We're setting up a private XWiki wiki farm for our department.
Everything is working perfectly except for the fact that non-admin users
cannot create new wikis. We'd prefer to allow registered users to create
wikis on their own, without involving the admin.
Currently, when a non-admin user attempts to create a new wiki, they receive
the following error:
Wiki "testwiki9" creation failed: Error number 9001 in 5: Exception in
plugin xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.Wiki Manager
You dont have right to create wiki
Is there any way to customize XWiki to grant non-admin users the right to
create new wikis.
In the case of a private wiki farm, where our user base is known, it would
seem safe to do this.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Stanley E. Laufer
Network Administrator
School of Library and Information Science
San Jose State University
For italian users that are interested in updating their italian resource
file, please visit
http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/L10N/TranslationRules_it , where I
posted my last version (3.1 and 3.2) of ApplicationResources_it.properties
For xwiki developers: it is still too much time consuming (at least for me)
to update translations line by line through actual system (l10n.xwiki.org),
for what regards the big application resource file (>3500 lines).
Angelo Ghisoni
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Italian-translation-xwiki-core-tp6888357p…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'd like to modify the RSS feed and add comments posted by user (against any document) to the RSS feed.
That is the RSS feed will include user comments.
Could somebody let me know how can I make the changes?
-Frank Ding
hello XWiki experts,
I have an object property that's of type number.
I have not been able to find the type of a variable x so that:
doc.getObject("Space.Class").set("amountr", x)
works without a hibernate error.
I tried float or integer "sub-type" of number.
What should I put?
I tried with x=new Float(1.0f) but failed.
thanks for hints.
Hi everybody!
I have strange situation with activity macro (XWiki 3.2). If I add Activity
macro for user personal dashboard - I can see all personal messages &
events, but If I put same macro (inside dashboard or not - doesn't matter)
in simple page - I cannot see mesages for this users ...
For reproducing situation:
1) create some "test" user
2) this user made some changes for page Sandbox.TestPage3
3) from another user (admin) sent some message personaly for "test" user
4) go to personal dashboard with activity gadget with string: {{activity
spaces="Sandbox" authors="test"/}} - you can see page modification made by
"test" and also message from admin.
5) Add same activity macro {{activity spaces="Sandbox" authors="test"/}} in
another page - see result: no message, no info about page modification ...
Why? What's the difference?
My final goal - on some page (not personal dashboard) list all activity
(personal messages stream too) of fixed user and fixed space. Unfortunatly,
result what I want give me only personal dashboard of this user (on page
/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/test), and I cannot reproduce it on another pages ...
Maybe I doing something wrong?
Please give me some advice.
Best Regards
Eugen Colesnicov
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Activity-macro-issues-tp6895656p6895656.h…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
My users want to be able to change the font size and type on their wiki
pages to make their text stand out - how can this be done? Can the WYSIWYG
editor can style pull down menu be tweaked to add text options for
different font sizes and styles or is there a macro for this? Are there any
plans to add font editing functionality to the WYSIWYG editor as say like
you get in a word processor.
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Hi Sergiu,
I'm using default installation (HLSQL+Jetty). The message itself appears at
the bottom of the page in the same place where "Saving..." and "Saved"
appear. So my guess would be that it is still XWiki, or at least it wraps
some stuff underneath.
And also strange is that it works for same attachment in other space.
From: Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)xwiki.com>
> On 10/10/2011 07:15 AM, Crowd Covered wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> When deleting attachment, I've got following error message: "Failed to
>> delete attachment: ( The request was rejected by HTTP filter. Contact
>> server
>> administrator. )"
>> It is just a *.doc, added by other user and updated to once to 1.2
>> version.
>> Tried also to delete as admin to no success. In Sandbox webspace I create,
>> update and delete such an attachment without problems.
>> Search on the web by error message didn't bring correlating results.
>> Can someone hint why is this happening and how to solve it? May it be smth
>> about user rights?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrey Stoliarov
> This error doesn't sound like anything that XWiki generates, it looks like
> a server configuration issue, with the Apache HTTPD reverse proxy set up,
> assuming that's what you're using.
> --
> Sergiu Dumitriu
> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
I used Thomas' workaround from XEM-113<http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XEM-113>,
and it's working great.
Thanks and very sorry for the hassle.
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Stanley Laufer <stanley.laufer(a)sjsu.edu>wrote:
> Nevermind. I see the comments on the JIRA. I'm not 100% how to implement,
> but will investigate.
> If anyone has developed documentation on how to do this, would you be
> willing forward?
> Thanks...
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Stanley Laufer <stanley.laufer(a)sjsu.edu>wrote:
>> I see the following JIRA regarding this issue:
>> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/WIKITHREEDOTO-14
>> But I'm not seeing any details regarding the resolution. Was a
>> configuration option added to disable java rights checking for the current
>> user? I scanned through xwiki.cfg, but I'm not seeing anything related...
>> Many thanks...
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Stanley Laufer <stanley.laufer(a)sjsu.edu
>> > wrote:
>>> We're setting up a private XWiki wiki farm for our department.
>>> Everything is working perfectly except for the fact that non-admin users
>>> cannot create new wikis. We'd prefer to allow registered users to create
>>> wikis on their own, without involving the admin.
>>> Currently, when a non-admin user attempts to create a new wiki, they
>>> receive the following error:
>>> Wiki "testwiki9" creation failed: Error number 9001 in 5: Exception in
>>> plugin xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.Wiki Manager Plugin?<https://sliswiki.sjsu.edu/bin/edit/com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager/WikiMan…>:
>>> You dont have right to create wiki
>>> Is there any way to customize XWiki to grant non-admin users the right to
>>> create new wikis.
>>> In the case of a private wiki farm, where our user base is known, it
>>> would seem safe to do this.
>>> Thanks in advance for any feedback.
>>> --
>>> Stanley E. Laufer
>>> Network Administrator
>>> School of Library and Information Science
>>> San Jose State University
>> --
>> Stanley E. Laufer
>> Network Administrator
>> School of Library and Information Science
>> San Jose State University
> --
> Stanley E. Laufer
> Network Administrator
> School of Library and Information Science
> San Jose State University
Stanley E. Laufer
Network Administrator
School of Library and Information Science
San Jose State University
Hi XWiki community,
In the Extensions wiki (http://extensions.xwiki.org), the "Download
XWiki" (on the right column of the homepage, with the orange
background) is broken.
If someone know how to fix it. I don't.