Hi Sergiu,
I phrased my question incorrectly. I am required to load CSS files
conditionally using JS. There is a GPL licensed Nifty Cube library
that is used for creating round corner effects which I was trying to
import into my wiki. Here is the code snippet where I am stuck:
var oldonload=window.onload;
if(typeof(NiftyLoad)!='function') NiftyLoad=function(){};
else window.onload=function(){AddCss();NiftyLoad()};
function AddCss(){
var l=CreateEl("link");
Hello folks,
Is it possible to call a CSS code from inside the JS code in XWiki.The
Javascript code has been written to import CSS from a specific folder in the
web application structure. However, in XWiki, I've added both the JS & the
CSS code to the same Page using the Javascript & Stylesheet extensions. The
problem is that the JS file is unable to find the CSS code embedded inside
the same Page. Do I have to use the URL of the Stylesheet or do I write some
velocity code to get the run-time URL of the CSS file? Would this method
work.Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Hi everyone (devs and users),
While we have a clear governance for write access to our source
repository (http://dev.xwiki.org), we're missing a clear governance
for xwiki.org. The idea is to address mainly the following 2 questions:
1) who "owns" it and thus "controls" (or rather provides direction
for) its content
2) can it be used for business advertising (support, paid packages,
consulting services)
Bit of History about XWiki SAS
- XWiki SAS (http://xwiki.com) is the company founded by Ludovic
Dubost the creator of XWiki (I'm the CTO of XWiki SAS in addition to
being a committer here).
- Most of the active contributors are also employed and paid by XWiki
SAS to develop the XWiki software. Today that's
-- 12.5 committers (developers)
-- 1 open source product manager (see http://markmail.org/thread/ggaaw4u6yyci4oan
for its definition)
-- 1 designer
-- 1 tester/technical writer
- XWiki SAS sells services around the open source software, see http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Services/
- XWiki SAS truly believes and understands open source, see http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/About/Values
-- I also wrote a blog post on this some time back: http://massol.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/XWikiSASAndOpenSource
- XWiki SAS has promised "not to do evil" ;), see its manifesto at http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/About/Manifesto
- XWiki SAS is paying for the servers and maintenance of xwiki.org,
myxwiki.org, the maven repo, the svn repo, the hudson build serversn
the free JUG farm, and more
Issue at hand
XWiki SAS would like to generate more revenue to be able to increase
the development pace of the XWiki software. We'd like to fund even
more the development of XWiki, so that it becomes an even better
product. We've asked you what you'd like to see in the future in XWiki
and you've answered on this survey result:
We'd like to implement those features as fast as possible.
For this we need to ensure that users interested in commercial
services find easily the way to http://xwiki.com, even when they
arrive on xwiki.org.
This is true for XWiki SAS's services but also for any company willing
to offer services around the XWiki open source project. There's no
magic. Developers need to be paid when they work full time on some
project. We need a commercial ecosystem around XWiki for it to
progress as quickly as its competitors (the collaboration market). We
need to allow for commercial companies the ability to generate revenue
from their work on the XWiki open source project. However we also want
to continue ensuring that all the XWiki development is done in open
source, under a LGPL license.
Governance Proposal
1) xwiki.org is controlled by the XWiki committers. This means that
important changes brought to it should be discussed/vote on the list,
using the same practices as for code commits
2) xwiki.org stays open in edit mode to all external contributors (and
XWiki committers continue to monitor it to remove spam, etc)
3) we agree to start with 3 zones where companies can advertise their
commercial offers on top of the XWiki open source product:
-- On the download page (for business packages, subscriptions, hosting)
-- On the support page (for services: support, consulting)
-- (still to be defined) Possibly on a "Products" tab in the new
horizontal navigation. The idea would be to do as jboss.org is doing.
Projects are open source and community and Products are commercial
4) the company offerings are listed by their amount of contributions
to the XWiki open source project. The company that contributes most
(XWiki SAS today) gets the best spots (top of the list, bigger space)
5) Companies who want to be listed should provide some proof of their
contributions to the XWiki open source project
6) XWiki SAS gets some acknowledgment for paying for the xwiki.org
server/maintenance of it. Probably somewhere in the footer of the site
or on side panel somewhere
7) xwiki.org should always remain a site for the xwiki open source
We want to stress that this proposal is not about XWiki SAS making a
commercial takeover of the xwiki.org site.
