. I have a problem,
especially to remove a workspace or to make a change in the description.
Each time, the Tomcat log indicates that XWiki could not verify the user
When I try to delete the workspace:
2012-02-16 14:02:54,068
ERROR .x.w.i.DefaultWorkspaceManager - Failed to check if user
[[XWiki.superadmin, informatique]] can delete workspace
[java.lang.NullPointerException]. Assuming false.
When I try to edit any workspace parameter:
2012-02-16 14:14:27,686
ERROR .x.w.i.DefaultWorkspaceManager - Failed to check if user
[[XWiki.superadmin, informatique]] can edit workspace
[java.lang.NullPointerException]. Assuming false.
2012-02-16 14:14:27,692
ERROR .WorkspaceManagerScriptService - Failed to edit workspace
org.xwiki.workspace.WorkspaceException: Access denied for user
'XWiki.superadmin' to edit the workspace 'informatique' at
2012-02-16 14:14:28,031
ERROR .x.w.i.DefaultWorkspaceManager - Failed to check if user
[[xwiki:XWiki.superadmin, informatique]] can delete workspace
[java.lang.NullPointerException]. Assuming false.
Problem is the same with XWiki.Admin, the owner of the workspace.Beyond
that,I always thought that XWiki.superadmin always had full access,
regardless of the rights settings... Do I have something wrong in my
Any help will be welcome! Thanks.
Bertrand PUJOS
IT Department - IRCAD
+33 (0) 3 88 11 91 36
Hello everybody!
I have my class, in my class I have property with type = Database List.
In this property I need to write hibernate query with filter by space, but
not predifined space - I need to setup filter which will be compare space of
a active document (which I will edit) with space of a hibernate query result
document. How I can do it?
Without this filter by space my query look like this and working without
XWikiDocument doc,
BaseObject obj,
StringProperty prop,
StringProperty otherprop
doc.fullName=obj.name and obj.className='MySpace.MyClass' and obj.name not
like '%ClassTemplate' and
prop.id.id=obj.id and prop.id.name='Prop1' and prop.value='MyValue' and
obj.id=otherprop.id.id and otherprop.id.name='Prop2'
order by
prop.value asc,
otherprop.value asc
Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Hibernate-query-using-in-a-database-list-…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am out of the office until 05-03-2012.
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Before I promote this to a bug or improvement request, I'd like to get your
feedback on my perceived problem.
I'm having some trouble understanding how messages are handles.
I must admit I don't even know where messages are being stored (googling
"messages xwiki" doesn't exactly provide useful results ;)
I expect all messages are stored in one general storage.
Example usage:
1) create space Sandbox2
2) restrict view right for space Sandbox2
3) using SpaceDashboardTemplate, create dashboard for Sandbox2.WebHome
4) post message on this dashboard using the activity gadget, without
changing the "visible to everyone"
message is not shown on Sandbox2.WebHome dashboard
message is shown on Dashboard.WebHome
User (at least I) would expect the message to be shown:
- on Sandbox2.WebHome dashboard, because it's written there/for this group
- on Dashboard.WebHome only when user has access to space Sandbox2., with
the attribution: "ExampleUser posted the message *in Sandbox2*"
I expect this would change the fundamentals behind the messaging app
because messages would have to be stored in a page in the space they are
written in, so I propose removing the 'post message' block in the activity
stream when called for a space ($aSpace != $util.null)
When i try to import the XAR file of size 60MB i get below error message:-
The wiki administrators have set a limit of 32.0Mb for attached files.
Please make sure the size of the files you try to attach does not exceed
this limit.
I am not getting where to increase the size of XAR file to be imported ? i
dont see any option under xwikipreferences.
Dear list,
I´m searching for a wiki, which allows to generate synchronized
multilanguage documents.
What does that mean for me?
I want to define one lanuage (eg. english) as the "main" language. Every
document must first be written in the main language. From this basic
document we can create documents in other languages.
This already works in Xwiki in a nice way.
But what happens, when after a while some changes the document in the
main language? I found no possibility to mark the documents in other
languages as "outdated".
Even more: I would like to get the information, what was changed in the
main language document to be able to synch the other documents in a fast
and sufficient manner.
And then I would like to go one step further:
There are several really good CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools on
the market. Specially OmegaT (Open Source) is my favorite tool for
translation processes.
