Username: KurtKincaid
Requested Server Name: kurtkincaid
Usage: Personal documentation, note taking, personal task list/project
tracking, etc.
Kurt Kincaid
I just got my xwiki on and the recently viewed panel doesn't seem to work. Looking at the code it appears to rely on the stats which are turned off. So is the recently viewed panel just not available on the farm?
Thanks for your help, Regan
I've set up my email server (sendmail) on my Solaris server and set the
appropriate setting in XWiki to talk to it and using the code below (taken
from the XWiki website) to successfully send an email:
#if("$!{request.action}" == 'send_mail' && "$!{request.lastname}" == '')
## Check submission and honey pot.
#if("$!request.recipient" != '' && "$!request.subject" != '')
#set($result = $xwiki.mailsender.sendTextMessage("no-reply(a)
<> ", $request.recipient, $request.subject,
#if($result == -1)
{{error}}A problem occurred while sending the mail.{{/error}}
{{info}}Everything went OK.{{/info}}
{{error}}Please specify at least a recipient and a subject{{/error}}
{{html wiki=true}}
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="action" value="send_mail" type="hidden" />
## this is a honey-pot hidden text field hat hopefully robots will not
leave empty
<div class="hidden">
<input name="lastname" type="text" />
**TO:**<br />
<input type="text" name="recipient" /><br />
**SUBJECT:**<br />
<input type="text" name="subject" /><br />
**MESSAGE:**<br />
<textarea name="message" style="width:99%;" rows=10>Your test message
<span class="buttonwrapper"><input type="submit" class="button"
value="Send" /></span>
{{error}}Oops. Area restricted to Admins, sorry.{{/error}}
BUT ..... in my XWiki wiki (I have the latest version) when I select to
email a wiki page and press the Send button nothing seems to happen (I
assume the email dialog should close when you press the Send button and an
email should be sent), also when adding a Watch on the wiki or wiki page and
the page is changed then no email is sent to the user who has put the watch
on the page .... does anyone know why the emails aren't getting sent????
Having the facility to email a wiki page and to watch wiki pages would
certainly help get more people to use our wiki.
Thales UK Ltd (Wells) DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this e-mail
is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. It is intended only for
the stated addressee(s) and access to it by any other person is
unauthorised. If you are not an addressee, you must not disclose, copy,
circulate or in any other way use or rely on the information contained in
this e-mail. Such unauthorised use may be unlawful. We may monitor all
e-mail communications through our networks. If you have received this e-mail
in error, please inform us immediately on sender's telephone number above
and delete it and all copies from your system. We accept no responsibility
for changes to any e-mail which occur after it has been sent. Attachments
to this e-mail may contain software viruses which could damage your system.
We therefore recommend you virus-check all attachments before opening.
Thales UK Ltd. Registered Office: 2 Dashwood Lang Road, The Bourne Business
Park, Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey KT15 2NX Registered in England No.
I am trying to get XEM installed on my shared hosting provider, and am
running into some trouble with the MySQL user permissions part.
The tutorial says:
In order for XEM to be able to create new wikis on demand, you will need to
give all rights to your database user. For example for MySQL, execute:
mysql -u root -e "grant all privileges on *.* to xwiki(a) identified
by 'xwiki'"
This command does not work when run on my SSH client. I contacted my hosting
provider to ask whether it was possible to assign admin privileges, and they
"It is not possible to change privileges for a database user. The database
uses have the most commonly needed privileges set by default. Instead of
creating a user as explained in those instructions, you should just be able
to use provide the user of the database you created through your Hosting
Control Center."
Am I right that this response means that XEM will not install correctly,
despite their assurances that I have "commonly needed privileges"?
Has anyone had success setting up XEM on a GoDaddy hosting account? If not,
it might be time to switch...
Thank you,
Aaron Hardy
**Just wanted to let anyone know who was having the same issue, it was
caused by the order that things are rendered on a wiki page.
The fix (at least temporarily) was to go into the xwiki.cfg file and edit
the line containing the order which files are rendered.
I changed the line :
# xwiki.render.renderingorder=macromapping, groovy, velocity, plugin, wiki,
to this :
# xwiki.render.renderingorder=groovy, velocity, macromapping, plugin, wiki,
And now it works. I'm assuming its because the page tried to post the chart
before it was rendered.
My charts work, all is well.
I recently set up a new XWiki instance, on a windows server, hosted in Jetty
with the Database on Oracle 11g.
After starting the server there was a "blank wiki shell", I was prompted to
install the Enterprise xar which I did.
It seemed to install correctly, I could create a user and log in etc.
But I keep on experiencing heap size errors.
I reached the point where I had allocated 2Gb memory, and it is still
freezing up with heap errors.
Has anyone experienced the same and managed to solve it, or got any ideas on
how to isolate the problem?
My configs are as follows:
Java 6 64 bit
Windows 2000 Server
Jetty 7
Wrapped as a service with apache-commons-daemon (procrun).
Thanks for listnening,
My username is reganfgill and I am requesting a wiki to be named scservicesub
I am a member of a the Service Trips Subcommittee which is part of the National Outings Program of the Sierra Club. We have over 100 subcommittee volunteers who lead and cook service trips in the wilderness and other government protected areas in the US and Canadawhere we and our participants work on conservation projects -- trail building, habitat restoration, invasive weed removal, etc. (for more info :
Although the Sierra Club provides some support for us, they do not provide a wiki for the members of the subcommittee to communicate relevant information such as trip and agency experiences, equipment considerations, logistical information, supplies and where to get them and other things that makes our job easier and our trip participants experience better.Â
BTW, if you are interested in going on a service trip please check out the link above :)
Thank you,
Regan Gill
I would like to create multiple objects and attach to the same
document (page).
--- velocity script --------------------------------------------------
#if("$context.action" == 'inline' )
#set($obj = $doc.newObject("Intranet.AbPersonClass"))
#foreach($prop in $
; $prop.prettyName
: $doc.display($!prop.getName(),$obj)
With this code I have two different behaviors:
* edit inline, add field, save => everything works well
* edit inline, press CANCEL => the system save an empty object
Is there a workaround?
Thank you,
I'm fulfilling a request as seen on :
I'd like to use xwiki as a personal/family blog.
My user name at : Thomas
The server name I'd like to use : fnd
Please let me know if it still possible.
Best regards