We use Large XAR Import
to migrate from one database to another.
With options: "Import all" and "Overwrite with version"
This works all fine, but I noticed that on every imported page, there is
a new history entry "Imported from XAR" and also the last modification
date of the imported page is set to the import date.
Is there a way to suppress these history entry and the last modification
date? So that the imported page (including history) looks exactly as it
did on the other system, where it was exported?
Thanks Sergiu too for valuable inputs.
* Wanted to know about one more configuration. On the page just after
login, i get to see to all modifications i.e which page got created and
modified recently. Is there a way i can hide these details from a specific
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mohit gupta <motgupta(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Fwd: Configure the XWIKI Logo
To: Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)xwiki.com>
Thanks a lot Guillaume for telling me this kind of configuration.It
worked. I wish this kind of stuff is documented in user guide. It would be
a great help for end users.
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 3:56 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
> On 12/27/2011 12:03 PM, mohit gupta wrote:
>> Thanks Guillaume for giving this valuable information . But i am facing a
>> issue while changing image this way. Here is what idid
>> I am trying to change the logo for DefaultColorTheme page
>> 1) i attached an image named as myimage.png with DefaultColorTheme page
>> which is showing in attachment tab
>> 2) Then on DefaultColorTheme page i clicked edit button and select the
>> header
>> 3)After selection of header , a paint icon come and i click on that. Small
>> window open up below the existing header where i gave the name of image as
>> myimage in logo text box but as soon as i do tab out old image went away
>> but new image does not get shown. Instead a cross icon is displayed. I
>> tried giving the same name in banner text box too but same results.
> Did you use "myimage" or "myimage.png"? The extension should be there as
> well.
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Guillaume Lerouge<guillaume(a)xwiki.com>**
>> wrote:
>> Hi Mohit,
>>> the logo can be changed from the color theme page:
>>> 1. Attach the file you want to use as logo to the color theme page
>>> 2. Edit the color theme
>>> 3. Enter the name of your file in the "logo" field when editing the
>>> header in the color theme
>>> I agree that it's not very intuitive, but it's doable.
>>> Guillaume
>>> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 11:56 AM, mohit gupta<motgupta(a)gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Guillaume ,
>>>> i want to change default xwiki logo that we see just below the wiki link
>>> on
>>>> top left corner of xwiki website not the color . I already tried
>>> changing
>>>> color theme it just changes the color theme. PFA the logo for reference
>>>> which i want to change.
>>>> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Guillaume Lerouge<guillaume(a)xwiki.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mohit,
>>>>> you don't need to modify the logo from the filesystem. You can do this
>>>>> through the Color Theme.
>>>>> Guillaume
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 10:51 AM, mohit gupta<motgupta(a)gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Though it worked after changing logo.png to myprojectlogo.png in
>>>>> global.vm
>>>>>> file .But i expect there should be some way from xwiki admin UI
>>>>> too. I
>>>>> tried some stuff changing in defaultskin after going inside look and
>>>>> feel
>>>>>> section but that did not help
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: mohit gupta<motgupta(a)gmail.com>
>>>>>> Date: Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 3:05 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Configure the XWIKI Logo
>>>>>> To: XWiki Users<users(a)xwiki.org>
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I want to change the default xwiki logo with my custom logo say
>>>>>> MyProjectLogo.png. Is this configurable somewhere?
>>>>>> What i tried :-inside my tomcat directory i.e
>>>>> tomcat\myxwiki\skins\colibri
>>>>>> , i replaced default log.png with my custom logo(with same name). But
>>>>> it
>>>>> still picks old logo.
> --
> Sergiu Dumitriu
> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
Hi, All
Recently I had to deploy XWiki under Centos. As a brand new task for me it required tonns of documentation to dig in.
Finally I managed to set up: Centos + MySQL + Tomcat 7 + nginx.
Everything is fine besides some Tomcat's behaviour.
- localhost:8080 or localhost:8080/ shows ROOT application
- localhost:8080/xwiki shows XWiki application as desired. Fine.
- if nginx redirects required requests from 80 port to localhost:8080/xwiki we obtain wrong links, because /xwiki automatically is added to requested string. Works fine only first request to e.g. "mydomain.com".
So, next step is to set XWiki application as DAFAULT application in Tomcat, so localhost:8080 will call XWiki by default.
Googling gave me several complicated solutions with redirect and two almost clear solutions with Tomcat configuration:
- Deploy XWiki in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT
After this nginx can easily proxy all requests like "mydomain.com" on 80 port to localhost:8080
- Deploy XWiki in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/xwiki
Then add Following string in Host section in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml :
 <Context path="" docBase="${catalina.home}/webapps/xwiki"/>
I tried second way, it works fine, nginx redirects all "mydomain.com" requests to localhost:8080 correctly, BUT all URLs from required, e.g,
So, we miss /xwiki in URL.
As for me, "xwikiless" URLs solution looks fine, BUT as far as I remember, somebody from developers' team pointed out in mailing lists some time ago, that /xwiki in URL could be necessary in some cases. (??)