So my dream:
If a document in the main language was changed, I get an information
about, that the documents in other languages are outdated (best would be
with a number telling "how much outdated" it is).
When I want to synch again one document, I choose the target language
and XWiki exports all changed sentences to a CAT tool (as already said,
OmegaT is my favorite).
After the translation work is done in OmegaT I can import the new
translated sentences at the right position in the target document in XWiki.
For me, my described dream sounds like as if this will be never possible
since it sounds so complicate (I´m not a programmer).
I tested lot of different wikis and from what I described here, TWiki
had the most (except the Workflow with OmegaT).
The big problem for me is, that I found no good way to export documents
from TWiki to PDF.
What I found with XWiki:
So XWiki is very good in exporting PDF and also can work with
multilanguage documents but can´t tell me something about the state of
the sychronization between two documents (and also can´t work together
with OmegaT).
Is my description about the features of XWiki right?
Do you see a possibility to add some my wished features (maybe there are
some extensions I didn´t found)?
Thanks for reply
Hi all!
First of all, thanks for this amazing tool :)
I would like to ask you about Raiting plugin, because I followed the
installation and the result is half complete...
I can see the js working, and the image of stars empty, but nothing happened
when I click over the star... I dont know, somebody happened the same??
Someone can help me?
Thanks in advance
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Raitings-Plug-In-tp7305284p7305284.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi Community,
The following message expresses my personal opinions as a member of the
community, so it might not be entirely accurate. The goal is to start a
discussion about how can we attract more contributors and committers to
the XWiki open source project, and will address three main subjects:
- the current state of the community and committers
- the possibility of joining or creating a non-profit foundation to
govern XWiki
- the possibility of using Fundry as a way for users to fund XWiki
Status of the community
At the start of a new year, it's time to look a bit at the status of
XWiki, the project and the community.
XWiki was created by Ludovic Dubost as an open source project from the
start. Later, he founded a commercial company (XWiki SAS, back then
XPertNet SaRL) as a way to financially support the development of the
product. It kept the project entirely open, unlike the many false open
source companies that only offer a basic open source version, forcing
people to buy the commercial one (the open core model), or that only
release the source code while still doing behind-the-curtains
development, or that almost completely ignore the outside community.
See the XWiki SAS values: http://purl.org/xwiki/sas-values and
manifesto: http://purl.org/xwiki/sas-manifesto
The committers, elected for their merit, and not made automatically as
employees of the company, always tried to maintain a healthy community
and attract new contributors/committers. Thus, the XWiki software is
developed not by the XWiki SAS company, but by the XWiki community.
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/ has a lot of information about
the community, and the development process.
As of January 2011, there are 16 core committers, 12 of which are XWiki
SAS employees, and 3 are or were related to XWiki SAS one way or another.
A big part of the development is aided by non-committer members of the
community, either by providing patches, testing and reporting bugs,
requesting new features, providing feedback, answering on the mailing
lists, etc. As committers, we tried to listen to the community when
developing the project, but as paid employees we have to also listen to
the company requirements. With a limited manpower it's very hard to
evolve as fast as the community would want, or in all the directions
that the community wants. And we welcome any help here.
The project is healthy, we have regular and frequent releases, with
visible progress with each new release (see Vincent's statistics on
http://massol.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Blog/XWikiIn2010 for more details).
Still, I'm a little disappointed with the development speed. Lately, out
of the 16 committers on average about 3-4 are actually available for
platform development during a day.
* How can we help speed up the growth of the community?
* How can we attract more developers outside XWiki SAS?
Joining/forming a free software foundation
One possible reason while so few people are willing to become committers
could be that XWiki SAS might appear to over-control the software, and a
clear non-profit foundation on top of XWiki might make it more obvious
that XWiki is a true open source project, and anybody is welcome to join.
XWiki SAS is a member of the OW2 consortium http://ow2.org/ , and this
membership also extends a bit to the XWiki project. OW2 used to host all
our infrastructure, SVN, mailing lists, downloads... Currently only the
official downloads linked from the main download page are hosted on OW2
servers, as we've gradually moved parts of the development
infrastructure on servers provided by XWiki SAS.