It's about recognizing that if the XWiki open source software
progresses quickly today, it's thanks to contributors but also for a
very large proportion to companies paying developers to work on it,
either directly (like XWiki SAS or other companies that have
developers contributing) or indirectly (by paying for example XWiki
SAS or other companies to work on specific features).
It's also about recognizing that XWiki SAS is happy to see other
companies willing to contribute to the progress of the XWiki open
source project and thus to provide a place for these companies to be
visible too.
I hope that all our contributors but also users of the XWiki Open
Source software will find this proposal acceptable and I welcome any
feedback on it.
-Vincent Massol
Hat 1: XWiki SAS CTO
Hat 2: XWiki committer
When I use the XMLRPC interface from Python I can store a lot of pages,
attachments and even convert syntaxes.
But how can I find if some
attachment already exists in the wiki to make a link to that attachment
and not upload the same attachment over and over again?
kind regards,
Kind regards,
ONVZ Healthinsurance
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I'm trying to implement a vertical dropdown menu on one of my panels using CSS, but the extended popout submenu that appears on the side when the cursor hovers over the link gets cut off by the edge of the panel, so most of my submenu doesn't show up. This happens because the menu and submenu are part of the Panel document (SpaceLinks), so the extended submenu can't appear out of this panel document. Has anyone encountered this problem before and is there a simple solution?
The source code for XWiki has this line of html for one of the already-existing dropdown menus of the Wiki:
<div class="topmenuentry dropdownmenuentry hasIcon" onmouseover="showsubmenu(this);" onmouseout="hidesubmenu(this);" id="tmWiki">
Does the solution have something to do with onmouseover? I'm stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ive build and deployed the WAR from *platform* module.
When I access the xwiki, the main page displays in the header some velocity
syntax instead of what it should normally output.
See the attachement pls.(I ve modified a little bit the javascript.vm
content - adding some quotes to the first lines and a pretty bad word but
the problem is the same)!
So the problem is in the *htmlheader.vm* file when it includes the j*
avascript.vm* template.
If i've just commented the line 75 in htmlheader.vm, the UI problem
So i suspect something in the javascript.vm file is wrong.
Whats the problem?
Also, i think some maven dependencies should also be added in pom.xml for
lucene and calendar plugins, because when i copied the generated WAR in
tomcat, i got 2 ClassNotFoundException.
Hello, we'd like to use the bulletinboard application (http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/BulletinBoardApplication), but we want to allow WYSIWYG editing of a post so links and perhaps photos can be embedded. Right now, the class for each post only has a author, date, and the text is a TextArea. So, I guess I have two questions:
1) Is there a handle for the WYSIWIG editor to be embedded in a page?
2) Can it be used on a TextArea or does it have to be used on a document?
It looks to me like we might have to make every post it's own document to get WYSIWIG, but wanted to check first.
Current code that is displaying the text input box:
<span class="bbsmalltitle"> <a name=postmessage href="#postmessage"> $msg.bb_postmessage </a> </span>
<form method="post" action="$doc.getURL("objectadd")" class="postreply">
<input type="hidden" name="xredirect" value="$doc.getURL()#$lastpostid" />
<input type="hidden" name="classname" value="BBCode.PostClass" />
<input type="hidden" name="BBCode.PostClass_postauthor" value="$context.user" />
<textarea rows="10" cols="65" id="BBCode.PostClass_postcontent" name="BBCode.PostClass_postcontent" /></textarea><br />
<input id="BBCode.PostClass_postbutton" type="submit" value="Post!" />
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This code from http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Snippets/Create200DummyUsersSnippet
for(user in users){
fullName = user.get(0) + user.get(1)
udoc = xwiki.getDocument("XWiki."+fullName)
uobj = udoc.getObject("XWiki.XWikiUsers", true)
uobj.set("first_name", user.get(0))
uobj.set("last_name" , user.get(1))
print("* Registering *" + udoc.fullName + "*\n")
gObj = allGroup.newObject('XWiki.XWikiGroups')
How to test if membership of group Xwiki.XWikiAllgroup already exists
If I run the script twice I get two records in the group for the same person
I would rather have the same behaviour as with getDocument; if not exists it creates a new one, otherwise a new version?