for a glossar I would like to create documents for each letter automatically.
I tried to use
#set ($newDoc = $xwiki.createDocument())
However, the var $newDoc will not assigned
What is wrong with that?
Stefan Bachert
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Hi there,
I,ve installed the XWIKI on my machine and started the webapp.
Then went to Sandbox's test page 1:
There it is written that i have to click on the 'Edit' button but I
DONT SEE ANY BUTTON at all. Why is that? What's the problem?
Thank you!
I have installed XOffice 1.1 M1 to edit files on my XWiki 2.1.1.
My previous XOffice tests were done against a stand alone jetty setup.
The Server URL was just a simple http://localhost:8090. Now that I
have deployed XWiki on Tomcat 6.0 I can't seem to figure out the
Server URL to enter in XWord. For now I use the URL
http://localhost:8090/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.1.1 in my browser to
What am I missing ?
Simon Glet
I am rewriting the "todo" example list to be suitable for my company. I would like to show in the list the date of creation of the documents. How can i get it?
The code is something like:
<table id="todoTable" class="grid sortable filterable doOddEven" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr class="sortHeader">
<th class="unsortable selectFilter">Fecha</th>
<th class="unsortable selectFilter">Descripcion</th>
#foreach ($todo in $todos)
#set ($todoDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($todo))
#set ($todoObj = $todoDoc.getObject("XWiki.TodoClass"))
So get from the todoobj the creation date.
Francisco Hernández CuchÃ
Jefe de Servicios Sistemas de Información
C\ Paseo de la Castella 75
tlf: 913496844
mail: francisco.hernandez(a)oepm.es <mailto:francisco.hernandez@oepm.es>
IMPORTANTE: El contenido de este correo y ficheros adjuntos es confidencial y está dirigido únicamente
para el destinatario/s.
Si Ud recibe este correo por error, por favor póngase en contacto con su administrador de correo o con el
emisor immediatamente y no difunda su contenido a nadie ni haga copias.
*** Este correo ha sido escaneado de virus y contenido malicioso ***
Some of the transaction were very poor, ungrammatically and wrong
in panel wizard
e.g "WIEDERRUFEN" means "call again"
very likely the intent was to offer "cancel" which can be translated as "WIDERRUFEN" (means revoke, "what i have done was wrong")
(a better and more usual translation is "Abbrechen")
(WIEDER = again, WIDER = against, anti, contra, RUFEN = call, shout)
Is there a possibility to propose translations?
Stefan Bachert
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The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This release contains many important UI improvements of existing
features (xar import, user registration, comments, etc.), and
introduces the new Model API starting with a new EntityReference and
related tools to remove all String manipulations around documents and
attachment names.
Changes from XWiki Enterprise 2.1.2:
* New XAR Import UI
* UI for Deleted documents & attachments
* New Profile & WatchList UI
* New Registration page, new CAPTCHA implementation
* New Menu in Edit mode
* Comments UI improvements
o Preview comment
o Edit comment
* WYSIWYG and Rendering improvements
* General UI improvements
* Contextual wiki macros
* New Model module with Reference implementation
* Development improvements
* Office import improvements
* Blog improvement
* Dependencies upgrade
o Upgraded to Groovy 1.7
o Upgrade to GWT 2.0.0
* New zh_TW translation
* New user profile pages are created in XWiki Syntax 2.0
* Many bugfixes
For more information see the Release notes at:
and http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXEM22
-The XWiki dev team
Is there a way to set panels different per user capability?
Stefan Bachert
Do You Yahoo!?
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