While OW2 is a great home for XWiki SAS, it's mostly a company
consortium, not a software development foundation. The most development
help coming from OW2 consists of research projects involving both OW2
and XWiki SAS, thus the OW2 membership doesn't bring much value when it
comes to code.
One option is to form an XWiki non-profit Foundation, which will govern
all XWiki-related software development. The main disadvantage would be
that there's a risk that it won't make any difference at all, while
adding the burden of more paperwork. This is where your opinion comes
into play, since there's no point in doing all the hard work if the
community doesn't see a clear benefit in it.
The Apache Foundation has the huge disadvantage that it requires a
license change, but it's a very well known home for software
development, with good visibility.
The Software Freedom Conservancy has been getting a lot of press
recently, since several high profile projects joined it. It's got a few
top-notch projects under its hood, so XWiki would be among well known
projects in there.
A smaller, compatible alternative is Codehaus, but I'm not convinced
they would make a difference with respect to our needs.
Other foundations aren't really suited for XWiki, since they either
don't bring value to the community because they don't foster
inter-project collaboration (SourceForge, Google Code), or don't match
the project goals (FSF, GNU, Eclipse, Linux, Mozilla...).
So, some questions in regard to this subject:
* Is there anybody that would like contribute more / become a committer?
* Do users believe that a foundation on top of XWiki will help attract
more developers?
Please note that this is not THE discussion about which foundation to
join, just trying to see if there is a benefit in doing so.
Supporting code development
Becoming a committer requires time, and few people can spend that time
when there's no direct benefit involved. XWiki SAS employees are already
being paid to work with XWiki, so they can contribute to the platform
because the company benefits directly from their work. Employees of
other companies that deal with XWiki do spend time contributing, but
very few actually got to hang around enough to be voted as committers,
although many came close, but stopped short of it.
One way of supporting code development is to contact XWiki SAS and sign
a contract to develop one or more features with a higher priority.
An alternative, which allows to share the cost with other
companies/individuals, is to collaboratively request and support feature
development (crowdfunding), for example through Fundry, a new site
especially designed for this. I've set up an account for XWiki at
https://fundry.com/project/58-xwiki . This is also a good place to
donate to the XWiki project, since there are no visible ways to
financially support the project.
Fundry would allow to gather financial incentives for non-employees to
contribute more code, thus involving the community more in the direction
the software evolves, and attracting more potential contributors.
* Do you (the community) think this is a good idea and it would help?
* Would you be willing to contribute/donate to the project?
Please provide us with your feedback, so we can advance on these topics.
Sergiu Dumitriu
I try to generate PDF from XWiki 3.5.
The installation was made from scratch to XWiki 3.4, and imported the
documents via XARs from XWiki 3.0.3. Then just upgraded to 3.5, with no
*Detailed information:
When I dig the tomcat logs, the error seems to be
*c.x.x.p.i.PdfURLFactory - Failed to save image for PDF export
java.io.IOException: Failed to create temporary PDF export file with prefix [pdf], suffix [.] in directory [/opt/tomcat/xwiki35/apache-tomcat-7.0.22-with-log4jpgp/work/Catalina/]
at com.xpn.xwiki.pdf.impl.PdfURLFa
However, there seems to be sufficient permissions:
*ls -lah /opt/tomcat/xwiki35/apache-tomcat-7.0.22-with-log4jpgp/work/Catalina/
*drwxr-xr-x 6 tomcatxwiki35 tomcatxwiki35 4.0K Feb 22 10:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 tomcatxwiki35 tomcatxwiki35 4.0K Feb 22 10:10 ..
drwxr-xr-x 49 tomcatxwiki35 tomcatxwiki35 4.0K Feb 22 10:42 aether-repository
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcatxwiki35 tomcatxwiki35 4.0K Feb 22 10:12 charts
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcatxwiki35 tomcatxwiki35 4.0K Feb 22 10:12 svg
drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcatxwiki35 tomcatxwiki35 4.0K Feb 22 10:12 xwiki.plugin.image*
And there is also sufficient permissions in these directories as well..
Because there are sufficient permissions I wonder why the directory /opt/tomcat/xwiki35/xwiki/work-dir/ is empty?
Also, I note that the tomcat wepapps -directory has a file called .fop
Is there any advises of where to find more information or how this could be fixed?
With Regards,