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The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and
XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.5 Milestone 1.
This release brings many improvements to the Extension Manager, a new
macro for displaying documents in a live table and quite a few bug
fixes. This is the only milestone of the 3.5 release, which is the
last release of the 3.x cycle. The next planned release is 3.5 final.
See the full release notes at
for more details.
-The XWiki dev team
Still working with XWiki Enterprise 2.4.30451 here.
When listing group members using XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet, if the member is a user and its document has a title, the list shows the title as URL. It the member is another group, the list shows the name of the document independently of it has title or hasn't.
Feel free to check this to ilustrate what we are seing here...
Please, how must we modify XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet to force it to always show the title of a document (user or another group) included in a given group?
Thanks for your help!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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I'm trying to set-up xwiki for my company but I have an issue with our authenticating http proxy which prevents me to install additionnal plugins into xwiki.
I searched the FAQ and mailing list archives but could not find a reference to how to use xwiki behind an authenticating proxy (I could only find information on how to use it behind a reverse proxy).
I tried to setup the usual JVM properties http.proxyHost, port, username and password but xwiki does not seem to use them.
The error stacktrace shows a connection timeout in the HttpClient classes.
So I'd be glad to know if xwiki can be used behind such a proxy, because it's currently a showstopper for us (and I REALLY would like to use xwiki instead of mediawiki).
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I've solved the problem I asked about yesterday: Column length too big for
column 'XXX' (max = 21845); use BLOB or TEXT instead
There is a useful option in MySQL Migration Tool to change the SQL code for
table creation, so I've just used LONGTEXT instead of VARCHAR(60000) and
alike which are not valid for MySQL.
Additionally I needed to fix several dates in XWIKIDATES like 2222-04-16
00:00:00 into 2012... - no idea why they were treated as invalid...
Could someone also hint about consequences of several errors I wasn't able
to solve? May be they can be solved as well?
1. For XWIKIATTACHMENT_ARCHIVE I got 0 of 20 entries transferred, with
an error "Unknown column '0x' in 'field list'". Indeed in .script file I
VALUES(-2145604653,''). I believe it's safe to ignore this? But how did it
2. Same error for XWIKIATTACHMENT_CONTENT, but there only one row should
have been deleted - may I got problems because of this?
Will community benefit from description of such HSQLDB->MySQL migration or
was it a non-trivial thing for me only (I only faced databases during
university course)? :) If yes where can I add it?
i want to have our wiki categorized, since it's used as a intranet for a
company with a few different work groups. So it would be the best if
every group gets its own "category", but every coworker is able to see
(and possibly edit) every page. But i'm not sure what's the best way to
do this, i think the two possibilities are to use different spaces or to
use parent pages.
Can you tell me what the main differences are to help me with this
decision? Is it only the rights management or are there any other
Thanks again,
for our company intranet wiki i'd like to have a page where all
coworkers are listed with their names and pictures. I found a velocity
code to give out the useravatar (e.g. #largeUserAvatar('XWiki.username')
), but is there a way to automatically generate a page where all the
users are listed with names and pictures (perhaps in 2 columns and with
links to their profile pages)? I only found a way to list all editors or
page creators.
And second, i would like to add information to the profile pages of the
coworkers, e.g. their specialities or responsibilities. How can i do that?
Thanks in advance,
I want to apply a specicific set of rules to password policy in xwiki so
that that if any new user/existing user(in case he want to change the
existing password)
adhere to this policy. Some of the rules are like :-
1)Password should have following charectics
A minimum password length of fourteen (12) characters
Contain at least one alpha characters (a-z, A-Z).
Contain at least one Upper Case Alpha character (A-Z).
Contain at least one numeric character (0-9).
Contain at least one “special” character, such as the following:~ ` ! @ #
$ % ’
The maximum number of failed login attempts shall be set to 3.
2)Passwords are required to be changed every 30 days
3)A password history of last 13 passwords must be maintained so that new
password is not among last 13 passwords
4)Where any user account has been locked out, admin should be subject to
reset the password
My first question is about point 1 . I can see one way to modify
registration password matching regex at
so that i can change default policy from 6 character to customized policy
as per point 1. Is there any other way to from user interface ?
Second point is i don't see any configuration setting to fulfil the
requirements 2,3 and 4. Does xwiki support this kind of configuration too?
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and
XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.4.
XWiki Enterprise 3.4 is a stabilization release as we're approaching
the end of the 3.x cycle so its main goal was to improve the Extension
Manager and App Within Minutes features. However, this release also
comes with a new look and a new default wiki page syntax. The
highlights of this release are:
* New color themes
* XWiki 2.1 is the default page syntax
* Improved Extension Manager UI
* Delete space menu
* Simple space templates
* Special characters in attachment file names
* Minimized action menu
* Display macro
See the full release notes at
for more details.
-The XWiki dev team