Hi All,
Is there any way to configure in xwiki configuration files so thst the
session expires automatically after some specified time say
20 minutes in case user does not do any activity in last 20 minutes. I
looked in to xwiki.cfg and xwiki.properties file but could not
find any such thing.Please let me know if this kind of stuff already exists
in xwiki?
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and
XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.3.
Following the goals established for the 3.x cycle, XWiki Enterprise 3.3
delivers the first usable but experimental versions of App Within
Minutes and Extension Manager features. The highlights of this release are:
* Experimental "App Within Minutes" feature
* Improved Extension Manager
* Automatic external link checker
* Better support for exporting CJK documents as PDF
* LDAP user membership improvements
* Attachment handling improvements
* Debian packages for installing XWiki
See the full release notes at
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise33 for
more details.
Sergiu Dumitriu
i have implemented the single sign on of xwiki with my web application.
Basically when i click xwiki hyperlink on my webapplication it takes me to
xwiki site hosted on another port
without asking the credentials. Behind the scenes it creates an empty
user in xwiki databse with no password. Till here its perfect.But when i
click on logout on right top of the page it does not do logout. it brings
me on the same page.I tried debugging the issue whole day but could not
find any concrete finding.
when i do the login on xwiki site directly with some created credentials(i
mean in giving address in address bar directly)and do the logout it does
the log out. I found the major difference is when we do the login manually
it sets the username and password in cookies and sets some other stuff too
like user principal in request and onlogout it retrieves the same info from
cookie and gets successfully logout.But in my case as it creates the empty
user i.e with no password it does not set the above stuff in cookie and
when i click on logout it stays on the same page.i am not getting how to
get thru this. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Hello all
I intend to do a lot of updates to a single page via a python script but I
don't want/need a huge history file. Is there a way to either disable
versioning for a single page or purging it periodically with a script ?
Ik ben afwezig van Di 12/20/2011 tot Wo 01/11/2012.
Geachte mevrouw, mijnheer,
Op het moment kan ik uw mail niet beantwoorden. Voor dringende zaken kunt u
zich wenden tot het secretariaat van het EMI:
marion.linnebank(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2742913
anne.marie.van.kleef(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2748570
Met vriendelijke groet,
Wouter Boasson
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Issue 28" sent on 20-12-2011 13:00:02.
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Hi everybody!
I need help to organize interacting beetween groovy and velocity script on a
page. I need to transmit a value of a parameter from groovy script - to
velocity script (both scripts placed on one page).
I know theory, that need to use xcontext:
xcontext.put("variable","value") inside groovy script
and $xcontext.get("variable") inside velocity script
but in my situation - this doesn't work ... I cannot understand, what object
in my groovy script representing xcontext object ...
As a groovy script, I am using "Title Post Processing Using Groovy" based on
event listener technology, originally taken from here
I only made small changes on this script (calculates title according to my
properties). It works perfectly.
Also, I inserted on same page (where event listener script was placed) one
more script - velocity script (below groovy script). My idea - when an event
was happen - should execute 2 scripts. And all is working perfectly! Execute
and "Title Post Processing Using Groovy" and my own velocity-script - this
part working without any problems.
I need to make small next step - to transmit a value of a parameter (page
name where an event was happens) from groovy to velocity. But if I try to
write inside this groovy script:
xcontext.put("eventsource",source.getFullName()) - event listener stops
working ... (looks like some error)
If I trying to use (as a xcontext) - crtContext (variable which defines some
context-related object in this script) - event listener working, but when I
trying inside velocity-script to get:
$xcontext.get("eventsource") - value is empty ...
As a result - my question is - how need to use xcontext.put(... in this
groovy script of event listenter which I am using and how I can get xcontext
variable in a below-placed velocity script (which is also executes)?
If will be small example - will be perfectly, because I am not groovy- or
java-programmer and have some difficulties of understanding object-oreiented
organization of xwiki ...
Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Interacting-between-groovy-velocity-scrip…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I'm having trouble when the title of a blog message contains a question mark. For example the recent blog post panel shows such posts as non-existent. It looks like the question mark isn't encoded properly. On the Blog/WebHome page it shows fine though.
Is this a bug or a configuration problem? Any solutions/workarounds?
Hi everybody!
I have a code with full form XWQL statements (select ...). I want to include
this code in my custom panel. I saved panel as a admin user (with enabled
programming rights).
If I look panel at it own page (opened
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Panels/MyPanel) - all is looking
perfectly - it gave my results.
But If I enable panel in XWiki (put it via Panel Wizard at right-side of a
screen) - I received an error on it:
Caused by: org.xwiki.query.QueryException: Full form XWQL statements
requires programming right. Query statement = ...
What's the difference? Maybe I should re-save some other pages with
programming rights? How is it possible to find needed pages?
Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Checking-programming-rights-tp7106250p710…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
One more vote on board :-)
18 декабря 2011, 01:49 от Ludovic Dubost <ludovic(a)xwiki.com>:
> 2011/12/17 Eugen Colesnicov <ecolesnicov(a)gmail.com>
> > Thanks for great job!
> > Especially for the Oracle support! Also AppWithinMinutes looks very
> > interesting - I will start "to feel" it!
> >
> > Also, regarding to your discussion about 3.4 roadmap and 3.x cycle, I want
> > one more time to focus you at an older problem - supporting of russian
> > symbols (or other non-latin characters, spaces and special symbols) in
> > attachment names.
> >
> > Interesting moment. If you using office importer and your office-file named
> > in russian, and your file contains some pictures, when wiki-page creates -
> > can download them, get link, etc.
> >
> > According to this I can make a conclusion, that supporting of non-latin
> > attachment filenames is ALREADY DONE ON A PLATFORM LEVEL. And, right now,
> >
> >
> Good point, maybe a patch could be provided that deactivates this stripping
> using a configuration setting.
> I would vote +1 to include it asap in the platform.
> Ludovic
> > Please, include this issue in your roadmap of 3.x cycle! This is really
> > important thing - because without this XWiki cannot named as "multilanguage
> > Only XWiki lagging ...
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards
> > Eugen Colesnicov
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> > http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Announcement-XWiki-Enterprise-3-3-and-XWi…
> > Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> > _______________________________________________
> > users mailing list
> > users(a)xwiki.org
> > http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >
> --
> Ludovic Dubost
> Founder and CEO
> Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
> XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
> Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users(a)xwiki.org
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Je suis absent(e) du bureau jusqu'au 02/01/2012
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