I have been running xwiki 3.1 for a while now on Fedora 13 with
I decided to upgrade to 3.2 by undeploying the previous version of xwiki and
installing the 3.2 war and default xar files, reconfiguring
hibernate.cfg.xml to access the PostgreSQL database etc.
After the new war install and the hibernate.cfg.xml reconfiguration, when
trying to connect xwiki, I get:
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server …
[View More]encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3
in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3201 in 3: Exception while saving document
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3211 in 3: Exception while updating archive
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: could not load an entity:
]{docId=104408758, version2=1, version1=24}]
and in catalina.out, I get a lot of those
<title>$tdoc.getRenderedTitle("plain/1.0") ($doc.fullName) - XWiki</title>
<validation_email_content>#set ($wikiname = $request.serverName)
#set ($host = ${request.getRequestURL()})
#set ($host = ${host.substring(0, ${host.indexOf('/',
${mathtool.add(${host.indexOf('//')}, 2)})})})
Subject: Validate your account on ${wikiname}
Hello ${xwiki.getUserName("XWiki.$xwikiname", false)},
This email address was used to register a new account on ${wikiname}. If you
did not make the request, please ignore this message.
In order to activate your account, please follow this link:
${host}${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.AccountValidation', 'view',
<version>XWiki Enterprise $xwiki.getVersion() - <a
ion', '_blank'); return false;"
<webcopyright>This wiki is licensed under a <a rel="license"
href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">Creative Commons
2.0</a> license</webcopyright>
<content>{{include document="XWiki.AdminSheet" /}}</content></xwikidoc>
Then a final
2011-10-12 22:56:30,809 [] WARN
o.a.s.a.RequestProcessor - Unhandled Exception thrown: class
Any idea about what's going on ?
Thanks for your help,
[View Less]
Hi guys,
When deleting attachment, I've got following error message: "Failed to
delete attachment: ( The request was rejected by HTTP filter. Contact server
administrator. )"
It is just a *.doc, added by other user and updated to once to 1.2 version.
Tried also to delete as admin to no success. In Sandbox webspace I create,
update and delete such an attachment without problems.
Search on the web by error message didn't bring correlating results.
Can someone hint why is this happening and how …
[View More]to solve it? May it be smth
about user rights?
Andrey Stoliarov
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We have a script developped in XWiki which does not function anymore?
Probably due to migration or rights...
My problem is that the script is developed by a IT partner 3 years ago, in XWiki 1.6
THere is a button in a screen showing a overview of pages with a button to create a new page.
This button has the following link;
[View More]CdLS_ATD_UserQuestionsClassTemplate
The errorcode is not helping me much...
Caused by: org.xwiki.velocity.XWikiVelocityException: Failed to evaluate content with id [xwiki:CdlsatdPrivate.DjennaKoekkoek3_doc105]
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:205)
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:161)
at org.xwiki.rendering.internal.macro.velocity.VelocityMacro.evaluateString(VelocityMacro.java:118)
... 87 more
Caused by: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'get' in class java.util.Collections$EmptyList threw exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0 at xwiki:CdlsatdPrivate.DjennaKoekkoek3_doc105[line 124, column 32]
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTMethod.handleInvocationException(ASTMethod.java:337)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTMethod.execute(ASTMethod.java:284)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.execute(ASTReference.java:252)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference.value(ASTReference.java:493)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTMathNode.value(ASTMathNode.java:84)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTExpression.value(ASTExpression.java:71)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTExpression.value(ASTExpression.java:71)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTSetDirective.render(ASTSetDirective.java:142)
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.SimpleNode.render(SimpleNode.java:336)
at org.xwiki.velocity.internal.DefaultVelocityEngine.evaluate(DefaultVelocityEngine.java:196)
... 89 more
Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0
at java.util.Collections$EmptyList.get(Collections.java:2970)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11070.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
The code around Line 12 (How should I find the linenumber; should I include with counting the comments lines or only the lines with code?)
## This sheet will display and edit a Private Question
## Test the language to display the information
$lang {{html}}<br/>{{/html}}
## Build a list of possible status the question can have to populate dropdown
## dependant on the language it will take the list from CdlsatdCode.Translations
## the key values of list should, off course, not be translated
## dd_status_question_v1=opt_un_answered,opt_answered,opt_in_progress,opt_more_info_required
## First get the translated meanings
#set($engList = $msg.get('dd_status_user_questions_en'))
#foreach( $op in $engList.split("[|,]"))
#set($temp2 = $engStatusList.add($op))
$engStatusList {{html}}<br/>{{/html}}
## Second get the list codes
#set($questionStatusComma = $msg.get('dd_status_question_v1'))
#foreach($keyStatusTxt in $questionStatusComma.split("[|,]"))
#set($temp3 = $statusList.add($keyStatusTxt))
$statusList {{html}}<br/>{{/html}}
## The privat question is a object of class CdlsatdCode.CdLS_ATD_UserQuestionsClass
#set($userQuestionObj = $doc.getObject("CdlsatdCode.CdLS_ATD_UserQuestionsClass"))
## Get the staus of the question
#set($userQnStatus = $userQuestionObj.getProperty('status').getValue())
## Evaluate the creation of a new question (or a modification)
#if($request.getParameter('success') == 'true')
## We have a slightly disturbing Rights implementation
## User is a client
## If you are not in User you are considered a Moderator (or question support person)
## But also these people should be allowed to post questions, currently they are not!
## better implementation would be; All approped people should be in User, some have extra rights like Moderator or Global moderator
{{info}}{{html clean="false"}}$msg.get('msg_success_question_posted'){{/html}}{{/info}}
{{info}}{{html clean="false"}}$msg.get('msg_success'){{/html}}{{/info}}
It looks like it find an empty object...