The questions are:
1. Is it crucial for XWiki and/or some XWiki applications to eat shorten URL on Tomcat's level?
Will it affect, for example, on virtual wiki mapping for URLs based addresses like http://myfarm.net/xwiki/wiki/wikiname/?
2. Should we change anything in XWiki configuration files to force it working with such URLs?
OR, the best way to put ${catalina.home}/webapps/ROOT/Web-inf/web.xml with redirect information as it is done e.g. in standalone XWiki for Windows?
From other side, I also found an opinions on forums, that redirect method is not the best solution for search engines robots. So, I got lost a bit :-)
Kindly ask you to clarify this tricky subject in order to avoid unnecessary errors in the future.
On finding right, community approved solution(s), I will amend documentation accordingly.
Thanks in advance,
Dmitry Bakbardin
I have configured to use Lucene search in my xwiki application. Right now
in xwiki , any user is able to search any other user details by
entering his deatils in serach text box.I want to configure it in a way
user should be able to search the other users who belongs to same group
otherwise it should not other group user details. Is it configurable in
xwiki or i need to make some changes in code for the same.Thanks.
At link http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Access+Rightsit
is given that
1) Right can be set at the page level. :- For example it is given that ,
View right can be set at the page level.
But do not see any way for setting the right at page level( i can see how
to set it at space level but not at page level ).
i am working xwiki-enterprise-web-3.2.war and xwiki-enterprise-wiki-3.2.xar
2)Checking order for View rights are given as page > space > wiki. What my
understanding from this is if we have given view rights to
Group A For Space A at space A level but left the view Rights check box
as blank for the same group at Wiki adminstration level, Then Group A
user should be able to view and search the Space A content on the page we
see just after login , as permission at at wiki level are
overriden bt permissions at space. But this behaviour does not happens. It
happens only when Group A has view rights at both level
i.e at wiki administration level and space level. *Not getting what does
checking order means here?*
My steps as below:
1. Create a data type CarClass. (lang=en)
2. Create class sheets and bind it. (lang=en)
3. Add FordPage. (lang=en)
4. Add a CarClass object to the page.
And then xwiki can render html of FordPage as sheet content correctly.
After that, I create a translation document of FordPage (lang=zh_TW).
I found that xwiki would not render the sheet content when I visit FordPage
as lang=zh_TW.
It just render the content of FordPage(lang=zh_TW).
How to make xwiki render sheet content correctly?
Hi everybody!
I need to setup preferences of a space (created by my code). I can create
WebPreferences page and after this - add related object, when fill in
properties ...
But, is it possible to use $xwiki.copy(oldSpace.WebPreferences,
newSpace.WebPreferences)? In fact, I have a "typical" WebPreferences, and I
want to simple make a copy of it.
I tried $xwiki.copy(typicalSpace.WebPreferences, newSpace.WebPreferences),
page created, but unfortunatelly, properties of XWiki.XWikiPreferences
doesn't fill in (object, attached in a page - exists).
Whats may be a problem? Or maybe in this situation (WebPreferences - is a
special page) - I shouldn't use $xwiki.copy method?
Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/copying-WebPreferences-from-space-to-spac…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have two intentions for my web application which i am trying to
integerate with xwiki. Basically both these intentions are related to
right management on specific space area on xwiki.These are:-
*Intention1:-* My intention is if an user belongs to particular
organisation say Accenture he should be able to
admin,search,edit,view,delete only that organization space(provided he is
admin user for that organisation) otherwise he should not be able to do
any operation (not even search and view) on any other space
*What I Did for to achieve above* :- I as admin created AccentureAdminUser
and AccentureAdminUserGroup . Now i added AccentureAdminUser under
Also I created the space for this organization with Name
Lets come to Rights Management. As there are two level of rights i.e at
Wiki level and Space level.
AT Wiki Level:- I gave only view rights to AccentureAdminUserGroup
AT Space Level:- I gave all possible rights to AccentureAdminUserGroup
for AccentureAdminSpace
Now when i log in with AccentureAdminUser credentials, i do not see
space on a page just after log in and also i am not able to search any
content(space or page) for this AccentureAdminSpace . Not Getting Why? Do
i need to give any other Right too?
*Intention2:- *My intention is if an user belongs to particular
organisation and he is just a registered user but not admin user for that
organization say Accenture he should be able to only view and search that
organization spacevotherwise he should not be able to do any operation (not
even search and view) on any other space
*What I Did for to achieve above* :- I as admin created AccentureUser and
AccentureUserGroup . Now i added AccentureUser under AccentureUserGroup.
Also I created the space for this organization with Name AccentureSpace.
Lets come to Rights Management. As there are two level of rights i.e at
Wiki level and Space level.
AT Wiki Level:- I gave only view rights to AccentureUserGroup
AT Space Level:- I gave only view rights to AccentureUserGroup for
Now when i log in with AccentureUser credentials, i can see AccentureSpace
space on a page just after log in but i am not able to search any
content(space or page) for this
AccentureSpace . Not Getting Why? Do i need to give any other Right too for
I would be grateful if somebody can provide some insight about above issues
on right management.Already I have gone thru below links but did not get
through the issues
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/RightsManagement right
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Access+Rights access
and rights
Thanks in advance.