I am out of the office from Sat 07/16/2011 until Wed 08/17/2011.
Geachte mevrouw, mijnheer,
Op het moment kan ik uw mail niet beantwoorden. Voor dringende zaken kunt u
zich wenden tot het secretariaat van het EMI:
marion.linnebank(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2742913
anne.marie.van.kleef(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2748570
Met vriendelijke groet,
Wouter Boasson
Note: This is an automated response to your message "users Digest, Vol 48,
Issue 27" sent on 19-7-2011 0:56:39.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
Is that possible/feasible to have a tag cloud like the wp-cumulus or
some other flash rotation cumulus application?
I'm using the last XE.
* *
* *
*Ramon Gomes Brandão*
Application Server: Tomcat 5.5
Xwiki version: 2.7.33656
I'm encountering several different exceptions that apparently go uncaught, and therefore get logged to Tomcat's standard out log. This causes the standard out log to get filled with a lot of garbage, even though the wiki seemingly runs fine.
An example:
org.xwiki.velocity.XWikiVelocityException: Failed to evaluate content with id [/templates/xwikivars.vm]
Caused by: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'hasAccessLevel' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at /templates/xwikivars.vm[line 4, column 25]
I would really like to know if anyone can suggest a way to get these uncaught exceptions to be logged to a different file instead. I'm not seeing any way to do so with log4j etc.
customization of skins is a very fine solution for changing page
structures, cause it survives updates. In pre XWiki 3.1 we edited
the global.vm of the colibri skin and our header was shown on all
pages, including the login. In XWiki 3.1 there is no global.vm
(in colibri) anymore and the skin customizing doesn't work on the
login page, so how can we change that page, too?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Werner Greßhoff
Dezernat 2 - Digitale Dienste
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster
I am out of the office from Sat 07/16/2011 until Wed 08/17/2011.
Geachte mevrouw, mijnheer,
Op het moment kan ik uw mail niet beantwoorden. Voor dringende zaken kunt u
zich wenden tot het secretariaat van het EMI:
marion.linnebank(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2742913
anne.marie.van.kleef(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2748570
Met vriendelijke groet,
Wouter Boasson
Note: This is an automated response to your message "users Digest, Vol 48,
Issue 26" sent on 18-7-2011 12:00:17.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
I would like to conditional show pages based on request parameter
But i'm struggling with the fact if there is not a request parameter
#if("$request.cntryCode" != "es")
{{include document="Sandbox.TryCr"/}}
{{include document="Sandbox.TryEs"/}}
So if the request parameter cntryCode is not "es" (so anything else) show first page TryCr otherwise show page TryEs
But what if no parameter is givven; then I would like to show TryEs (assume parameter was "es"
Any suggestions
second question; how can i best use the parameter to avoid extensive coding;
Instead of
#if("$request.cntryCode" != "cr")
{{include document="Sandbox.Trycr"/}}
#elseif("$request.cntryCode" != "hn")
{{include document="Sandbox.Tryhn"/}}
#elseif("$request.cntryCode" != "el")
{{include document="Sandbox.Tryel"/}}
#elseif("$request.cntryCode" != "ng")
{{include document="Sandbox.Tryng"/}}
{{include document="Sandbox.TryEs"/}}
I would only think i need to concatenate the parameter to the end of the documentname Tryxx to get the good document
Hope somebody can help me
Ik ben afwezig van Za 07/16/2011 tot Wo 08/17/2011.
Geachte mevrouw, mijnheer,
Op het moment kan ik uw mail niet beantwoorden. Voor dringende zaken kunt u
zich wenden tot het secretariaat van het EMI:
marion.linnebank(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2742913
anne.marie.van.kleef(a)rivm.nl, T 030-2748570
Met vriendelijke groet,
Wouter Boasson
Note: This is an automated response to your message "users Digest, Vol 48,
Issue 24" sent on 16-7-2011 12:00:07.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
I will be out of the office starting 07/15/2011 and will not return until
Please contact Gopalkrishnan Shanmugam for SSO,Sakthivel Nagaraj
for WIRED ,Rajyalakshmi Srikantha BOT with Kailash Radhakrishnan being the
escalation contact.
Please contact Krishnan Gopalrao for TSFD Blog and CCIVR in care required,
E-mail Disclaimer: http://www.csscorp.com/common/email-disclaimer.php
Hi All,
I have a bit of newby question which affects userrights.
I have a page with content, which different usergroups will look at.
I want that Usergroup A only sees the top bit of the page, and
Usergroup B to see the whole page (top and bottom). Can I do this over
So that Group A will only see some Content of the Page, and Group B
will see the total Content.
One of the reasons why I want this, is that I do not want that Group A
sees that there is more content which they cannot access.
I was thinking of using the include makro here, but it would be far
easier to have just one single document and use Rightsmanagent to
determine who sees what on the page.
I hope I expressed my question clearly, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,