This is exactly what I find, it looks like the code is creating a page with a empty object,
but it fails to set values in the object, and after that I understand the error,
What I do not inderstand where the code is that would set the values in the object, I would expect it in the Template?
But maybe it is hidden in the code on the page where the button is in the Form-area
So maybe I should ask the question how I would do this in the new XWiki 2.7 (which we are running) If I should start all new
I would like to create a page with an object of which a few attributes are hidden from the user (containing some ID and status information)
After the click the user should experience that he is on the newly created page and filling in the remaining attributes of the object (a Question and Answer)
Second, since the intention of the page/object is to start a workflow; 1) Create a Question by a user (this step) -> 2) Accepting the Question by a moderator by status change-> 4) Moderator answering the question by typing a answer-> User accepting the answer and closing the case by changing the status
What is the best practise to put the code for each step in the workflow? At this moment all the code is in the templatesheet of the page, making it difficult to maintain and look for the code
Would you advise to put the code in the template or put code in velocity macro's and have buttons in the sheet
Help would be very much appreciated, both on finding the cause of the error and on advise what is the best practise to do such USE-Case
[View Less]
Hello everyone,
I put a space on my favorite and I receive a mail every hour that tells me
all new pages creating on this space (or the pages that have been
editing/deleted). When I look at the code, I see an object of type
In this object, there is a code like that :
Where can I find the translations or the file where the sentence
corresponding to this code is ?
Thank for your answer.
Best regards,
View this …
[View More]message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/msg-get-tp6885314p6885314.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Is there a best-practise implementation of CRUD avents (Create, Read, Update and Delete) in a templatesheet for a class
Default the following is generated for a XWiki class
#set($class = $doc.getObject('CdlsatdCode.CdLSATEPublicQAClass').xWikiClass)
#foreach($prop in $class.properties)
; $prop.prettyName
: $doc.display($prop.getName())
This is fine for Read (=View) and Update events except for rules to be implemented around data integrity with update
When I CREATE the object (…
[View More]test for $doc.isNew() in most cases, unless multiple objects are created on same document, this might be case for internationalization
typical things to do in CREATE is setting of the defaults value, setting keys that link to other objects (child of...)
When I UPDATE the object there might be attributes where we test Old.value against New.Value and NEW.Value might
When I DELETE the object (or the containing document) I might want to prevent that in order for integrity (by example Parent Child relation ships, do not delete the parent while there are still childs)
This is related to my previous post, since I discover the code is really becoming a mess if I do not use a best-practise
Who has implemented a practise and can tell me about the pro's and con's, this might be even a good thing to publish on the documentation of XWiki.org
since i expect many who are involved in building forms run into the same questions
[View Less]
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and
XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.2. Following the goals established for the
3.x cycle, XWiki Enterprise 3.2 pushes forward in the directions of the
Application Within Minutes and Extension Manager features. The
highlights of this release are:
* many extension manager improvements
* new implementation of the sheet system making it easier to bind sheets
to …
[View More]objects without an explicit inclusion of the sheet in the document
* user dashboards giving each user the possibility to configure their
own home page
* introduction of wiki workspaces, as a more collaborative way of
managing an XWiki virtual farm
* improvements of search results scoring
* storage improvements, bringing in numerous performance and
compatibility improvements
* conversion of the panels application to the XWiki 2.0+ syntax
* easier activation and configuration of Google Analytics
And on the developers' front:
* CSRF prevention enabled by default
* support for DocBook syntax
* xwiki-commons and xwiki-rendering are now published on the central
Maven2 repository
* some major code cleanup due to the retirement of some very old plugins
and the move of legacy/deprecated code into separate modules
See the full release notes at
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise32 for
more details.
Sergiu Dumitriu
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What is best practice on changing the style of a form while keeping the default colibri-style intact (for easy upgrading)
In the Guide the labels, required, help, hint, Error are ALL positioned ON TOP of the input box, selector,...
Label - required -> help
The request of our people is to have the vertical form layout slightly changed into a so called "two column" layout with use of Group(or Row)
In the …
[View More]left column we would like:
In the right column we would like the remaining
- required -> help
Where the label is off course horizontal aligned with Input
1) Should we use a style sheet extension that is applied to all pages (or to pages with a object display and a inline form)?
2) Is this available as a snippet
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I have installed xwiki 3.1.1 on a tomcat7+ mysql 5.1 + centos 6
II have nstalled the enterprise xar pack, imported my backup from a 2.7
version on tomcat5.5
All is ok ! ...
Except .. the redirect:
When i try
*http://myip:8080/mywebapp* i am redirected to *http://myip:8080/mywebapp**
When i try *http://myip:8080/mywebapp/*bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin .. it is
ok once logged. Same stuff when i logout.
Any idea ? tomcat7 ? my …
[View More]configuration ? A workaround ?
- Nicolas Hernandez
a-n - aleph-networks*
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Some users on my xwiki 3.1 instance never receive notification emails, while
others do.
I couldn't find any useful difference in their profiles (use of
"Scheduler.WatchListHourlyNotifier", list of space and pages, email
correctly set in profile ...).
Tried to increase logs to debug for com.xpn.xwiki.*, I though it would add
some logs about what was doing com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListJob,
but nothing new appears in the logs (except an important amount of "noise"
from rights …
[View More]check).
Do you have any advice on how to investigate about this issue ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Watchlist-email-notification-does-not-wor…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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